The Summoner | Updated Nov. 26th, 2024 (217k words) | Kofi Demo 237k words

Hey all, I’m UPDATING THE DEMO! Finally!!

Chapter three is not actually finished, but I think I need feedback on what’s currently there because I’m struggling with writing the next scene lol. It’s now at ~148k words and so far, an avg plathrough would run you at ~38k words. Would likely be longer depending on how you go about things.

I finally got through the tedious part of the chapter that I was working on since I released the initial demo, but I’m only feeling the slightest bit relieved. Now comes the aforementioned part that’s giving me stage fright and writer’s block; how I want the next battle scene to go. It’d be so much easier if its thematic purpose was along the lines of fighting the bandits, but as it is not, I’m currently violently struggling with how to execute it. I’ve got to keep it interesting, but in all honesty, a summoner’s role is not that involved in the actual fighting. You’re like a glass battery, after all, it’d be illogical for you to be on the frontlines–but readers like agency, right? I’ve half a mind to give you a choice to act out to your detriment, but I’m still puzzling on the contents of the battle in general. My fear is writing a boring or unsatisfactory high-point, but I suppose the only way I’ll know if it disappoints is if I finish it and get it out.

If you’re a writer or just have insight to give as a reader, I’m begging for you to share what you’d like to happen lol

I’d advise you to not use old saves because stats and variables are probably broken from what I’ve experienced, testing things. But at least you might see the improved/added bits and pieces here and there!

What’s new exactly? Everything I mentioned in past posts plus:

  • You can at last experience the finished festival path w/ Calla! But if you don’t go along that route, a convo with Zack and Calla crops up later down the line. And my god did it take me so long to write, it’s quite the hefty scene in total, even though one playthrough won’t see everything that went into it.
  • You will at last meet Rei, someone who’s totally not suspicious at all. Hang out with them or don’t, there’s only so much time in the day to do things.
  • One such thing being sleeping the day away! If you choose to dream about a spirit, it’s randomised whether it’s with Caine or Rei. Tell me if you’d rather that be a choice instead of rng, I wasn’t sure what would be better ^^ Do any of them mean something or are they purely things written in a delusion? Wink?
  • & more! But go ahead and discover them yourself. I’d say they’re just as meaningful despite not mentioning them.

One of the plays, Villain Reversal, is actually something I think I’d love to make into an IF someday if I had the time and resources. The title might just be “Transported into a Terrible Dating Sim!” and it’s exactly what that sounds like (rest assured you can choose the gender of the protagonist and ROs, it’ll be quite different from the play for a reason).

It’s not going to be serious (at least not at first maybe?)—I’ve been barely holding myself back from making shitty jokes this entire time so that would all go into this IF lol.

It’d be set in the distant future of Therra after the events of The Summoner, with a different protag, but I shouldn’t get ahead of myself. Nothing’s set in stone and I don’t want to divert my focus. You can ask about it though, would be a good way for me to procrastinate writing the battle scene :')

What rating did Rei give you? (The “chat” I’m referring to is the one that’s only available if you sent them away during your discussion w/ the commander, btw.)

  • It’s definitely bad.
  • 3.5
  • 4
  • 5 (they are intimidated)
  • 5 (we shook on it)
  • No tour, but I did chat.
  • No tour, but I let them roam.
  • No tour, no chat, and sent them away. (RIP? More like RIOR [rest in other realm])
0 voters

Hopefully it matches your narrative, but if not, lemme know. I am trying to gauge your stats and choices from this (make it easy on me please, and just tell me what your stats are and how you intend to play/what choices you make)

That’s all for now! Please report any bugs/errors and give me your thoughts on the story. Your feedbacks truly are useful and appreciated, they help me with knowing if something needs changing or if it landed just fine :smiley: (and feel free to suggest ideas or things you’d like to see, I may take inspiration from them)