The Vampire Regent [published]

So I recently just decided to revisit War for the West -my favorite game- and realized what Vampire Regent lacks compared to War for the West ( it’s entirely about gameplay )
FIRST, the connection between events. Vampire Regent has connection but it is too simple if compared to what War for the West has. In War for the West, every words we said, every decisions we made will have their own impact:
-Our origin will change the dialogue, open new paths and achievements
-Our marriage will open new scenes, events and an ending
-Our decisions in court will significantly affect our relationships, choose wisely and it will drop some hints about the main story and other interesting things
In Vampire Regent, there are many choices that can be used for world building but change nothing except some Influence points, money and stats:
-Our origin can be used to unlock some events like exploring our former life, relationships,…
-Our puppet can also develop their own moments and stories, the politician’s story is good enough but still have more potential
- Because we can only develop serious relationship with ROs in the ending so we lost many great chances to explore their personality
SECOND, the financial system. I seriously don’t understand why should we need to split wealth into dollar and Ankh, it makes dollars less valuable. Dollar in Vampire Regent can’t be used in important occasions while Ankh is rare and doesn’t have a stable source, we can have 200000$ by choosing wealthy origin and nothing more, 200000$ are more than enough to finish the game and it is given to us in the early game so why should we keep dollar while we can exchange them for Ankh ? Request ? It hardly matters anything except a few Influence points. Supporting the mayor ? We can use Manipulation and Ankhs. Aiding people ? Who cares if you are a ruthless Regent
THIRD, we don’t have a mini game, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE ( don’t judge me, I’m a big fan for mini games like Gwent )
( I intended to include lore but then realize that this is a similar world to us so we don’t actually need many lore )
This is my personal opinion, I don’t expect authors to change anything because these are too much writing but regardless, Vampire Regent is a great game ( we can still have some mini games so… )


I didn’t read all that, but I miss the add days. I could try everything in one time. I still play it over and over but I miss it.

So I played the game and there are couple of bugs .

If you give money to repair sewers in Vlad sidequest your money becomes negative.
If you find out Theresa is the killer but don’t do anything about it the scene next implies that MC didn’t knew about Theresa’s betrayel .
In Mero path you can’t shoot hunters in pizza room with gun without supressor which might be just plot point so MC doesn’t die .
Even after inviting Vlad to the cloud u can’t choose him in different heists at end.
In outlaw request to rent a place third and fourth option show same result.
U Can’t use Russel’s cane in battle despite owning it .

One thing that I think is there is not enough information about MC where they are from or how old they are but I guess it is that way to keep it vague so player can imagine MC as they wish .

I know there is a way cloud turns against you would be nice if Outlaws go to open rebellion but IDK

If you give money to repair sewers in Vlad sidequest your money becomes negative.

There was an extra 0 in the value by mistake.

If you find out Theresa is the killer but don’t do anything about it the scene next implies that MC didn’t knew about Theresa’s betrayel .

I think I found the problem: you selected the option to “Postpone your actions and revise the clues for now” and then “Continue examining the clues.” right? I think those options remnants of an old iteration of the game. We’ll have to do some modifications.

In Mero path you can’t shoot hunters in pizza room with gun without supressor which might be just plot point so MC doesn’t die .

This check isn’t related to being a Merovigian, it only checks if you have a gun and if this gun has a suppressor or not. There should be one option for each type of gun. Do you remember where did you pick a gun without a suppressor? That’s probably where the bug is.

In outlaw request to rent a place third and fourth option show same result.

Are you sure? The code says the following:

Option 3: Rent the place to them and then tip the hunters about their location.
Hopefully both sides will kill themselves and make Mordhaven a little bit safer for Cloud members.

Option 4: Rent the place to them then tip the hunters about their location, and then hire agents to ambush the hunters.
You send a few messages and arrange everything, hiring the agents with two of the three Ankhs you’ve earned. Now all you have to do is wait for the pieces to fall into place.

