The Royal Legacy (New Poll on post #1466) (Hiatus)

Yes, i need a show of force. He’ll starve later but hey at least he had a purpose.
As you can see i’m an upstanding official.

Where is the hero king/queen when you need them :sob: life is filled with far too much deception >.<
(I’ll be sure to note that for speeches and proclamations)

@Dark_Stalker Prisoner interaction… I had nearly forgotten that one.

Prisoner interactions make me remember the skyrim moment when after rebuilding Dark brotherhood I found that my wife wanted to give me a present and I found three naked people nude chained … Making some sounds… Bizarre moment ever! It just a glitch that put prisoners in your master bedroom instead in the dungeons but It was hilarious

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I’ll be the kindest monarch ever. To my own people. Unless they annoy me. Everyone else is fair game, depending on how well I slept that day.

No it wasn’t a glitch. Your wife just knew the perfect present for you! Now you can test all your nefarious poisons, before bringing them to the public.


It was like my 6 or 7 marriage, I just don’t remember how many wifes and husband I killed… Aela, The werewolf guy ,that wine woman so full of money…That wife was the definitive she was supportive enough and not annoying.

Earned title “Black Widow”

I think id be one of those emperors who would brainwash the people into worshipping him ,but actually be a badass as well. I do think adding some more depth and exoticism to the world would help ,as we only seem to have European style human cultures so far.

To be fair Aela murder was no my fault at all, I was talking with my daedric sword and it said lol If you kill your loved one with me I give you a Bonus. So i had to try out , Aela ended in the pot fire in home breeze… then I sacrifice other to a daedric shrine … other I killed for the money and propieties… All very normal for Tamriel.

I wonder how many people could you marriage her and then poison or slain… it could he funny

@Arcania, hero? Dear Sage i believe you’ve been gone for far too long. Heroes don’t exist, well not in the sense that you’re thinking of. You think of a man clad in gold, sword held above his head as he rallied his troops with a rousing speech before holding a breech in their lines by himself. A man willing to sacrifice himself for the good of his people.

This would lead to the swift end of this king and his kingdom. No, there are many brave heroes throughout this land. On our side and the enemies. From a sergeant running his men through hells half acre and back so that he wouldn’t have to see his lads die in their first battle. To the maid who noticed a man sneaking around the castle and reported it. These are heroes, true heroes.

Villains, villains are actually much more rare and yet every land has them. Their ruler, the one who declares war. The one who dooms a village to death by disease so that it doesn’t spread. The one who keeps food from starving families so that his soldiers are able to repel the warriors assaulting his city. No ruler can ever be considered a hero, not when those who he is supposed to serve die needlessly.

The only thing those who rule can do, is what they think will kill the least of their people without giving up their land. However these rulers are far and few between. The majority are decadent,arrogant and greedy.


I am enlightened!

Not a Hero:



@maj12 I believe some unique culture needs to be brought into the light.
@EmperorHeartless Careful, treat outsiders carelessly and you might be fighting a war on too many sides.

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Prefeablly I would be allies with one or two near me, after that, I’d go for allies far away. Why? Well I’m betting on me being able to fend my side with an ally or two and having allies on the other side of the land, and from there we coordinate attacks on enemy countries, slowly pincering them from both sides.

Provided I can pull that off logistically speaking, and keep the information and plans between my allies without it being caught by our enemies.

Allies are tricky business, never know when they’ll turn on you or see an advantage to exploit you. Though assuming you do get a trustworthy ally(s), operatives from enemy nations are always an issue.

Whoever said that I would fully trust them? Our goals will simply be mutual for a time…

I both agree and disagree , you seem to be saying that heroes in the stereotypical way fantasy pop culture shows us aren’t heroes ,but that really depends on perspective. Lets use your first example ,the king holding a breech in the line and defending his kingdom with all he has . You say he’s a fool ,running into death for nothing , therefore I surmise your type of hero would be someone like Frodo during the Scouring of the shire ,not fighting himself ,but helping his people and heling tbw injured . However this all relies specifically on perspective and circumstance ,like say of your prototypical hero king is fighting in some far off battle to vanquish the barbarian horde far from his kingdom . Then he is a fool , but in the case of the king who takes up arms in defense only ,who sacrifices himself to allow his people to escape their doom , than I do not see how he or she is not a hero.

You misunderstand. He is a fool, not for his ideals but for his lack of foresight. Sacrificing yourself for the good of your people is a fine end for a king, however it isn’t the correct one. If you are focused solely on the good of your people then you wouldn’t charge blindly into the fray. If the king dies it falls to their heir. If they don’t have an heir it goes to a regent, if it goes to their heir then they have an untested ruler who must now finish a war for their father which could lead to disaster.

If you are truly focused on the well-being of your lands and your people then charging into battle is the last thing you’d do. You’re no god, no super soldier. Having you hold the line would mean nothing but a shiny target is now fighting. Every single enemy soldier would target you the second they saw your armour. Which means more attention on your breach which means it’s harder to hold.

To me a ruler simply cannot be a hero. A soldier holding the breach could be considered a hero. But no king would be. The world is full of heroes, yet that doesn’t mean it’s a good place.

In regards to the coronation, can you put some gyrating belly dancers? Princes from Arabian-inspired kingdoms?
Or envoys from the Far East.

Anything exotic. Anything that gives the impression that the world you created is vast and not just limited to the West.

@EmperorHeartless If anything I think I’ll play a very honest character. “I don’t like you, but we’re going to work together anyway, mkay?” No need for smoke and mirrors in that case :smile:

@Razgriz that would go for anyone even suspected of being an officer in such a case. Though unless the enemy has a sniper, standing proudly on top of something and commanding couldn’t hurt. If it meant leaping into the fray, well then, might want to take quite a strong contingency with you. That said, still believe it’s possible. Though the smart hero would be the hero that rises and proves themselves on the field of battle.

@Knightstrike I’m not so sure about belly dancers or such, but I’ll aim for implementing some unique cultures with my sadly limited knowledge of foreign cultures-for the sake of inspiration.

With that said, it seems the rumbling idea of slavery will be adopted. Liberator or Oppressor, we’ll see how it goes.

Official slaves? Not like the peasants eh… And i like the heroic kings too. Especially when i betray them and i march upon their capitals. Somehow they never expect this.:joy:

I think your not understanding what I’m saying , I’m not saying charging blindly into the fray ,I’m saying this is the last stand for your people , they are running away from the horde of whatever the chimi changa is trying to kill you ,and you know the only way to hold off the horde is to sacrifice yourself along with your trusted guard or best soldiers . Now considering I’m speaking of a fantasy setting ,its very likely this king is well…sort of a badass ,and has been through his fair share of wars . Him being a prototypical hero and all , he will be taking a good amount of the curs with him ,while his people escape to safer lands. How is that not a noble and heroic end ,I understand your points about the soldier and the maid and all of those but I’m not getting your logic here.

@Omega Haha I’m sure you’ll be dealing with a hero king not a fool king there :stuck_out_tongue:

Official slaves, yes. Depending on if you choose to allow slavery in your lands or not it’ll affect the story as well as specific characters that will then enter your entourage. If you do allow slavery, will you treat them as nothing more than property or will you ensure that as custom dictates, they are treated like an unpaid employee and provided as such.