The War of 2022- beta testing thread- Closed

Beta testing is currently CLOSED! Thank you to everyone who participated!


I have completed the draft of my WIP- The War of 2022!

I am kind of amazed that I can actually write those words. A project that began as a way to pass the final months of my military service as well as process my experiences has become a full blown 116,000 word game!

In The War of 2022 (Name possibly subject to change), you are a conscript in the military of the fictional state of Regovia- a country surrounded by enemies in which only those who serve in the military are full-citizens.
In The War of 2022, you will go through training and serve in the Wardens- the most prestigious and elite unit in the Regovian military!
Will you remain loyal to your country or run away? Will you lead your country to victory or die trying?


  • Play as Female or Male.
  • Serve in one of the three units which make up the Wardens- The Scouts, Sappers or Crows.
  • Fight as a Fireteam leader, Medic, Marksman, Light Machine Gunner or Heavy Machine Gunner.
  • Fight in dynamic battles directly influenced by your previous choices.
  • Devote yourself to the Republic or turn your back on its lies.


Reply to this topic or PM me. The first five to express desire to take part in the beta will be placed on the list for the first round. The next five will be placed on the list for the second round and the next five on the next. Anyone who requests to join after the first fifteen will be placed on the ā€œbackupā€ list in case one of the fifteen doesnā€™t respond to the followup or I feel I need more opinions.

A ā€œroundā€ will last for five days after the sign-up is filled or after I receive feedback from every tester.


Round 1 *Completed*
  1. Jessie_Mer_de_Bau_sa
  2. MindightWatcher
  3. 11110
  5. CYC_MAA
Round 2 *Completed*
  1. @K_T
  2. @Nbnation13
  3. @Rajvendra_Manik
  4. @PapaGrohk
  5. @ErenLeung
Round 3 *Completed*
  1. PlagueCodex
  2. majinmike
  3. augustus27
  4. CaesarCzech
  5. Addy3
  1. Aditya_Baishya
  2. LordKons
  3. Formous
  4. Metalhead75
  5. John_McKeown
  6. kckolbe


[details=ā€œHas given sufficient feedbackā€]
KV1_DESEMPREGADO, CYC_MAA, MindightWatcher, ErenLeung, K_T, Rajvendra_Manik, augustus27, CaesarCzech, PlagueCodex, John_McKeown, Levi_K, Judarkus)

Link to full public demo: The War of 2022 [WIP] Updated 15-6-20

Thank you and enjoy!


Can I take in the beta test


Hello @YHGS if you are willing I would love to beta test this game as an avid fan of military fiction


I would like to enter the beta testing, sounds like a very interesting game.

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Hello @YHGS Iā€™d like to enter the beta because this is one of the wips that Iā€™m fascinated with.

I would like to beta testšŸ˜Š

What does beta testing entail

Can I play alpha

Reading and playing as much of the beta version of the game as you can (Different paths and strategies) while sharing your opinions and any bugs/mistakes you encounter.

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Hey Iā€™d love to play the beta!

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Then you got your guy if your willing


Could I play the beta?

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A huge thank you to everyone who signed up for the beta so far!

Note there are still 5 places for the third round and extra places for the backup slots!

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Iā€™d like to enter the beta, please!

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Iā€™d like to beta test the game if you still need more people.

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Iā€™d be interested in joining the beta.

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Id be interested betatested several COG games so i figure i might be able to help

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Iā€™d also like to do the beta please.

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I would like to beta test

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@YHGS I would like to play plzzzā€¦