(And then 3 days later comes the consequence)

U Can’t use Russel’s cane in battle despite owning it .

After picking either the cane, the suit, or the hat, there should be an option on the hub menu to “Inspect the item you got from George Russell.”

The game only counts it as yours after you go there and make and make a few decisions, then the object will appear you in collection of artifacts and relics. Did you do that?

Otherwise, did you sell the item at some point? I checked the code and I couldn’t find a problem, but it might be that the version on the dashingdon website is outdated. I think I remember a previous report about something like that.

Either way, thank you for your reports. Whatever I didn’t quote was fixed already, and we should be sending all the fixes later today.


I think they are talking about these consequences, we will have the same report regardless what choice we chose the outlaws will be killed by hunters but we won’t have any information about what happened with these hunters after that attack

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I think I picked the gun in Monitor room and Russel’s weapon in the scene when cloud arrives at the base and you can join battle and you can pick Morgan’s sword or fists

The game will be handed over to Hosted Games soon.

If you contributed to the game development in any way and want your name to feature on the Thanks & Acknowledgements section, please let me know (you can send me or @MahatmaDagon a private message). Otherwise, we will credit you by referring to your user name. Also, if you do not wish to be acknowledged at all, please let us know as well.


Congrats! I’ll definitely be buying this when it comes out!


Will the final game feature the past alex lover side plot?

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Well, theoretically, this side plot has a conclusion already. You cand find Alex in the warehouse… so to say.


It’s a sad outcome for them

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uhm any help regarding how to meet alex in the game ?


You can find Alex inside the warehouse. So to say.


@Nerull I have a question, what are the requirements for Russell to give me the Mortuorati art?

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so is the warehouse in question the one which we let two indi vamps rent(and are able to ambush the hunters there,.that one)?? i dont think think i encountered any other warehouses

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There are mainly two ways to get the Mortuorati:

Through Russell: you have to have a good Influence over him (at the meeting with your counselors, tell Theresa and Juarez that you allowed him to use Mortuorati in Mordhaven; don’t be aggressive toward him; do not take measures intending to kill him). Then, ask him at the end of the conversation to teach you the Forbidden Art. If you have enough Influence, he will agree to it. A scene at a graveyard will be unlocked and Russell will teach you the ritual to obtain the Mortuorati.

Through Rose: this is a bit more complicated. You have to access the Rose RO pathway (starting at the convention center) and convince her over time that you are (mostly) a good person. When you meet her for the third time, at her home, she can teach you the Mortuorati.


No, the warehouse I mentioned is the Blazing Grave’s hideout. It encompasses a major part of the story after the ending of the “HUB part” (random scenes) of the game.


Just finished my first full playthrough and posted my immediate reaction on the Discord. Will be writing a full-length review here soon. Everything needs to settle. I just had the meal of my dreams, you could say. :bat:

But for now?

Definitely my new favorite text game of all time, as well as a surefire spot in my personal top ten. The Vampire Regent sinks it’s teeth into you with a gritty, dark, and immersive world before thrashing you about with engaging gameplay, characters and moments and then finally tears the hole with supremely satisfying endings and choices. It’s an impressive joyride through a setting that I found just as interesting as it’s clear inspiration Vampire: The Masquerade. Hell, even more so, with the characters and writing to boot. Throw in the Highlands and Dungeons & Dragons references and it just becomes a treasure trove after that of things to simply enjoy.

This book is an absolute delight, and will be a heavyweight contender when it’s finally added to the CoG library.


This just wow, amazing honestly. This game has great characters and plot and is extremely immersive, the way it works is the same as hero genesis where there’s a main story and the story goes day by day with no time skips so you have opportunities do to tons of things, this honestly already feels like a full game with how the demo ended as well, can’t wait for the full game


I almost forgotten this game but I remember that I loved it in my first run I’m really happy to see it still alive and progressing

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do plays as a half vampire or pureblood

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