The War for the West [Releasing Nov 14]

So, it might be a little early to talk about that stuff, but I do plan on making ALL the endings playable in the next game, as long as you reached an ending where there is at least one heir or bastard of your lineage alive.

This means a dozen or so widely different beginnings and “political states” for the realm, but if there’s anyone crazy enough to do it, I think that’s me.

I’ll eventually quantify those beginnings and talk in detail about them, probably in a thread for the sequel when this one is done. I also like the idea of letting players without a save start the next game by picking their origins. And I do love the idea of letting you select if you want to play a bastard or a legitimate heir, and the one you didn’t pick likely becoming your rival for the throne.

Welcome back!

About the late game consequences, not all of them have been implemented yet. Of those which are missing, the most important are probably the ones related to same-sex RO. I focused on the relationships that could provide children first because I was working on the bastard/heir generator and wanted to get this out of the way quickly, but I won’t neglect the other RO.


What if the MC didn’t have a bastard though?

There are plenty of other enemies.

@MahatmaDagon When you have a child with Noyedas, will you be able to secretly abort it without him knowing?

Hi @MahatmaDagon, first post here, first off let me tell you that this CYOA is pretty damn good, I found so many branches (even if a lot of them end up killing me, but that’s a lot of fun too), I’m pretty impressed and I can’t wait to see more of it.

With that said I would like to report a few bugs or inconsistencies, most of them involving what happens in the path where you marry Noyedas but I think some of those problems might be shared with other paths anyway.

So if you kill Noyedas, have his baby and name him your heir, and have Vradnir as your lover then if you chose to become celibate instead of continuing the romance with him it talks like if the baby didn’t exist, saying that maybe it’s a good thing for the line to die with her.
(Also does the MC needs to become celibate? Isn’t it possible to finish a specific romance without saying “No more sex ever”?)

Also apparently the game insisted on having more than one baby because even if I chose celibacy it kept asking me if I wanted to continue the romance until I do, and when the bastard event came up even if I choose to abort the 2nd baby the option kept repeating itself until I chose to have it.

I tried a new play-through where I didn’t romance anyone else to see if that did something and then it said “It would appear that you and none had been busy, for there was another child on the way”.

By the way, is there a reason as to why if she kills him she survives the birth but dies if she doesn’t kill him? Or why you can die losing the campaign against Dullis if you just join him but if you marry him he wins it by himself? I understand it’s just narrative convenience, which is a perfectly valid reason, I was just wondering if there was an in-universe reason as well.

Also regarding the killing of Noyedas is there a difference between stabbing and poisoning him? At first I thought that you could only stab him and get away with it if you had a high combat stat but I tried it with a non-combat character and she still managed to escape, so then I thought maybe the social option would let you kill him without revealing it was you, which is a path I thought could be very interesting, but no, the same thing happens, they know it’s you and you escape, so I fail to see why put an exclusive option when the straightforward option has no requirements and the same result.

Also what happens to Sielccia if you have the baby with Noyedas? If you win the war against him you can conquer his former lands or ask the king for them, but in the marriage path after you killed they just leave your land (at least assuming you don’t have too much civil unrest) and it ends there, so would the baby, and by proxy the MC, had a claim to his land? True you killed him, but I think he had no other heirs (although I might be wrong about that) and he was married to the MC so the baby is not a bastard so it is his legitimate successor, I think it would be nice if that was at least acknowledged.

I think that was why I liked the idea of being able to kill him without without anyone knowing it was the MC, (maybe by incriminating a certain lady living in the castle that has said is worried about her sister rising in rebellion against the king {ie: exactly what Noyedas is doing} and who doesn’t have anything else to do in that path if she is still in the castle since there isn’t a jealous spouse to tell the MC to make her leave or marry their cousin), then she could just say that since she is carrying his child she is just going to annex the lands to her own and I doubt many will complain about it, conquering his lands in peaceful way with nobody dying, aside from Noyedas but nobody cares about him.

But anyway, that’s just an idea, it’s your story so you can do whatever you want with it and I will be excited to play it either way, just thought about throwing my 2 cents. and thank you again for all the effort you put into this, it’s very appreciated.


So the achievements have become interesting since the last time I saw them… @MahatmaDagon was the Kingslayer one supposed to be hidden?


That ending in the demo damn i can’t wait to see what happens next and the leather armor it goes so bad ass with my star sword.

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Will it be possible to add away to upgrade your troops like giving them better weapons and and Armour to make them better even if it costs a lot of money to give them better weapons and Armour it would be worth it to have one of the best equipped army’s in the land.

I do not think it’s a good idea because it’s impractical without cheats, a good sword costs between 100 and 300, if we multiply by 1000 = 300000, and many armies are bigger than 1000.In my case for example, 300 × 3212 = 963600.

