The Royal Legacy (New Poll on post #1466) (Hiatus)

Another Poll, how fortunate! This time around involves backgrounds. The scion (MC), will have several backgrounds to choose from. I’m trying to decide whether or not to have the story begin in the past where the scion can build their foundations and then make their return from exile. This would essentially mean most if not all (assuming too much depth isn’t put into it) would take place before the MC even gets on the throne and starts ruling.

The other option is to have the past highlighted as the game goes by. The plan for this was to have the MC playout their past in their dreams.

Regardless there will be time jumps as the MC has a decade in exile and that could essentially be a whole book in its own right. That being said, there’s one option to simply have your background be chosen for you and there’s no looking into the scion’s exile days.

Lastly, there’s the simple option of the MC’s major decisions being chosen right off the bat. You won’t playout your exile and would instead, depending on your background, be given several major decisions related to the path and that would define the state of the world at the game’s beginning.

As always, if you’ve questions or insight, I await them.

  • Begin the game in exile and play through it.
  • Begin at the end of exile and reflect on exile as the game progresses.
  • Choose major decisions of exile at the beginning of the game.
  • Exile isn’t important, choose my background for me, the throne awaits!

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