The Myrmidon (WIP) (Minor update 03/10/2017)

Oh my mistake; destroy all of the Mud Monkeys so Mara and her friends can live in ultimate splendour; now I get it.

The destruction of rivals is just a side job; living like an Empress is the true goal. I understand :slight_smile:.

Still wouldn’t ever want to get on Mara’s bad side, though. Nobody who had half a brain would.


Your enthusiasm is a shining light in darkness, Mara. It’s nice to see a Myrmidon with a plan.


Go on.

In theory yes. The use of the Mimic and custom-tooled musculature would necessitate new structures in the brain to control this action. It would be like a new limb for you to control, one that you would need to learn and master. The more you practice, the more nuanced the control. You could reform yourself into a perfect likeness of a person if you were in the room to study their features, but with a mirror and a handful of discrete accessories you could become anything you like.

Changes in height or bone distribution would likely involve a sort of temporary cartilage that could foam up and dissolve like the Combat Myrmidon’s injury foam, giving you the actual structure necessary to alter your centre of gravity without losing fine motor control because all of your leg muscles are just focused on stretching as opposed to walking.

After the first few years or so, you’d probably start developing distinct personalities for each of your new bodies, personalities that develop and grow beyond your rational control.

Those few concubines roaming the wilds must suffer even more from the degenerative mental disorders that categorise Myrmidons…



Yeah, Natasha will be perfecting this to the point that she can shift into anyone at a moments notice. Hopefully in the future of the game, we will be given an option to refine it as much as possible. Or do we do this automatically? Do you need to shift yourself into as many things as possible in order to get better at it within the game, or can it level up automatically as game time passes by?

Is this pliable cartilage actually a feature of Shapeshifter Flash’s musculoskeletal system? Or would it require an upgrade we get later or something? Shifting height would mean that you’d need to devote quite a bit of your time to balance control.

So…if I were to create multiple personas for myself, I would be self-inducing a form of fictional DID? That diminishes the excitement somewhat…but since different personalities think in different ways, I’d be able to get lots of different plans and ideas that original Flash wouldn’t think of; the practical benefits may be cool as well. Need to go through a cave and Flash is terrified of caves? No matter, alternate Flash who isn’t terrified of caves is here to save the day. I’m deliberately ignoring the fact that one or more personalities may not want to change back into original Flash or other Flash’s because I’m headcanoning they all like each other. And if not like, them the broody, silent ones at least find the others endearing.

Please. I would kill to see this in the Shapeshifter path.


Hmm… I haven’t quite decided yet. My initial answer is that these abilities are unlocked by persistent use, but I have yet to figure out precisely how to do this.

I think instead I will perhaps allow for sections where you can choose to work on a character trait, and one of those traits is just sitting yourself down in front of a mirror and just working on it.

This would be a baseline feature that you will learn to unlock. You probably won’t have many opportunities to bolt on upgrades to your system, so it’ll be a case of learning to unlock your own potential.

Well there’s no guarantee that you’ll go insane, because there’s no guarantee you’ll live long enough to.

You might go mad within a thousand years, but I wouldn’t worry about it in the short term (meaning within the lifetimes of your friends).

That sounds like a teaser scene request if ever I saw one. I sleep first though.


You make it so reasonable and boring, talking about nano whatever. Mara just says oh I wanna look like that ugly bastard who try to stole my monopoly . And puff it works a guy exactly like him just running nude in the throne room and poo in the duchess glass eye ball. And go away running. Totally worth it.


Agh, then you’ll turn into Roger, the alien from “American Dad!” Some of his persona’s get way out of control too.

Ooh, maybe the Thinker can use some of those moments to go over ancient knowledge, or for much more fun ancient pop-culture with the Upper Brain, he has to get all those funny adorkable, pop-culture references nobody around him gets anymore from somewhere, right?


Exactly. He could spend the time in quiet reflection, learning the great political speeches of the past, or how to create plastic explosives, or how to access old world technology.

…or he could bone up on E. L. James. It’s your character build, I suppose…


That sounds like something reasonable enough to happen. Just snap a picture of someone (I.e. Radjack), sit down in front of a mirror, and keep looking at the picture until you can shift seamlessly. Practice makes perfect.

So, your musculoskeletal structure changes the more you perfect the shapeshifting? That sounds reasonable in the context given. Start off small; you can only shift appearances at first and can’t shift things like height or weight until you’ve perfected it further.

I don’t really know if alternate personalities qualifies as insanity, but I get the point. The potential RO may have some problems with that though. If Navi’s had a major crush on you for years, she’ll probably be juuuuust a little bit pissed that you keep shifting into people she doesn’t love.