That’s why i said if it’s possible it would be great to have a good sized army of 4600 men all fully equipped with the best weapons and Armour money could buy you could be unstoppable.

I think cannon fodder is still necessary; giving advanced and more skilled troops better equipment (ex: chainmail) would be more practical imo, it’s most likely that everyone can’t haul a heavy piece of iron plate.


True true but i would rather have a smaller army of well equipped troops than a huge army of cannon fodder as long as you are a good commander numbers will be no problem.

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Quality superiority is better but casualties don’t often determime the successes of battle. A loss of a hundred men would prove as crippling to an inferior force as a loss of a thousand men to an army of bigger numbers.

Probably better to invest money in your own demesne for economical growth (basically what CK2 taught me) and/or technological advancement. Wars don’t need to be won by armies necessarily.


Again very true but i always look to the Romans and Julius Caesar always outnumbered in battles and yet won why cause superior strategy, terrain,weaponry they where true masters of war so yes i would always go with Quality over quantity and for me i would rather go to war than use subterfuge.


Well one thing you’re forgetting is that the Romans, even at caesars time, had massive state institutions for training soldiers, supported by an empire’s worth of taxes, infrastructure, resources and, most importantly many millions of people in the empire supporting it all. They could afford to pay massive amounts of money to give everyone high quality gear and extensive training, and more importantly, afford to have the large numbers of people involved in everything surrounding it not working in farming (like mining, forging, maintaining everything etc in addition to the soldiers). The sheer scale of it all was huge and wouldn’t be seen again for well over a thousand years after the fall of the Roman empire.

Meanwhile we in the game hold a single fairly good sized dutchy. The most I’ve seen the population be is 140k, and even that can very easily be inaccurate given the context of the census. You’re also sending a large part, maybe even most, of your money to the king. You just lack the size and scale to make soldiers as well equipped and trained like the Romans had, even in small numbers.


You also have to remember that the Roman Empire and Republic were built on military conquest and traditions which is why they were so invested into their Legions


I see him as a person really obsessed with the idea of having an heir, willing to do anything to ensure that it happens. He probably keeps people watching the MC 24/7 and doesn’t let her wander around by herself.

Thanks! About the path of marrying Noyedas, I believe you are correct, there are certain things I need to take a closer look at in order to patch together. The transition between the scene where you can marry him and the late game consequences need special attention. I’ll be taking the time to fix those things right now.

The game will now properly consider the existence of your heir if you have kept your child with Noyedas, killed him and had Vradnir or Lodka as a lover.

I took off the “chose a life of” part of the option for now. Eventually I can revisit the options and provide more alternatives.

Is the game pro-life? Boy, that’s a discussion I don’t want people to start having here. :cold_sweat:

Jokes aside, after some testing I found the bugs you mentioned, and I think I was able to fix them.

Fixed that one as well. The code was’t checking if you were married.

It can get really tricky to portray an abusive relationship of the kind I imagine it would be, and I’d rather avoid going into the details.

Not exactly by himself, since he has control over your troops. But yeah, that one falls mostly to plot convenience as well.

If I remember correctly, I considered only letting stabbing work with high combat, but I wanted to let the player have an “out” of the situation. It still depends on you having decent civil unret/morale IIRC, but at least there’s a chance of killing him even if you don’t have high stats.

I do agree it would be interesting to be able to kill him by poison and have different repercussions, but I think it would require an entirely new segment in order to do it proper justice. Skillchecks, taking his people’s suspicions into consideration, etc. It would be really cool to do all that, but I can’t make any promises about it being done given that I am already incredibly delayed in the development of the game and my time is only going to get scarcer in the coming weeks. To make matters worse, my notebook is still in maintenance and all the updates and answers I’m sending on the thread are done with someone else’s computer. :sweat:

I think there’s no way around that, it does need to be acknowledged. I need to add Sielccia-related options to this path as well, probably by also forcing your heir’s claim and adding a version of the King’s letter regarding this specific branch.

Cool idea, makes sense as well.

I don’t think the other riverlords would accept it that easy, given that they would still retain most of their troops (since you didn’t face in the field of battle). It’s still a path that I think could happen given some skillchecks, though.

Anyway, thanks for the reports and the feedback. I’ll upload the fixes as soon as I am able to.

@random-dude-78 I’ll be leaving that one there, there’s something about the way it is worded that hopefully will “click” when the player reach it.


how do you get peacemaker,kingslayer, godmaker, away from it all.

Peacemaker- have high personal stats, order Noyedas killed by saying that to Jenneth thus betraying him, instead of fighting with the Warmonk and Sir Brendell, let them go without demanding for spouse back.
Godmaker- complete the go to Ehael quest and after it make a religion.
Kingslayer- no clue, that still hasn’t been made.
Away from it all- marry Wyneva and during talks with her choose the get away from it all.

Do you mean “spend time with spouse” option or is this a different thing?