The War for the West [Releasing Nov 14]

Yeah, that’s how it currently is set.

I initially put this more as a small easter egg, not necessarily a reliable way to gain Social.

I can decrease the number of hands needed, I just don’t want it to be too low.


Is there any reason to fight out in the field instead of in the castle? More of my units always seem to lose whenever I pit them against Noyedas’s

Also is there any way to save King’s Landing if I send in enough units?

Because where’s the fun in rewarding people who haven’t suffered enough? I can’t overstate how fond I am of all the sadism in this game.

I was going to suggest that you make earning all 5 social points a visible achievement in the achievement menu, so that people know they have to play Cardeed for the rest of the weekend in order to raise that stat…something along the lines of ‘Wise husbandry: Your frugal ways have made you very attractive to suitors’, or better yet ‘Pay raise: the entire royal treasury now belongs to your counselors. They like you very much for it.’

But then I remembered some early complaints, about how people spent more time playing cardeed to fill up their depleted treasury than tackling court events. I guess this particular prank goes beautifully hand in hand with tricking people into showering King Jeor with their aurens. Players may actually get to earn those 5 points without help from a visible achievement :joy:

You get +2 unrest if you fight at your castle.

From yourCourt.txt:

 *if waitingForWarDate = (TotalDays + 1)
  *set unrest + 2 
  *set holdingCourt false
  It is now common knowledge that the army from Sielccia will arrive tomorrow. The peasants are desperate.

I too feel like I take higher casualties in the field than fighting at my castle.

If Lord Goyler likes you and you sent enough help to King's End, then King's End holds out.

From prepareForWar.txt:

*label defendKingsEnd
*set sentHelp true
*set kingsEndRelation + 2
*gosub_scene troopsRounder

What troops would you like to redirect to King's End?
*goto troopsPicker

*label troopsPicker
*gosub_scene troopsRounder

 *selectable_if (militia >= 50) #Send 50 Militia. 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 1 
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set militia - 50 
  *set troopsSent + 50
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (militia >= 50) #Send 100 Militia. 
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 2
  *set militia - 100
  *set troopsSent + 100
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (menAtArms >= 25) #Send 25 Men at Arms. 
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 1
  *set menAtArms - 25
  *set troopsSent + 25
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (menAtArms >= 50) #Send 50 Men at Arms. 
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 2 
  *set menAtArms - 50
  *set troopsSent + 50
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (menAtArms >= 100) #Send 100 Men at Arms. 
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 4 
  *set menAtArms - 100
  *set troopsSent + 100
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (archers >= 25) #Send 25 Archers.
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 1 
  *set archers - 25
  *set troopsSent + 25
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (archers >= 50) #Send 50 Archers.
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 2 
  *set archers - 50
  *set troopsSent + 50
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (archers >= 100) #Send 100 Archers.
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 4 
  *set archers - 100
  *set troopsSent + 100
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (knights >= 25) #Send 25 Knights.
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd + 3 
  *set troopsSent + 25
  *set knights - 25
  *goto troopsPicker

 *selectable_if (knights >= 50) #Send 50 Knights.
  *set sentSomething true 
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd +  6 
  *set troopsSent + 50
  *set knights - 50
  *goto troopsPicker

 *if (sentSomething = true) #Enough.
  *goto sendingTroops1

 *if (sentSomething = false) #None.
  *set sentHelp false
  *set sentHelpToKingsEnd 0 
  *set kingsEndRelation - 3
  *goto warEfforts

From aboutKingsEnd.txt:

*if (sentHelpToKingsEnd >= 10)
 *goto defended1

 *goto fallen

*label defended1

*if kingsEndRelation > 0
 With the help of the reinforcements you sent, the port town had managed to withstand the Sielccian offensive.

 But not without its losses. Lord Goyler died while defending the port, bravely repelling the enemy forces.

 *if (mentionedGoyler)
  As it turned out, Sir Brendell was lying when he said the man had bent the knee. Bards would sing songs about the Mad Mayor - as they would call Lord Goyler - for he fought half like a pirate, half like a madman, holding much greater numbers without ever giving them an opportunity to advance into the town.
 *goto newMayor

 With the help of the reinforcements you had sent beforehand, it was expected that the port town would have a good chance to withstand the Sielccian offensive.

