The Resident ("You-Are-A-Ghost" Game) W.I.P

Well colour me interested. I was beaten to the Beetlejuice reference but I did want to ask, is the MC the only spirit in the story? Are there others like the MC? Perhaps a bitter sweet story where another spirit is trapped because the spirit loved the MC in life and cannot let go. Sure the MC may be trapped but the other spirit does not have to be. Get help from a mortal ally and convince a person who has been waiting for the MC half of forever to finally let go.

sounds like something i would play countless times

Let me take the opposite stance. I’d actually rather not come across another ghost, because when there’s no one else going through what you have to go through, things just seem so much more tense.


Sounds so good can’t wait mate

Oh, sounds like a pretty interesting premise, being able to latch onto one of the family members and then, through nudges, manipulations and/or perhaps moment of outright (but brief) possession, influence their lives for the better or worse! Plenty of opprtunity for evil, chaos and mayhem, but also goodnees and heartwarming stuff there - and also, on the more neutral side, mischief and lolworthy moments! :smile_cat:

Can the ones we latch onto see us though, or do they remain unaware unless we reveal ourselves somehow?

This is pretty original, I’m looking forward to playing it.

10/10 would buy Ü

It’s like playing sims, but better because a cute dog can see me! You got me at bitterseweet ending :smiley:

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This seem like a very worthwhile entertainment, is there a need for beta testers?

i love the plot, and it sounds like that its going to be a great supernatural/adventure story and i wish you good luck on writing it!

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For some reason, the game crash when trying to communicate with the mom, should look into it.

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I got this error.

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@Marvolo I’m not gonna lie- I think this WIP is amazing. It’s totally off the cuff, and original to boot.:grin:

The only qualm that I have is that there isn’t a few more options for how the mc “dies”. But other than that, this was a stellar intro.

Ah, and I’ll leave you with a question, if I may. Around what time period does the MC die, and how many years are in between their death and the new inhabitants of the house?


Having played the demo, I must say it’s defintively promising! The real fun starts with the next update though :grin

I’d agree that there should be more options in regards to the PC’s death though. I was also a bit surprised that both options were rather unpleasant, but then I remembered that popular lore has it that it’s not just those with unfinished business that supposedly stays/gets left behind as ghosts, but also those that died particularly unpleasant/shocking/traumatic deaths…

I see that you state that “Ashley and Lucas will treat you differently.” - should we interpret as that they WILL become aware of you (as in being able to see you or otherwise manage to deduce thet they’re being haunted) regardless?


I really loved the demo I wonder if I’ll ever know who murdered me.


Love the demo (20 char)

@Scorpio00 Hi there :slight_smile: Thanks for trying out the demo. On what part did this happen? I’m going to fix it immediately.

@TheDrake Thank you for pointing that out :slight_smile: I’ll look into it immediately.

It happened when my MC tried to communicate with his mother before his parents left for good.

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@Silhuetta Yeah, I thought about the ways the MC could die. Since I don’t want to touch suicide with a ten foot pole, I left the most mundane options :slight_smile: But you could suggest more causes of death, if you want :slight_smile:

And thank you for bringing up that question on what time period the MC dies. The exact number of years your MC died will be revealed later on, but to give you a hint, the MC dies in the modern era :slight_smile:

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@Scorpio00 Thanks! I will update it as soon as I can.