The Wayhaven Chronicles General Discussion (SPOILER FREE FOR BOOK THREE!)

@smuteczekbiczo, I answer your question here because this has not much to do with the other thread, which we prefer to keep focused on the Demo of Book Two from the Wayhaven Chronicles only.

Now your question:
In order not to get bitten by Murphy at the end of book one your mc needs to have enough energy left. There are invisible counters (which you can see in the code) that keep track of how much energy the mc uses once they are captured by Murphy. So most (if not every) possible choice you make has consequences in this regard.
Now the best way to keep from using your mc’s energy in fruitless manners is to keep silent and to not fight against the bounds when your mc is strapped to the table, whilst Murphy is talking to your mc and about to put those needles in your arm.

What also helps:
After your mc has escaped from the table and meets Unit Bravo there is a fight between the Unit and Murphy. It comes in handy to have a high enough Observation in order to be able to see that Murphy has been injured and favours one of his legs. Though this is not a necessity, I believe.