The Outsider WIP (July 23, 2018 minor update) Important Poll on #441!

I haven’t considered gender swapping choices for the team but I’ll see what I can do about it.

As for the Enju fight, I can confirm that the first meeting between the MC and Enju most likely will not go… smoothly if you can say that much.

And for the Wonder Woman-esquece character being a RO, I can confirm that such a character does exist but there will not be a god mythology backstory in this case.

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awesome, truly awesome. I was reading your comments and in the way i see, will be amazing. if you need any help just post it here. good luck with everything

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I just finished reading this, and I gotta say that I’m hooked and am now looking forward to the next update :grin:

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I’m hoping with my fingers crossed that I’ll have the next update out by July or August. But at this point, it’s a bit too early to tell since I haven’t ordered and paid for the graphics card replacement. But I’m definitely excited to start working on it again soon!

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this has potential to be the best cog superhero story ever. I like the idea of being the strongest superhero in the universe, interesting take. #hyped

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Ey! Congrats @MichaelCrank! I can’t wait until you start updating again!


Thank you @rose-court! I can’t wait either lol

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You spelt baby wrong how you spelt it as babe is what a teen boy calls his girlfriend.

It was done on purpose because I felt that it just sounded a bit better. It also can mean a baby.


will there be any major deaths?

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Maybe. Not everyone in this story will survive which is all I can say.


Is it safe to assume that the MCs biological mother is dead? Also, will we be getting any clues later on in the story about who this guy is that the MCs mother wanted away from the child?

Yes, unfortunately.

And yes, you will get some clues about who the man truly is. There are reasons why the MC’s mother wanted the child away from him which will be explored later in a rather unique way.

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Yay!!! I’m so happy this is back​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually, he used babe correctly, it’s just considered a bit old-fashioned because the slang usage, when referring to an attractive woman, is more common.

Generally, you’ll see the word in reference to children in fantasy stories or anything that’s suitably archaic, but it’s still not incorrect to use it in a modern setting.




narrows eyes and takes out notebook

I take that as a challenge.

Lol no but really, at this point I haven’t gotten to them yet.

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Interesting. I would like a red hair option tho

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Supergirl is that you?? :smile:

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IM SO FREAKING HYPED. How much time one of this gets to be completed? (im curious because im new to this WIP thing)

Love everything so far and it’ll be interesting to make a Superman type character. But most importantly first we need some redhead hair color options.

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