Natasha is a reasonable person. She’s probably more likely to shift into said ugly bastard and systematically destroy all of his relationships with friends, family, colleagues and rivals, and then when his life is utterly ruined then shift back and watch him tearfully deal with the aftermath.


That’s on the noble path, on the mage path it’s more likely to be all 1001 re-makes of Star Trek. :wink:
On the Rebel path on the other hand it’s mostly learning how to teach kids the scientific method (and other useful knowledge) in order to turn them into the intellectuals of tomorrow, oh and musicals and light opera in general and Gilbert and Sullivan in particular.

Um, that’s what got us into this mess, right?


Why is half the audience skulking about in the shadowy corners of crawlspaces when there are neoclassical chaises about? Think of the sunlight hitting our angles just right when @Moreau’s other new readers are received! Why, the tasseled pillows alone…

Cat cafés as far as the Eye can see.

Never. La dolce vita

For the Lover is far more than just a meretricious electric blanket.

Mulling over whether a designer muscle relaxant could then inhibit Mimicdon’s mimicry…(clutches pearls)

Since the bohemian little rascals have sprouted up since wee bits and are long used to seeing their friends through awkwardly mysterious developments[/overly nonchalant innocence], do you picture Flash :heart: Radjack, alt Flash :heart: Mo, as first loves? Or were wild oats sown and hearts truly realized only after much comparison shopping?

And for any and all hesitant to try the rebel path, I say: Come to the dark side…

And by “dark side” I mean 'tis only so because the price of lamp oil is atrocious. With the rebels we may fashion elaborate ensembles from discarded nouveau-rococo theater curtains, and every night we are kings/queens/rulers of those streets where even the city dreams, and shall always be close enough to bend over at the mere sight of Radjack’s pouting plea…

in order to retrieve some more of those cheesy crackers that Navi hides from him behind the bar.


Considering just how good looking and attractive both Flash and RadJack are/were, I’m leaning towards the second, in fact I’m even leaning towards them being “rivals” of sorts back then. :wink:


cookie jars are headcannon in a lot of your MC backgrounds, lol. Its the Amsterdam night life, right?


I’m actually more of a nightlife person when I’m out of Amsterdam, now that I’m a bit older, I can’t shit where I have to work and live, after all. :wink:
Even then I’ve always preferred venues where one can actually talk and I’m also a very bad dancer, so there’s that too.


Much appreciated to know I’m not alone.

It doesn’t have to be designer; I don’t see why a simple taser wouldn’t take Shapeshifter Flash down. Simple electrical current and bam. Incapacitated and unable to shift.

Also, I hate to admit this in any context, but I’m slightly lost in some areas. Why do I get the distinct impression that Radjack is insanely tall? Am I just imagining that? I think that’s it, really; it just won’t leave my mind.


@idonotlikeusernames is very often in threads I dabble in and I, too, have noticed a very enviable and passionate pov.

We should spindle over Thinkerdon’s Kryptonite next. Someone must take them down.

Well, his presence, persona, and abdominals are all larger than life. Additionally, as a RO, it can provide grand impetus for the sweeping off of feet…


…abdominals? Yeah, I’m definitely missing something here.

No, but I’m talking about the fact that I got the distinct impression that he was over seven feet tall for some reason. I feel like my brain is being weird about this. Although, if you do romance his baby sister, then I may be praying to God that I’m wrong so he doesn’t crush me into a ball. Granted, I do headcanon that Natasha is about 6’2", but still; a midget compared to a guy who’s over seven feet tall.

Ask such a simple, stupid question that their quantum brain explodes? Foolproof.

But in the event that it isn’t foolproof, I would think a similar electrical surge would short out the Thinker’s quantum brain; if not that, then I get an image of distinct flashing lights that would make an epileptic explode. Powerful enough, and the Thinker wouldn’t be able to think through that; they’d be incapacitated. Although that’s just conjecture at this point.


I’m wet! I’m wet! I’m hysterical and I’m wet!

I promise that I have never tried to do anything in my entire life.

Fantastic! I can deal with darkness and death and imps. We’re all actually quite close. I wouldn’t trust me at the poker table, though - my poker face is me continuously singing Lady Gaga’s “Pokerface,” so…

Flipside of all this is that once the nobles have shaved the peasants’ numbers to some desired number, what’s to stop them from going even more Game of Thrones on each other? Even with the thought of a major resource drought on the horizon, I don’t know that I’d want the power-hungry rich folks to continue wielding the power…

It’s all too Prince Prospero for me. And we all saw where that party ended up.

