Guys it’s been so long since I last posted did you forget about me? (Not as long if you follow my Kofi haha wink wink u can do that for free btw)
Anyway, I’M FINALLY UPDATING THE DEMO WOOHOOOO!!! I’m so happy! It’s now 217k words long with an avg of ~58k words per playthrough!
Sadly it’s NOT the full chapter 4 but the plot’s really plotting now I think.
Make sure to play from the start instead of using a save file if you definitely want the correct stats and variables. I sure feel like I edited a lot but I’ve been staring at the file so long I have no idea what I did anymore.
What’s new exactly?
- I edited the RO details in the main forum post. It’s more interesting now :D!
- I’ve changed the way POVs are shown in the story.
- No more dagger. Rip to the 1.2k words I cut.
- Added social/standoffish stat
- I’ve edited the prose, structure, and code of previous chapters + added choices and text here and there. Some important but subtle changes. Some less subtle. Ngl, there’s some stuff I should still rewrite but maybe on pass number 38491 lol
- The plot/outline is different-ish, forget everything I’ve posted about previously & whatever you remember from the prev. demo
- Set out on your march and get to know some new people. Make choices on said march that may ruin lives! (I say that, but it’s not as thrilling as it sounds?)
- Heal your spirit and ditch your duties! Or stay responsible until you can’t.
- Meet Jackal!
- & more! But go ahead and discover them yourself. I’d say they’re just as meaningful despite not mentioning them.
Extra (spoilers)
Some silly Easter eggs: Name the fox after yourself, the ROs, or Foxmeat. I’m dumb and silly ok
In past chapters, you also get some flavor text depending on your pc’s first and last name, if you haven’t noticed and are curious.
If you find your story too light for your liking, make a bad decision at you-know-where. Keeping safe would be logical, but there’s no drama if you don’t risk things. Just wanted to mention that bc the mood for both paths are pretty different. Some people like grimmer stories, some don’t. Hopefully I can accommodate both groups to a degree.
About Willow: she wasn’t originally supposed to die. I thought I’d just chop off her arm and call it a day but. She went from living to possibly living depending on your choices to dead 100% rip girlie
As promised several posts back, click this link to see 50 first-date questions answered by Caine, Rei, and Jackal to celebrate the update!
If you would like to monetarily support my writing so I can focus on The Summoner more, please consider subbing for a month to see the full version and much more on my kofi ^^;
Here, you got 17 questions answered by Caine & Rei, 16 by Jackal. The full version has the same 50 questions for all the ROs; 150 in total! I want to start hosting the early access demo there once I get enough writing done (which should be the rest of CH4 eventually & maybe some of CH5, I’m not sure. Which I would then release 1-2 weeks after the writing is polished)
Also, I drew Jackal!
Like I said with Caine, no need to take this as canon. Their hair length can be whatever you want, but long hair is fun to draw c:
I drew Rei too (twice… so 4 times in total), but I’m still not satisfied so I’ll redraw them AGAIN one day. But you can see the old art here if you’re interested! I might post some of them outside ko-fi eventually, if I stop being embarrassed :L
Who’s your favorite character?
- Caine
- Rei
- Jackal
- Willow
- Calla
- Someone else (???)
- No one
Good for me to know what you guys like c:
Obviously there’s no nuance in this poll but I’m still curious anyway! Feel free to tell me who you hate as well and tell me if that’s because of their character & you’re invested or because I suck at writing lol (be gentle I’m sensitive)
What rating did Rei give you? (Redo)
- 5
- 4
- 3.5
- It’s definitely bad.
- Didn’t rate me.
- I didn’t give a tour.
Anyway, that’s all for this time! Please let me know what you think, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Much of this is very unknown territory for me to write lol
I’m learning so much about writing with this project and I get it now—I CAN retroactively change things and retcon them because this is the first draft. Even if it’s polished and public, it’s still the first version:+1:if I write myself into a corner, I can edit myself out of it. If I’m stuck as hell on a plot point, then just write 5 versions and pick my favorite! (No, I’m totally not crying over all the stuff I scrapped…)