The War for the West [Releasing Nov 14]

If you think you can re do the battle mechanics (for this part) then I think you should consider doing that.
(After dealing with priority stuff of course)

It can be done by creating the efficiency factor… as in that while archers are good at ranged attacks they won’t be much help in close quarter combat. Even with them wielding short swords by that point.

Men at Arms would then be particularly good at close quarter fighting. They’ll fight under discipline, not break ranks & can even help a player with relatively small army. Since their small numbers will be compensated for in the form of skill, equipment, training etc. Presence of large numbers of Men at Arms in our army can then even cause a demoralizing effect in the enemy army.

Militia would then be there to provide bulk to the army. Make it look big & formidable. When in reality they’d be troops with poor discipline. Susceptible to breaking formation & dying. Of course their poor equipment & training won’t help much either.

Knights well you can’t have enough of them, can you?
Presence of large numbers of knights in our army can even make a number of enemy army desert out of sheer fear from the prospect of facing larger number of mounted heavy cavalry which can just role over them with the sheer weight of their numbers.
(I’ll be using cheat menu to achieve that tbh)

Edit: Maybe even develop new battle tactics.
Like in the field battle, we could do the same with enemy army, what they do to us i.e Send mounted heavy cavalry (knights) to flank them from behind. Same as Brendel does to us.
That’ll be a proper mess wouldn’t it be?

(I know we can already do that with archers. But it’s more fun with cavalry)

The cavary then can just role over enemy archers or their rear ranks causing panic helping us achieve a decisive advantage over them

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@MahatmaDagon, when will we be able to obtain the Seicsword? After the battle?

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Should the MC get the Sielcsword at some point, I’ll plan to give the Sielcsword to my MC’s second son, who will one day become Lord of Sielccia and the Sielcsword would go a long way to legitimise him in the eyes of the rivermen. The eldest son and heir will obviously inherit the Kingdom of the West, the family sword (the sword made out of the Fallen Star) and the abyssal armour.


Where can I get that?

Are you playing at the latest version? If so, play until the end of the game, make sure to kill the Abyssal Spawn using the Sword of Fallen Star, keep the body and in the late part of the game you’ll get an option to make a
armour of the abyssal body, provided you sent a piece to the Alchemists for study.

@MahatmaDagon I think the army mechanic during the open warfare is already good, at the start of battle we send our melee soldier on our enemy at tge foothill to stall them, and we fire arrow fron the top of the hill. This army mechanic already perfect because it wss realistic logic attacking sequence in war because of that why need to change it.

I think if anything need to be added is the continuation to send our army to attack the enemy camp during the siege of our castle

To ne honest, archers are OP in a siege. I didn’t check but perhaps you should use different multiplicators for the field and the siege.

I mean, if you have something like 2000 archers (which I had in one of my playthroughs), 3-4 volleys would probably be enough because of the ‘holy shit’ factor since they clearly wouldn’t be expecting it (especially with all of Noyedas’ bull about being able to crush us only to end up completely unprepared).

That does make me wonder what Noyedas’ plan actually is. Even should you lose in the battle against him, he loses so many men that he would never be able to continue. His entire plan depends on and would only work if he gets your troops and resources, and simply loses too many of his own should he actually fight you in any possible event.

I know it’s implied he’s getting funding from elsewhere, but what if it goes even further? Like what if he’s being outright tricked and manipulated by someone? Someone that is feeding him false Intel about the strength of your forces and the forces of the other nobles to get him to do this, because it will help in their goal in some way? like that group that tries to kill you through the game, the triple chalice. Perhaps they’re behind his rebellion too?

It’s the E.B.B, the Triple Chalice are responsible for far more sinister things than funding Noyedas, I suspect. I already said my thoughts on them.

Thank you!

Wait. Does this mean that if the MC is female, it’s not possible to have a bastard or even a legit offspring with Kenrir?

By the way, once the “Forgotten One” is awakened will it always end with a bad ending? Is it not possible to continue further with the story after the FO is awakened? (If you have answered this already just send me the link. I wasn’t able to read all the discussions in the thread, I only read through the story.)

Will exposure to the special sword always result to the MC dying?

Is it not possible for MC himself to kill Nada? Will it always result in her escaping? What about the female MC? Will Nada’s intentions still be the same even if the MC female, considering they won’t be able to have children?

I know this one’s quite early but will it be necessary to have an heir in order to play the sequel to the next game? I was thinking that maybe if the present MC decides not to have an heir, then in the sequel, MC would still be playable, albeit elderly already. And maybe do some hocus pocus thingy to have a child even without a spouse/lover? Like a child born of magic?

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Yup. E.B.B folks are bankrolling him to create a second front against Mienstrels where the first front is the rebellion taking place in Eastern provinces.
And, correct me if I’m wrong but @Mahatmadagon said that Meybuk has been actively manipulating events so that no matter what we do, we still end up fighting Noyedas.
He believes that our MC is the prophesied hero & he has gone to great lengths to make the prophecy come to fruition.

On a different matter:
I never said the current battle mechanics are bad or not up to the task. As they stand, I think they work pretty good. But if there’s any possibilty that they could be improved then we have to at least consider it.

Of course it’ll go with the caveat “Don’t fix something that’s not broken”
But it shouldn’t be used to stifle the creativity of author.

Meaning no offence to anyone. :smiley:

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While it’s technically considered a bad ending, you’ll be able to play the next game with that ending if you have a heir. The only difference is that there’ll be an almost unstoppable monster who will be forever connected to your lineage that’ll change the world forever.

If you send it to the Alchemist Guild, they’ll advise you to use a scabbard made out of lead so the radiation doesn’t kill you. So no, you won’t always die.

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Well he isn’t wrong. I believe Meybuk ultimately always thought of the MC’s well being first before anything else.
Anyway did you play the most recent version of the game? Or read the code? If you didn’t, I suggest you do and play the game to the end or just go to the code. What happened with the Meinstrel family may surprise you


Thanks. I find the FO branch interesting. I wonder what will happen next.

To be clear, are you talking about waking the Wyrm or sacrificing for the Forgotten One after the MC Commits?

From the writing, it’s implied that they botg refer to the same being.

Yes its the same monster, but when the MC goes to sacrifice people for awakening the Forgotten One, that’s a bad ending and the game ends( since the MC has to give his own life in order to awake the Wyrm, which the MC can do late game).

Would you be so kind to link me to that specific source code? I currently don’t own a pc, only a mobile.

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Here it is.

Looks like sh*t hit the fan. As if situation wasn’t bad enough as it is. This seems like a proper pile on doesn’t it?

So the bastard of Sielcner & Mienstrel bloodline did his job then. I’m assuming it was him the EBB was propping up to cause an uprising in the capital.
Poor Jeohr. Dude stood no chance.

So we can bring Dullis into our fold through marriage, Sielccia through conquest & heritage revelation.
Bolgan I’m still debating. Whether to get in Lady Sessnah’s good graces by returning her sister to her along with sigining a commercial treaty
Finish off forces of House Drown lead by her husband when going to fight Sons of Snake.
I mean Pudarr bad bones did make a strong promise of friendship for that. But of course House Drown won’t fall by Lord’s summit.

That leaves us with House Gorroth. Well at least Lord Arlec & some of his forces aren’t in Western Peninsula currently. That’s a relief.