The Royal Legacy (New Poll on post #1466) (Hiatus)

Well… there’s always poison…
Though if you’re taking that course, you would think death would be the easier course, unless you really hate your enemy and want to slander their name first.

If I don’t slander their name one of their relatives might come and try to claim rightful rule but if their name is slandered enough they will be despised and forced to disappear.
Better to drag their name through the mud and utterly destroy them so they can’t cause trouble for me.

Inquisitors? Friendly or otherwise? (Especially my Inquisitor background…)

I won’t argue there, there’s nothing like family getting involves in matters that don’t concern them. Though, be wary that your own subterfuge doesn’t end in disaster. :wink:

@EmperorHeartless Unnamed Inquisitors that are unfriendly are who we’re speaking of here. The inquisitors that you knew from your days as one are a separate matter.

Edit: Before there’s confusion on the stat page profile section. Spouse represents the person you are married to. This could be out of love or for political gain, or a matter that you fail utterly and are forced into a “marry my eldest son/daughter or die” situation. Lover represents practically affairs and such. Or simply those that are beneath your station but you’ve fallen for.

As an after note for the same section, though you have your advisers, you can still choose others to take the roles. Each person come with their own benefits, but remember it shows who you favor. Is the benefits worth sacrificing some of your gained friendship with others in that specific section?

Thanks with the whole thing where it’s confusing. And I just think the “all roads lead to pesch” is kind of a cop out on “all roads lead to Rome”. If you could come up with something totally original that would be great, if not it’s fine. That might just be me being a nerd

I’m so sorry but

What happened to our debts?!?!

You do have a point there, the Pesch and directions of each major province has been updated.

@eVe Oh, nothing. It’s just your rightful inheritance from your father. I fear the man might’ve failed his studies of Economics before taking his seat as ruler.

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looks at the sky
Thanks dad.

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Like @faewkless warned me about.

@EmperorHeartless Lol Neo, who could blame him, those money lenders have such a way with words. If it helps, I can cover the .52 crowns. I’ll only charge a 10% weekly interest. :smiley:
As a side note, Remember to try to edit your last posts (pencil icon) to avoid repeated postings.

On a completely separate note, what would your response be to the ending scene of the demo? Serenity having no idea where your father’s body is/losing the corpse

Disbelief, annoyance, and the words “Incompetent buffoons” comes to mind.

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What is it that you would want to say to Serenity right at this very moment after hearing those words.

“Well, it looks like you have some unfinished business to take care of. See that you don’t return until you do…”

In my “Noble Persona”
“What the do you mean You can’t find the body!? How do you lose a body!?” (Rhetorical question)

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@cascat07 Well that says a lot, I don’t think you’ll be trusting her much after that fiasco. Sounds like something to be included o.o

@EmperorHeartless Wow, that was almost exactly like one of the responses, wording and everything.

I might trust her again if she manages to retrieve it. Otherwise it looks like I’ll need a new Guard Captain.

I think that’s because it’s one of the more common albeit understandable responses. It also really doesn’t inspire much confidence in Serenity’s skills. Whether or not (and how) she managed to solve this will affect my views of her in the future.
After all it’s one thing to make a mistake and an entirely different matter when you can’t recover or panic due to those mistakes.

And here she was looking for a promotion to General or even Commander.
Ah, what a blunder.

Then again, there’s her side. She was busy waiting for you to return and defending the keep from attacks.

Could you still trust her after such a fiasco? Suppose brigands had got a hold of it and desecrated it

True enough. In the end for me at least it depends on how she handles matters including The missing body

If mere brigands could sneak into the keep I’d say she needs more experience at the very least, but then again if Brigands were able to sneak into a Fortified Keep I’d imagine they wouldn’t be there just for a body even if they did hold a grudge against the father. I’d say they’d more than likely steal what valuables they could and maybe slaughter some servants if they could get away with it or were too battle crazed.

Sadly, we note if it was in the hold, which I would doubt they would get so far. That’s ground for immediate resignation.

So supposing it was thieves hired by corrupt officials to steal it on its way to burial site or otherwise. Probably the most likely situation giving the current information. Though I would assume the body was buried with valuables that they would want rather than the body. Unless reputation ruining was what they were after.