The Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One (Discussion) FAQ Located on Post 2

You sweet angel. I use flux because at night, the brightness of my screen can give me headaches, but I don’t like how it kills certain colours.

This is salvation.



Not to stray too far off topic, but yeeeeeeeeeees. I love talking to you guys, but my eyes would strain so much at night while replying. This is already relieving the pressure. Hopefully with zero backlight on my phone, I can still reply without getting a midnight headache. It won’t be nighttime for another eight hours, so it’s hard to tell if it’ll work but…fingers crossed!

And now, back to your regularly scheduled fangirling…


I know i’m kinda getting back to that certain subject, but can’t your character be somewhat manipulative tho? I’m pretty sure there were moments where you could be out right rude to the characters(including N and F) and
during the mother scene you could tell A “yeah i should probably bring someone” but the option after you could tell them your going alone, and i’m pretty sure you can basically ignore your main love interests and be kind and nice to the other characters(i know you can definitely do this in the love triangle.)
I don’t know if this really manipulating but its similar. (I’m sorry for bringing this back up but i just wanna see if i was correct with this.)

Is night over here, and it does feel so damn good.

@Alexis Umm, I don’t really think that is being manipulative? Like, A is a stubborn character that want things done their way (in that case he does have a point, but in general, is his attitude at first). You can be extremely independent towards the first book, but you are not really giving the option to be “evil/manipulative” (I think Sera said that you can, of course, have different personalities, but you will always be a good person).

I mean, I have no idea of how it will be in future games, but some things that are for sure is, for example, you will always be working with the Agency, you can’t betray them or UB. And eventually you will build a relationship with the team. Will you have options to make it a pretension? I have no idea.

That’s reallg nice but sadly I don’t think it works on mobile :weary: I would love it for my phone. Oh well.

Though to stay on topic. I was talking with someone about this yesterday: what do you guys think Tina’s reaction is gonna be when she learns about all the Supernatural Shenanigans? I’m thinking she’s gonna have a big reaction but I’m not sure if it’s gonna be “Vampires? AWESOME!” or “Vampires? OH HECK NO.”

I’d like to think her first reaction is like:

Tina: Wait. Wait. MC! Your SO is a vampire?!
MC: Um… Yes.
Tina: Did… Did you know? Like. Before you started dating?!
MC: Yes.
Tina: … okay, good. Cool.
RO: … Huh. That went better than expected?
Tina: I just wanted to make you didn’t catfish my friend! And you didn’t! So we’re cool.


I dunno about you but it works on my mobile…

Well she could just pass out when Ro shows their fangs


It works on mobile.

I am an unfortunate iPhone user, this is what I get when I go to interface:

I’m crossing my fingers that Tina and Verda will find out (lowkey Verda is a supernatural) eventually.

As for their reaction… I think Tina would be a bit of:

T: Oh. Is that why they are so hot?
MC: … what?
T: you know, vampires are meant to be really hot, and they are
MC: Em… well, actually I don’t know

Then, I think that if the MC is deep in a relationship with one of them, Tina might get concerned, like, “wait, does this mean you will turn into a vampire?” And be worried because she wanted to get old with her best friend, if they have children of their own, have them be close friends, and stuff like that.

Verda, well, h̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶s̶u̶p̶e̶r̶n̶a̶t̶u̶r̶a̶l, I think he would be 50% want to learn more about it 50% couldn’t be arsed because he has enough with his husband and their kids a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶M̶C̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶T̶i̶n̶a̶ lmao.


I just hope Tina doesn’t go all anti-vamp. Would be lots of drama if she did.

I’m 50% sure she’d be fine and 50% sure she’d freak.


Omg, that would break my heart so much. What if she gets terrified of vampires (F getting hurt by that, A thinking of the monster stuff, N sad but accepting because they are used to it by now) and starts to tell the MC she should get away from them. Then starts going more and more unstable until that fear starts to turn into hate, and with it, hate for the MC too, because they have choose the side of the monsters…



I don’t think she’d ever hate the MC, but if she felt like her bestfriend was in danger or being controlled…(“Immune? Yeah right! Did they tell you that? They’re messing with your head, MC!”)…things could get messy.


2 much angst 4 me

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Why does everything come back to this? To the angst??? :disappointed:

I just wanted fun Tina content and ya’ll give me this… angst.

How dare you


I have an iPhone there should be a Theme section with Choice of Games selected. Click and you should get an option for Choice of Games dark.

How’s this for fun Tina content?
A Tina who’s entire knowledge of vampires comes from romance novels, and she asks you weirdly specific questions.

[on a night out at the bar]
Tina: Is it true that vampires are more…bitey?
MC: [chokes on their drink]

[at the copy/printing machine]
Tina: So…if vampires don’t need to sleep, does that mean they can…go all night?
MC: [dying whale noises]

[in the breakfast nook]
Tina: If vampires don’t like the daytime, does that mean they just wanna stay in and snuggle in the mornings?
MC: [fumbles their cup until it falls and break on the floor] Why do you hate meeeeeeeeee?


Yeah, I don’t think Tina would ever hate the MC unless the MC did something truly horrible. I’m just being dramatic for the love of angst :joy:

Maybe the MC could give out “hypothetical” scenarios. Like, what her opinion on vampires are in general. Does she think that vampires automatically equal monsters/evil or are they more on the level of simply being a different type of sentient being? And, if they’re just monsters, Lucas would have an awkward time being around her after that; the concept of Ava (or anyone in Unit Bravo, for that matter) being a monster just by existing barely even computes, and would not put up with such language from anyone. Maybe even so far as a what-if concerning a supernatural MIB sort of organization. Especially if it was looking as though the MC had to leave and have her become the next detective.


How amazing would UB look in suits?!

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