The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two (WIP)

Aah, @Liza_P ,thank you for posting the links to that! I was having trouble getting on the forum, urgh.
But I’ve finally made it on, lol!

It’s that time, guys!

I’m putting out a call for volunteers who would be willing to beta test The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book Two and help me finish it off to be the best it can be!

For people around the last time I did this, it’s gonna pretty much exactly the same process as Book One’s beta test :smiley:

I’m looking for people who:

  • Can commit to the time frame (2 weeks, starting 12th October until 25th October).

  • Are willing to go through the game multiple times in a variety of ways to catch as many bugs/errors as possible in different variations.

Book Two is LARGE , with A LOT of variation and quite a few branches. It may get exhausting going through it so much, and I really want this to be an enjoyable experience for you even if it is hard work. So please make sure it’s something that won’t stress you or exhaust you. I really don’t want that for anyone!

  • Will be discreet. Please don’t spoil the game for others by discussing it with others or by posting spoilers/screenshots before the game’s release. This is the most important factor.

  • Can communicate through email on a regular basis. Email makes the process much simpler and easier to organise.

  • Have a good grasp of grammar, spelling, etc. You don’t need to have English as your first language though! I had two non-native English speakers last testing phase and they helped immensely in making it a smooth read for others whose first language isn’t English.

  • Will be willing to provide positive feedback alongside the fixes and errors. Pointing out the aspects you like, as well as the important errors, helps me learn what I’m doing right, as well as just helping keep me boosted during this very nerve-wracking period, hehe! :smiley:

If you’re interested in working with me on this, then please send an email to:

seraphinitegames (at) outlook (dot) com (without spaces and an actual ‘@’)

with the subject of Wayhaven Beta Testing. In the mail, if you could just let me know why you’re interested in beta testing, as well as the romance you’re interested in the most (or no romance at all).

Then on Thursday 10th October, if you’ve been selected, I’ll send you a message back with the details of the testing and a HUGE thanks for be willing to do this!

I am really hoping for a range of testers of different genders and sexualities to make sure to get opinions on those intricate romance dynamics between different people so—only if you’re willing—if you could add in when you tell me of your most interested romance about what type as well e.g. Male MC, gay romance, Adam or Female MC, Bi-sexual romance, Nat.

You don’t have to do the above! Please don’t think you have to reveal anything like that if you don’t want to. I t’s only if you’re willing, so as I can get a more rounded range of testers :slight_smile: I will be asking everyone to play through multiple romances anyway, no matter their preferences!

The story is pretty much set now, so things won’t be changing with the plot or characters. The feedback I’m looking for is more technical, coding, or spelling error kind of thing, as well as continuity and flow of story for personalities, genders, etc. Obviously, I would still love to get your opinion on it! Or if you think a choice could be added, or if there are parts that aren’t explained well, etc.

As you guys know, I like to be honest during the process of all of this, and although I’m proud of my work, I think it’s hard not to get worried when showing it to others! And I am incredibly nervous this time round as well, lol.

But I had such an amazing experience with beta testing for Book One, and even made amazing friends out of it!

I can’t wait to hear from you, and start working with you on polishing up Book Two into the final product it will be :smiley:

(Please be aware I won’t be able to accept everyone who volunteers if I get a large number of people! It’s not that I wouldn’t love to work with you, it’s just an issue of organisation and numbers).