 But it was all for nothing. Because, at some point, Lord Goyler decided to surrender it to the enemy forces. 
 *goto surrendered

What’s this about marrying your cousin to the boglan lady?


this is a great game.


If you’re a male mc who is married and gave asylum to lady Nellasha, after some time your wife will become jealous and ask you to kick lady Nellasha out. If you choose to talk to her, you can tell them that you can marry her to one of your vassals. There’s 3 options but she refuses to marry all of them except for your cousin. I hope this helped


Ah yes thank you that helped immensely! I think it was a timing of events issue on my part for why I’ve never seen it. Also I’m a sucker and always give her back to her sister lol.

I personally found the ending where you get kidnapped after being accused of killing the King slightly lacklustre, but it’s a pretty solid piece overall. Keep up the good work!


I thoroughly enjoy this game you’ve crafted.

It reminds me of Dragon Age in that I find myself wanting more and more interactions and details of the various NPCs, as I like even the villains and want to know more about them and what drives them.

The same with the lore.
Each time I replay the demo I try and to take different routes so as to delve deeper into the story’s lore and gobble up any tidbits and hints I can get from the different quests and interactions.

I look forward to the game’s completion and continuation in its sequel.

There are two quests that I would like to see expanded, but understand if they cannot.

In the quest with the man who’s suffering from the painful ailment:
I would like it if there was an alternative option to aiding him.
As it stands, we can either assist him in his suicide (either benevolently or maliciously), or harshly ignore him by throwing him in the dungeon.
I’d like it of there was an option to seek to alleviate his pain and actively look for a cure, such as seeking the assiatance of the Alchemists.
We’re already researching one cure at the beginning of the game, it doesnt seem like that far of a stretch to divert more resources into helping the gentleman out.
Additionally, if there was a way for him to be assisted by the church to see the value of his life, even with the suffering.
Especially since that’s one of the view points the genderless approve of in their questions.
I dont like helping him commit suicide, and feel bad that the only alternative to death is to just lock him up.

The second

Is when you return from the questioning by the genderless and discuss what occurred with your advisors.
The whole tone of the discussion and the options presented seem to imply a view point by the MC as seeing their faith as merely functional for societal stability, and changeable to fit that need.
This feels like a very quickly decided upon option or line of recourse, especially if you’ve been playing as a truly pious MC, who rebuilds the temple twice and attends the masses out of true piety and not simply functionality or duty.

Vradnir is the only one who really expresses displeasure at casting aside or changing the faith in the Two, while all other advisors are down for changing or leaving the faith and you’re never really given a choice to follow his line or thinking or belief.

It would be nice if you could echo Vradnir’s view, and keep to your faith despite the corruption in its higher epsilon.
It’d be cool to explore a MC who has to wrestle with still believing in their deities and religious doctrine while knowing of the existing corruption held by its leaders.

Rather than discarding it or augmenting it, it’d be cool to see an option that lets the MC hold true to their faith despite the hypocrisy of others.

However, as you’ve already expressed many times before, you can’t work on the game endlessly.

As much as I’d like these changes or more interactions with the NPCs such as the Sister, the game camt team in development forever.

I appreciate the time and detail you’ve carefully placed into this story, and I look forward to buying the finished product.


love this game, my favorite on this entire forum along with the Tudor one


what an amazing concept!!!


I will start saving now…hahaha…I already had several runs and still longing for more…surely I will buy the finished product as well…good luck!

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Demo link is not working on my end…any idea guys? :pensive:

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Works just fine for me. Try deleting your browser cookies.

TBH, that’s actually quite a smart move; think about it, Boglan will be able to vote for you later on.

Nope, doesn’t matter.

Either Bolgan backstabs you and changes her vote, or what’s-her-name doesn’t vote for you, stopping you from getting the majority vote. Even if you did, it doesn’t matter.

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How do you do the trials? How do you fight the spawn ?

I’ve gotten her vote before, just have to manipulate her against her husband.

To fight the spawn, you have to wait for the third day of the third month (forgot what it was called). An event about a fallen star should pop up, you can send your soldiers to take the fallen star and then use it to forge a sword (make sure to give one piece to the alchemists guild). Once you have the sword (it’ll take a few months), you can go hunting and hunt “something wicked”. After fighting it (and if you win) you can take it back to your castle. You’ll have the option to go to Ehael for the trials if you give the body to the temple.

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