The Seven Heirs of Ophaesia: Part One (WIP)

I couldn’t help but imagine this scene:
King in his fury insult MC again in public after marriage. And Atheron stand up to him and defend his wife. Not in hot head way but in cold. And then MC talking to father something like this “Thank you for my marriage. I couldn’t ask for better man as my husband! I’m much more lucky in my marriage then my mother!”
And then they leaves in sunset.


Alternative scene:

Those ducks the MC raises on Methina come to the rescue and peck at Eraven until he goes away.


Ducks are too cute for this. For this job my MC will definitely raise a geese.


Exactly what I wanted-the aesthetic of raising animals in a small Italian villa, and the revenge I can wrought on Eraven

Mc: alright, you’ve been preparing your entire life for this. You know what to do?
Goose: honks
MC: softly make me proud
Goose: honk

-three weeks later on the mainland-


My revenge would include mimes bad jongleurs a dance floor and panteras (panthers) if he tries to stop dancing panteras would gentle bite him. Dead by dance music. I could play an instrument and vespi read poetry about his happy demise

In the epilogue for the game, Methina becomes renowned for their War Geese.


Please don’t bring the war of the geese to here too, I already survived one I cannot handle another


Vereyan man: *takes long drag of cigar * you know boy, we were confident that we could win. The Ophaesian navy was unstoppable, but we took Methina… But then…
Young boy: They fought back?
Vereyan: they didn’t have to. They had geese
Young boy: * horrified gasp *


Too many geese to shoot?

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they’re bulletproof, obviously :triumph:. Best bred geese in Selanes.


From Tumblr: “[Atheron] is demisexual and hetero-romantic.”

I adore - wait, no, you guys already know that.

(buries my face in hands, tiny high-pitched shrieking) It is just so rare to see any form of asexuality in a romance option at all, much less demisexuality. I think I may cry.


Funny thing is so rare that i discovered here that I am demisexual. lol. True story. However my characters are not normally. But is cool see a myriad of real life people spectrum not like most games.

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Regarding the gifts during MC’s 7 years old birthday , is there any significant difference between the present we chose, are there Stats related between the Gemstones, Books and Harp ?

I chose Books and MC’s mother said that’s her personal gift , so i assume Gemstones and Harp are given by different persons ?

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They influence the stats. It’s stated in the game that the harp is given to the MC by their uncle, and the mirror by their grandmother.


Fawkes have talked about it before. Gifts would be expanded and affect stats and several scenes. I asked her personally If I could for instance pick harp because i like music and later collect daggers and have them and Fawkes said that there is no problem. Harp is given by our uncle? That is a great musician


Thanks @justme an @poison_mara

i just started one playthrough , and it was the books i chose :slight_smile:

so the Books aren’t going to be spell books ?

EDIT :there is a mirror ? i thought i only read 3 items … i must had miss it …

I believe that Fawkes said this story will be low-fantasy. So i think the books are just normal books.


Yeah, I think I remember that there won’t be spells and stuff at least by PC

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Guess who’s come back with more Vesperion/MC fanfic? That’s right, it’s me! This is a companion piece for that one fanfic I posted earlier, and tbh I know this one needs a continuation because this one’s supposed to have like… three scenarios and I only wrote one. Not sure if I’m gonna write those other two parts tbh, but hey, hopefully this will be a fun read of its own!

In which there is actual dialogue and Vesperion is offended by poor poetry! Here's hoping I got his character right!

You aren’t used to suitors, which is why you don’t know how to deal with this… situation.

The situation being that you have, despite all your ill repute, somehow managed to attract the attentions of not one, not two, but three young suitors. One of which was an aspiring poet who would wax lyrical about the “luminescence of thy emerald orbs,” another the son of a merchant-turned-noble family who was not at all subtle with his bouquets of pink camellias and red carnations, and the last an oddly sweet noble from a cadet branch of one of the more minor Ophaseian Houses. Though you did not really trust their intentions, their interest flattered you, and a part of you considered encouraging their attention, entertained by both their gifts and company–

–but a bigger part of you was more curious about Vesperion’s rather… peculiar reactions to your sudden influx of suitors and their gifts. Especially since you still haven’t quite managed to place a label on whatever it was that was going on between the two of you now. (Kaedra, upon finding out what had transpired between the two of you because of course she would find out, had helpfully supplied the term “hate sex.” You had your doubts as the hate between the two of you – and there had to be hate on Vesperion’s part, he’d been harassing you for years – was not exactly mutual.)

Not knowing what they were at first, you had read the first batch of love poems not in the comfort of your own chambers, but in the openness of the library. The library where anyone could flitter in and out unannounced, where one could take note of the growing red on your cheeks as you just realized the exact nature of the supposed “letters” sent to you–

“And just what is it that has you so flushed?”

–which is, of course, exactly what Vesperion had done.

You, unfortunately very caught off guard by his sudden appearance, had let out a small, undignified yelp, dropping some of the love poems onto the floor. At this, Vesperion smirked, smug amusement clear on his features.

“Nothing of interest to you,” you replied, willing the heat on your face to subside as you went to collect the fallen poems. You weren’t sure what was more embarrassing – the fact that he’d caught you getting flustered over love poetry or your actions upon him catching you getting flustered over love poetry.

“What a boorish response,” he said, to which you huffed a small laugh.

“Forgive me for not wanting to divulge my personal matters at the drop of a hat,” you said, standing up straight, having finished collecting all of the fallen poems.

–or so you had thought before you had actually looked at Vesperion, whose eyebrow was risen up high as he read what was clearly one of the love poems dedicated to you.

“‘Thy smile shines brighter than the rising sun’?” he quoted in disbelief, ignoring your hissed “Vesperion!” and sidestepping your attempts to grab the poem back from him. He glared at the poem as if it offended him. “What is this? Is this truly what had you so flustered? I knew your tastes were dreadful, but this is just atrocious.”

You snatched the poem from him once he’d turned to face you with a sneer. You glared at him. “You may mock me all you want, but do not mock the feelings of the one who’d written me these poems.”

A flash of… something – you were too irritated to understand what – passes over his face as he asked, “Do you enjoy these sort of things?” in a sort of tense, aggravated manner.

“Perhaps,” you had bitten back, still glaring, “Not that it is any concern of yours.”

“I see,” Vesperion said coldly, before kissing you, the argument between you both having ended as you two switched over to more intimate activities.


Right there in the library? Oh my…