The Oval Office : READ LAST POST

Haha if this game resembles the current US, I cannot see your bill passing through both the House and Senate. And the media is going to feast on a polygamy law…


Yes. (Read above post)

Goddammit, I forgot about the 20 character thing! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Older post, but am adding this to the update log! It seems like a fun idea, to check your daily Twitter feed.

Would anyone be interested in writing some comments/criticism/compliments that a fake Twitter user might post based on recent events? Like for example, one might lash out based on a law change or policy, for example,

“Why did President Himmon even bother to introduce new laws for the enviroment? Global Warming IS FAKE NEWS”

and you could respond angrily/diplomatically or ignore the post all together. You would get around 3 posts per chapter.

So… anyone like to be my guinea pig? (And be in the credits AND beginning of the book?

Reply to this post with an example like the one I posted. Give me 3 different responses to the poster (two is standard but 3 allows greater flexibility). I will pick up to 3 people. I will then give instructions in a PM to those I selected.

Good luck!


“Why is the US getting more involved into NATO? America should focus more at home!”

Option one) America is a nation which many others rely upon, we must look out for our allies and friends on the world, and make sure the world is peaceful to be able to improve at home.

Option 2) This policy was set in by the previous administration, which is currently in the process of being reversed, due to our need to focus on problems at home, and our desire is to have other countries be self-sustaining.

Option 3) We have chosen an official path of collaboration on the world stage, while at the same time wishing to work at home, in the end, not making any major promises to our allies further than our current agreements.

Seem good enough @Pandini?


This is great!
I was going to pick the first guy who posted anyway, however shitty it was! :sweat_smile:

stunned silence

I was just kidding :roll_eyes:

But seriously, yours is great. I couldn’t have done it better myself. The wording is clear and precise, not to mention the subject matter is similar to something a real president would be involved in.
So… WELCOME ABOARD!! I will wait until about 8:00 pm tomorrow to see the general “applicant material”. But congrats dude! You earned a spot on the roster.

Will PM you later.


“this war with Saudi Arabia complete BS! did we learn anything from Iraq”

Option one) Saudi Arabia is a know financial supporter of terrorist groups all attempts to solve this matter though diplomacy have failed making military action the only viable option left

Option 2) Saudi Arabia’s continual violations of human rights despite condemnation from the UN and US sanctions has left no other viable options military intervention is necessary to protect the citizens of Saudi Arabia

Option 3) Saudi Arabia has taken hostile actions against key US allies in the region the current administration we not
tolerate this unprovoked aggression and will take all necessary steps to protect US allies

Option 4) the ongoing crisis in Saudi Arabia must be resolved to ensure stability in the region the US will use all available to methods to resolve the current crisis


@Pandini sorry if this is off topic but i dont really like PMs, so what i said earlier was, do you know what happened to @Spyder

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This is what happened


Don’t think the twitter thing is something I could write, but I’d like someone to send a death threat via twitter, kinda like choice of robots you know? So it could kinda be either someone on twitter who strongly disagrees with one of your decicions, or is a stereotypical conspiracy theorists, and thinks your policy is secretly about something else etc.


The game has illuminati so maybe something like that could be implemented :thinking:


Dont know if its too late for this or not, but im going to but my suggestion here regardless
“The Human Rights organization is demanding that you get rid of the death penalty.They say they will stage large protests and shut streets down.”

Option 1)You agree that the death penalty needs to be repealed, and you promise to do so.

Option 2)You dont think the death penalty needs to be repealed, and you refuse to do so

Option 3)You fabricate claims that the group is in league with a terrorist organisation and that is why theyre protesting the penalty.You use this claim to imprison the leaders of the group.

Option 4)This group needs to be silenced one way or another.Cause a fire at their headquaters and make sure no one escapes. Vaugley threaten them on twitter so they may get the idea before you burn their hq down.



all of them except for #1


I agree, one is the one i wouldnt pick as well

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@INDOMINUS and @augustus27 will PM you soon when I get on my laptop. I will need 3 different scenarios from all of you including @Rafael_Trigo later. Thanks.

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No problem, youre going to give us instructions though right?
edit:how long do we have to make these scenarios?


Alright, can’t wait my individual. @Pandini

This game is going to be lit!

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I’ve just started reading this but I have one niggling qualm about it. You are forced to be American yet when choosing your eye colour you can choose grey, not gray :stuck_out_tongue:


There are Americans who prefer the “grey” spelling though.


…well it was me who suggested it first I think?(didn’t see anyone before me suggest it, so sorry if I missed that) and I’m English, literally didn’t even know about that difference :stuck_out_tongue: ,surprised I’d make a kinda mistake if I spelt it that way when I suggested it, especially as I often get confused between first and ground floors :stuck_out_tongue: .


To remember, ‘a’ for America, ‘e’ for England. It doesn’t really matter as both are used, but it is good to be consistent…

Grey eyes

The driver an old, dark skinned man by the name of Mr. Lincoln, nods almost imperceptibly and accelerates. The driver’s cap on his gray hair almost falls off.

Gray or grey? :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I notice that Spyder has another person coding for him: Dungeon Master. It could be that one is American, the other British, or from another English speaking nation.