Ain’t I a stinker?

Oh, christ, don’t tell this universe’s Nic Cage. Dude’ll be honor-bound to try to steal it. Or, y’know, hack it.

…assuming it’s not a massive pile of infertile, uninhabitable grossness…

So the Upper Brain’s the one likely to do the Rickrolling?

Or… could (a part of) the Upper Brain project itself as an entity of some sort?

I like all the models of MC, but… Honestly, shifter MC’s got the most potential for being stupidly OP if specced right (in general, I mean) and I personally tend to shy away from OP…ness.

I’ll try to explain myself, lest I seem a fool: the shifter MC’s the only one who can shift. While the levels of intelligence/strength of those respective myrmidon models are pretty much unattainable by quick and easy means, normal means of training these things can probably get a dedicated myrmidon - at the very least - to levels well above your average human.


…now I’m actually really scared of some of y’all’s potential MCs…

I can’t speak for anyone else down here, but I like the darkness because it does well to cover up the shame that is my existence. Or… wait, was it the whole being a CHUD thing…? Can’t remember.

You’re not imagining things; there’s been many a time our dear author has hinted at (if not outright stated) such a thing. That said, I can’t remember if Radjack’s been given a height in numbers - don’t quote me on (any of) this, but I think Nex is really the only one in the text to be ballpark’d like that thus far.


No I understand it. I’ve never had a particularly problem with OP’ness myself; Natasha’s physique is already defined as extremely toned so I’m guessing that comes with a degree of physical strength surpassing the norm, even if they’re not developed yet. As for brains…I don’t know if that requires normal intellectual stimulation, but if android Natasha is anything like old Natasha, she’s pretty damn smart, even if she isn’t an outright genius.

Hmm; I do love to categorise things, this especially including people’s heights because it helps me envision the characters better. It always throws me for a loop when I headcanon a particular character being really tall and then another character is described to look ‘down’ at them. There’s someone even taller?! It just throws the whole dynamic out of whack for me.

But for the moment, I’m content to envision Radjack as 7ft behemoth with…perfectly sculpted abdominals, apparently. The weird but incredible focus on the abdominals is reminding me of Alexander Skarsgard in the new Tarzan movie.

Natasha’s are also drop-dead worthy, but they’re sculpted on cos’ of the androidifying. I mean, they were there before the prodedure, but they don’t mean as much now that they’re there automatically.


My shapeshifter android is kind and gentle and way too naive for their role in society. That is why they are gonna get with Mr. Gray :heart_eyes: I love this little shapeshifter.


Boys, you guys talk a lot D: I already lost track of things after scrolling up 30 messages to find replies to my post.

Oh, look, a spider in my corner. Yes, a spider. Right, of course.

I now headcanon that Thinker is the type to go around and do random facts of the day. It would be no surprise if they suddenly zone out while cooking, and when someone asks if they are okay, they will just go, “Do you know that most crabs have flat bodies that enable them to squeeze into very narrow crevices? Interesting…” while casually tossing a crab into the pot.

Is this the part where I say “Thank god”? Well then, thank god. Less tampering, less trouble, less drama.

Also, R.I.P Flash, unknown year to unknown year. Died too young because there isn’t enough space or equipment to do both at once.

Ooh interesting, is this the part where you explain everything that happened back then or I just go and headcanon/write fanfics? Well not exactly everything, but basically, how did they become friends, also do you plan to touch the part about how romantic feeling began to blossom between Flash and Mochi/Flapjack?

Yes, that was intentional. Now, excuse me, time for lunch.

It’s comfy in the darkness with my two friends, darkness and isolation. We also have the devil sitting here with us and tea party! And, there’s @OScott, who’s coming to peace with their sins. Truthfully, we have been doing nothing but radiating sinful aura over here in the corner.

[quote=“Sherlock221B, post:1800, topic:15992”]
Am I in the minority who actually likes the path of the Shapeshifter MC? (reeeally don’t like the idea of calling myself a concubine. That may be what I was made for, but literally any other name is better, damn it).[/quote]

Don’t worry about it, I’m sure that there are many others who like Shapeshifter. I just chose Thinker because I always favour intelligence over everything in Choice of Games. It’s just a bias, honestly. Shapeshifter would be so much cooler than others, but boy, aren’t I a nerd, can’t help but loving big brains.

Uh-huh, yeah sure, I see what you did there. Trying to run away from your crime. Nuh-uh, you stay there and contemplate on what you have done. We have children here…somewhere.