The People's House (WIP) (UPDATED: 2/19/24) - Presidential Sim

A note about Nebraska, when you get elected to the state legislature, it’s mentioned offhand you work with the speaker of the Nebraska state house and executive officials during your second term in the state Senate. This bitch should probably be modified because Nebraska’s legislature consists of a single unicameral non-partisan body, although its members still do unofficially represent one party or the other. Think the text should be edited a little to fit that


Instead of our SO just telling us what they want to take on as their signature issue as the first lady/gentleman, what if instead it’s an actual discussion? Then maybe their chosen issue can be randomized, or we can persuade them to choose one that we pick.
Even if they always pick child poverty, I feel like it would be more immersive if there was a more in-depth discussion over what they will do as first lady/gentleman.


This I was actually aware of. I haven’t updated this line of text, mainly because I really didn’t expect many people to pick Nebraska, but also because of how small of a detail it is. Once more of the story is written out I will be going back to fix little things like this.

There are also other little details like counties being called parishes in Louisiana, and different states having different names for their state legislatures (California has a State Assembly, Virginia the House of Delegates, etc.) Little state details like this will be added in later, but I appreciate the feedback!

This is definitely something I could flesh out for the next demo update. I’ll leave myself a note to revisit that scene once I’m getting closer to releasing an updated demo.


And speaking of public administrations I have a doubt; Will there be a possibility, at least in our second term, to change the election system from the electoral college to one where the popular election is worth more? (So ​​that what happened in the 2000 and 2016 elections does not happen where a candidate won more by points from the electoral college despite the fact that the other candidate had more votes in his favor. Or also review the arguments for which one has electoral college points system than a popular vote system) :large_blue_circle::ballot_box::red_circle: :us:

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This would require a constitutional ammendment, so unless you’re a Dem who somehow managed to nab like 3/4 of the legislative, I’m not seeing it.


You would need 2/3 of the house, 2/3 of the Senate, and 3/4 of the states to pass it, yeah, not gonna happen, especially since a lot of the states that would vote on it are small states that would be negatively affected by a change from The electoral college to a popular vote system


Well that’s where corruption in the administration can be put in our favor when it comes to approving any initiative or new legislature. There we take out the Machiavellian in us when it comes to governing (A lesser evil for a greater good) as Machiavelli said:

“There is so much difference between how one lives and how one should live, that he who abandons what is done for what should be done goes to his ruin instead of benefiting.”

Or also take advantage of the sympathy that we can obtain from both the Democratic and Republican sectors of our administration in proportion to the number of senators and congressmen to approve some of our initiatives (If we as MC achieve the difficult feat of obtaining 150% of 200% of the total sympathies of both parties) :sweat_smile: But as in Geopolitics, internal politics can be unpredictable and give many surprises.


I think there is a distinction between being corrupt and having political power. The two can go hand in hand (especially in a dictatorship) but it’s not necessarily.

I can imagine a corrupt president MC threatening and bribing members of congress to pass a constitutional amendment. But then the amendment dies quietly as the 50 states either take their sweet time ratifying it or rejecting the amendment outright.

A corrupt MC probably doesn’t have the power to force small states to act against their own self interest. And let’s not forget the swing states, I’m sure they won’t want to become irrelevant when the electoral college is scrapped.

This quote from Machiaveli is fantastic. At least in my opinion, its about political actors having to accept the constraints that their environment forces on them.

For example, what is the point of arguing whether the electoral college is fair or not? At the end of the day, it was not designed to express the popular will of the electorate. And the will to get rid of it is not great enough for the MC to use their limited political capital to scrap it.

I think my MC will focus on the economy. That way when the midterm elections come around, the Party will not get massacred and lose control of both houses of congress. Imagine trying to run a country whilst being hounded by the opposition in both the House and the Senate. The Nightmare! :sweat_smile:


I’m not so worried about whichever party has control of government because I’m playing as a moderate GOP governor from a blue state with a moderate Democrat as VP so passing bipartisan legislation is the entire plan, including some conservative proposals that may or may not have to be strong armed through

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When talking about the 2000 elections there’s so many what if’s scenario that could happen!! Like what if Gore win New Hampshire and we get even closer results with Gore barely winning the EV oh and btw if any of you like elections simulation game I suggest check out the new campaign trail web site… there’s plenty of presidential election to play


Hi, all!

I won’t spoil too much about progress since I’ll be saving that for my weekly update, but I will say that writing has been going incredibly well. Today was my day off of work and it’s been so good to just focus on writing for a change.

I’m making this post because I want to know you’re opinions on chapter headers. If you’re unsure of what those are, Chapter Headers are those little images in some ChoiceScript games. So, instead of it saying “CHAPTER ONE” in text, there would be an image with a graphic.

Please let me know how you feel about these, and if you like them, let me know what you think an interesting symbol or emblem would be interesting to add (if any).

As always, I appreciate your feedback and support!

How do you feel about Chapter Headers?
  • I love them
  • I don’t care either way
  • I dislike them

0 voters


Do we have to have a wife can it be a husband?

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You are able to choose both your own gender and the gender of your spouse.

More information is on the first post in this thread here, where you can also play the demo for yourself.


Maybe a Monarchy in modern day (Absolute or Constitutional). Maybe a city management with political elements as well economic management.


Sounds like an interesting idea. Can you tell me the details?


Kinda saying the same thing as @Malachi_Joseph as there was a political WIP called The Crown, but it was abandoned, and the author is no longer active which is a shame as the demo is very interesting despite what little there is and there was a lot of potential IMO especially if you could play a King Charles III like character and cause controversy due to your open interference with politics.

Or maybe a kind of dictator simulator would be interesting where you lead a military coup or something in a small African or Asian country and decide what path you wanna take your country down (E.g., communism, authoritarianism, democracy, and fascism) and deal with the domestic and international reaction to your coup.


Political simulators in developing countries sound like interesting ideas

If you would like, we could have a little more discussion about the idea.


Don’t forget Latin America XD (Antón Castillo, Augisto Pinochet for example) But it is better if it is discussed in another thread


I’ve absolutely been thinking of something where you either play as a dictator or as a politician under a dictatorship. Not sure if I’d stick with the modern day or go closer to historical fiction for my next story.

I know recently I had an idea for my next game where you play as a set of siblings during the American Revolution, with one sibling in the military and the other in the Continental Congress. It’d likely be a much shorter game than The People’s House but the premise would be how your actions would alter the course of history – both in the U.S. and around the world, even.

I’ve just been jotting down notes as I think of ideas for my next project, I’ll likely put out a series of polls once The People’s House is completed sometime in the distant future.


Hmmm, by the way, what are you currently considering as ideas for your next game?

Please list it and let me know if you like.