The Oval Office : READ LAST POST

So because we’re all talking about achievements and stuff I figured I would throw my hat in the ring I tried to be as realistic as possible I also threw in a few far out ideas just to spice things up a bit

Peacemaker: make peace between Israel and Palestine

just like 1812: lose a war against Canada

it can’t happen here: become a far-right dictator of the United States

back in the ussa: Become a far-left dictator of the United States

Nuke’em: nuke a country

New friends: befriend and Ally Iran China and Russia

Popular: leave office with a 85% approval rating

Persuasive president: violate the constitution and get away with it

love affair: cheat on your spouse

Pest Control: get rid of a rat in your Administration

Dealmaker successfully negotiate a treaty

Union: form the North American Union

Pax Americana: unite both north and South America

something’s fishy: plan and execute a false flag

pyramid scheme: become leader of the Illuminati

Melting Pot: greatly reduce racial Inequality

A more equal Union: greatly reduced wealth inequality

a more perfect union: transform America into a social democracy

Liberty in Our Lifetime: Transform America into a Libertarian country

a shining city upon a hill: Transform America into a paragon of conservatism

Stronger Together: transform America into a paragon of liberalism


Nudist Colony:
Have a Nudist Whitehouse by the end of term.


We did it!: We united the world by peaceful means, and succeeded


Editor: Help your assistant with a bomb ass game :wink:


The Party: Create A one party state with the illuminit as the party

1984: get all of these achievement and become big brother

Goldstein: get all of these achievement but realize your mistake and create a revolutionary organization agasit it



posting soon


Yes finally our tyranny can begin.


I can’t stress enough to not get too excited, as it is only about 5 minutes long to read. As I said before I am working on the new update still. @DUNGEON_MASTER told me to @ him for any problems, typos or bugs but he can’t fix them today because he needs his rest. Thanks guys.


Achievements suggestion.

My Dynasty starts here: proclaim yourself a king/queen of the nation.

Not Germany: start WW3.

Welcome back: make the philippines a vassal again.

Not me: kill all possible candidate in the next election.


Interesting update, especially were the General decided to pull a giant prank it seems. Anyways, just a quick suggestion regarding stats, maybe give a starting boost to what ever party you are part of? Assuming you are part of the two major parties.
Anyways, the trip will certainly be interesting. Surprise trip to North Korea! Also Canada (because according to Veep it is traditional for US Presidents to go there first. Gotta keep that tradition!) and France, because they are an ally, and can not go to the UK after Canada!


It appears this game won’t take itself too seriously, good call.


tried multiple options and got this in each option.

this is the link i used.

Edit: it would seem all option say at the end prepare for your interview in the buff…


squish squish
Wipes the bug

It’s fixed. :+1:


Even as an Aussie with little understanding of American government (Or the country in general for that matter. What? I don’t go to school to be cultured, damn it.), I must say that I’m thoroughly enjoying this demo. It’s nice to take a look behind the scenes of the role of a governmental figure, dragging them down to a more human and relatable level. I’m really enjoying playing the role of such a down-to-earth politician (if you’re even allowed to say that). :grinning:

Side-note: I desperately hope that your home state won’t influence your character at all. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to educate myself on those, hence why RNGesus blessed me with South Dakota.


I won’t stop until I make it big, meaning the community as a whole sees this and takes this game seriously. I apologise for all the times I’ve been away, and that might influence opinions of this game, but I can’t wait to reach levels of more acclaimed writers on this site and much more respect in general.

That’s exactly what I’m striving for, to see people mention this story outside of this thread on this website, for me to get outside visitors NOT on this site, for this game to be on "My Favorite WIP’s/Most Anticipated WIP’s lists. I do this for fun, but I’m also doing this to validate myself. Without respect, I am nothing, so I work hard every day to earn that respect from you guys. I’m not going to mention authors but works like The Fox of Sunholt, The Wayhaven Chronicles, The War For The West, Vendetta: Rise Of A Gangster, The Wight King, The Shadow Society, and many, many more that people consistently rank as their favorites here… I want that. And I’m not saying this to be selfish, but I want MY works to touch people, to make someone say “Gosh, darn dangit. That was a good story!” That’s what I desire.

With that being said, I’m not taking my position for granted. I’m fortunate to even be where I am right now. But nothing is going to stop my drive until I reach my goal. For people all over to be like “The Oval Office is a pretty good game, it’s on my list”. Dang that would be something to me. I’m proud of my work so far, but without you guys I get nowhere. So many thanks to COG and the community in general. But I have SOOOO much work left. So much more that needs to be done. But I’m climbing that mountain still.

See you at the top :100::100::100:


Well I haven’t played the update yet(damn you none existent sleep pattern) but you’re in a good position to reach that goal. You have a unique writing style that is really fun to read :slight_smile: .


I enjoy the game but I’d rather wait for a full chapter 3 to be out before going through it. Actually was the drone interview chapter 2? If so this must be a sixty chapter game.


Something like that :rofl::rofl::rofl: later chapters will definitely be longer than the ones I put out so far. Once I have more time to update and write, one chapter would be the length of chapters 1, 2 and maybe even 3. I’m probably going to put out around 15 of the bigger chapters before I beta test for the later chapters and submit.

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My gosh. Thank you so much, nice to hear that every once in a while :blush::hugs:


While it is probably for the better that the game isn’t taking itself too seriously, in its current state I’m uncertain about the game because of how whacky it is. Political settings can be humorous – Yes, Minister, The Thick of It and The Death of Stalin show that (though admittedly the theme there is “everyone trying to take themselves seriously while being inept in a complete clusterf**k”) – but there’s something about the tone that’s somewhat off-putting. Simply put, I think it’s the exuberance of the writing style and the choices. For instance, the comments on selecting country choices at the end don’t really seem to add anything. It seems to be attempting to play stereotypes for humour, but that doesn’t really seem to work.

While it is interesting to contrast the “public” and “private” personas of the PC, the latter opportunities only seem to allow the PC to either throw away any restraint with abandon or to remain (and seemingly be judged by the game and everyone) to be a dispassionate iceman.

To add to that, there are some characters that seem to be “random” for the sake of it, like Air Force One’s pilot, and don’t really seem to add anything but pad it out. Similarly, the COG mentions were far too self-referential and went on for far too long in my opinion.

There are some bits that left a better impression in my first playthrough, such as the reaction to the airstrikes and the interview with Jill itself. While I wasn’t fond of how hard the game appeared to be pushing romances on people you’ve just met, I actually liked the scenes with the VP, though I would have preferred it (and most of the romances) to have gone slower.

It’s early days, but I feel you missed an opportunity for background to come in with the “security assessment” with the nerf guns and a military-background PC. Similarly, the generals could make a few extra, approving comments for a military-background PC, and the VP/Speaker/anyone in Congress make comments about political-background PCs. That being said, I can’t see how the PC could have become a 4-star general. Even making it to colonel would be a feat and be a higher rank than most of the 20th century presidents, and those that did served in WWI or WWII.

There were a couple of typos here and there, as well as grammar issues and wrong names/words popping up, but I don’t think that’s quite as important at this stage as setting the tone. It’s the author’s purview to write the story however they like, but currently I feel it lacks consistency in tone. Sometimes it appears to be taking itself relatively seriously, then there’s a massive curveball into something that clearly isn’t. Of course it’s fine for the tone to change throughout (Yes, PM’s scene on Trident is a brilliant example of this), but so far it seems like it doesn’t quite know what it’s trying to be.

Interested to see how this goes.