The Seventeenth Spy (WIP, on hiatus. Story last updated 9-30-17, codex added 12-27-17)

Good start, i’m sure I will have a lot of fun annoying Thirteen

MC: 53, 47, 44, 26, 0, 41 - 32

Chapter 1: 3, 44, 1

Chapter 2: Eli, smuggler, Nephele, unknown

Relationships: 63, 48, 29

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Thanks for the comments everyone!
It’s interesting to compare how people are playing so far – though I almost wonder if the number thing muffles more organic discussion? Because it’s comments like these that are really fun for me to hear:


But I know from my own experience that coming up with things to say can be a bother and feel insignificant, so I thought giving you numbers to copy-paste would make it easy to just comment something. It’s an experiment, I guess.

Ah, what do they mean, anyway? Mostly I want to compare people’s decision’s to help balance the game going forward. Some of them I could’ve just asked you for – the first three are simply the stats you ended with. @Hakai_no_Megami, @Kingslayer, and @Terrell_Williams have already shown me the caution/bravado meter can swing a lot farther than I realized, just in these first two chapters (I probably should be keeping track of this better :smirk:) Do I want to make it possible to cap out a stat this early in the game, or should I rebalance how much impact choices have?

But some of them represent variables that the game tracks but never shows you. The fourth number (under MC) is a measure of how connected you are to your past on the Delora. Right now it’s mostly influenced by having a very high or low relationship with your brother, but there are a few other choices that can change it. The number right after is tracking how much you remind people of Sixteen! It can be as high as 5 at this point in the game, but so far no one’s got it past 3… There will eventually be minor plot changes and achievements associated with both.

(You’re absolutely welcome to dig through my code if you’re interested in figuring out more. I’ve been careful to name variables in such a way that doesn’t spoil what’s coming, though you might find some hints…) :male_detective:t2:

I’ve also been wondering how much people are changing the settings. Personally, I like being informed how my stats are changing as I play, but tracking relationships this way doesn’t always make sense. For example, your response to Thirteen at the end affects your relationship with several characters you haven’t met yet – the conversation is being recorded and they’re going to ask her what her impression of you is. But it doesn’t make sense to tell you that Delta approved when you have no idea who Delta is! So it’s not actually telling you every change, which doesn’t feel fair.

Also happy to see a few astrographers I’m just absurdly pleased with the new word I made and that there are people who wanted to be from the ocean planet, or no planet at all (paragraphs were read!). :smile:


Given my name, how could I not want to be from an ocean planet?

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I Have a strong suspicion the brother may not be dead and is a potential later encounter… Dun dun Dunn kinda thing
:thinking: it is logical assumption.

Edit: also I keep playing this trying out each thing but my fingers are possessed and keep taking over when it gets to home selection and picking space
I swear I’m trying to pick something else but… Its space it’s so hard fighting choosing something else when it seduces you with its option.


Honestly, same here. I have a feeling that we are going to fight our brother in the future.

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:smile: you’re welcome! My character is already so defined, gotta get that meter up! (Not that I can remember if I went Bravado or caution :grimacing:)

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By the way, has anyone had trouble with the save system? Works fine on my devices but one of my alpha testers can’t get save to work at all – gets an error message instead of a save confirmation QuotaExceededError (DOM Exception 22): The quota has been exceeded
Wondering if it’s an issue with his phone or something in the game/dashingdon…

Weird, it’s also work fine for me :confused: to be honest this is first time I ever see this kind of error. From quick search I do about QuotaExceededError (DOM Exception 22):, I think this have something to do with the browser he use, can’t know for sure though.

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This is promising so far. No further comments as the main story hasn’t really started at this point.
Oh and the game said to report these numbers to you:

MC: 49, 41, 52, 78, 4, 37 - 32

Chapter 1: 4, 73, 1

Chapter 2: Twelve, smuggler, none, unknown

Relationships: 53, 48, 33

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MC: 57, 21, 55, 67, 2, 48 - 20

Chapter 1: 4, 82, 2

Chapter 2: Eli, merchant, Nephele, unknown

Relationships: 59, 50, 36

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MC: 47, 33, 54, 79, 4, 37 - 32

Chapter 1: 4, 79, 1

Chapter 2: Kim, smuggler, none, dead

Relationships: 55, 48, 33

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Interesting so far. I find the line-by-line dialogue rather clever. Stops me from glancing ahead at the very least. :sweat_smile:

MC: 57, 42, 61, 42, 0, 41 - 32

Chapter 1: 4, 72, 1

Chapter 2: Eli, smuggler, Nephele, unknown

Relationships: 59, 50, 36

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One very clever and heart-wrenching moment for me was the initially adorable moment where my mc apparently wanted to lord his newly impressive stature over his brother…only for it to sink in immediately afterwards that he doesn’t have a brother anymore. Poor kid. :cry:
Makes even the only nice byproduct of his ordeal feel incredibly hollow.


MC: 63, 49, 65, 78, 1, 52 - 20

Chapter 1: 4, 73, 1

Chapter 2: Twelve, merchant, Hespera, estranged

Relationships: 63, 50, 32

I mean, clearly, from the dialogue, we were an impromptu backup plan. But geez… that stinks. I should’ve figured our brother wouldn’t be sticking around, but still!

Ha~ I already gave 'em a fake. Funnily enough, the fake name was Delphi


I did that too. Poor dear.


I was wondering if people were giving fake names; didn’t think to put that on the final page.

This name makes me really happy. :hugs::grin: I’m intentionally using a lot of ancient names here, and you came up with one on your own! :dancer:t2:

This is really satisfying feedback, thank you!

I’d like to experiment with choices like this building on each other; you’ll continue to see options related to your past if you continue to select them, and maybe be rewarded with a flashback or something if you’re consistent. :thinking:

I find myself writing about siblings a lot; I’ve got a close relationship with my own brother (who realized he was finally taller than me on my sixteenth birthday!), and I feel like I don’t see that in fiction much. Contrast between Twelve and Thirteen is going to be fun…


Glad to hear it! I hadn’t actually read the Current Status section, so I found that very serendipitous.

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I got an another one

MC: 23, 29, 8, 18, 3, 44 - 18

Chapter 1: 3, 42, 1

Chapter 2: Twelve, mercenary, Galene, estranged

Relationships: 55, 48, 33

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Anything particular you explored/discovered on a second playthrough? (The first chapter has a lot more variation than I realized when writing it – I actually discovered a couple lines via randomtest with a seven percent chance of being seen! :astonished:) I see your Sixteen similarity is higher…

This is really interesting! I’m suspecting the “hormone” does more than repairing the lungs and increasing height and strength…

my stats

I think there should be space between Thirteen, Heron, and AGIS descriptions.