The Myrmidon (WIP) (Minor update 03/10/2017)

Someday I will learning proper English language and then I will amaze you… now I am a mere shadow in my metaphors.


That’s ok, it’s nice to see all of you so excited…

Obvious, was it?

Actually sarky is a British contraction of sarcastic, often employed with the words ‘little’ and ‘wotsit’ for maximum effect. Those three words are enough to trigger a reflexive wince in British people, who are unconsciously preparing for their mother’s hand to connect with their faces at speed.

However, given the somewhat wider audience of this story, perhaps I will change it to snarky.

I was always here, Sneaks…

I was always here…


Oops, well you learn something (of quintessential British, for as long as there still is a Britain to speak of anyway, idiosyncrasies) every day around here, it seems. :pensive:
In that case I’ve also horribly failed you as a beta-tester as I couldn’t spot a single obvious spelling or grammar mistake. :sob:

Or if we had been the real Flash for his old schoolmistress’s ruler, I suppose. :stuck_out_tongue:


I have never spotted a grammar mistake except judging with a dictionary and spell check. And my rule is If I can detect any grammar problem your work need a LOT OF EDITION WOW LIKE A LOT.


Soon I may be the among the last of my kind, fleeing in a hastily gathered fleet of ships protected by the aging Ark Royal as waves of Brexeteer Basestars hound us from sea to shining sea. Together we ragged survivors will go in search of the ancient British colony of Avalon, long thought to be little more than myth until Theresa May starts having prophetic visions.

It will be a rough couple of years, is what I’m saying…


An update, you say? No more banter on detritus? (hands flutter)
A waking dream should be so good.
If, in my great haste in rushing to marvel at the new, shiny bits of script, I should happen to fall into a quarry along the way, all I ask is that none shall forge me…


I wouldn’t. People need to accept that there are language variations around the world.


What ?!? Never !?! Don’t you know, in the future we all speak one variant of a standard (English) language. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Noo way, no LATINO WOULD ACCEPT A LITERAL LANGUAGE how we could flirt then … in english…!!! No way English can’t flirting.
Edit In Spain there are piropos contests (piropos are our flirting appraisal to our targeted gender) are metaphors that never are literal like basic ones Your mother should be a master cheft to created so tasty chocolate. Or i should be death because i am seeing angels. Imagine this in ENGLISH NO WAY NO FUN


Yes, that would put a cramp in the whole Latin lover thing, wouldn’t it?
Where the language allows you to spout utter bullshit that just sounds witty and sophisticated. :wink:


I go to sleep… I miss the start of the party.


Yay! I really like the new arrivals. 'specially Engel, the little shit zhe is. Just how long would zhe have let my clueless MC stand there if he hadn’t decided to turn around? All for art. Truth told, zhe’s probably got the best chance of turning my heart from Mister (heh, I liked that bit) Radjack.

But… wait, I can have both, can’t I? Young Bowie and young Brando…?

I like how different the feel is depending on where/how you’re introduced to the rest of the gang, if that makes sense. Exploring in the nude feels more funny, lighthearted while the bit in the kitchen… I felt a bit deficient and like I let these people down even more. I’m also a bit sad that they don’t seem to like my name in either case, but I suppose I understand.

I also caught a few typos and the like, but there’s nothing eye gougingly irritating, so… I’m going to just wait until I go back through a bunch of times and get a decent sized list to kick your way. If that’s all good with you.

Is this related in any way to the Spruce Moose? Cousins, maybe?

I agree.

I also think ‘sarky’ simply sounds better there than ‘snarky’ would.

The thing is that English can be a fun language, but… native English speakers are largely not very good with fun these days.

At least, most aren’t very inventive…


I know wilde Mark Twain and Lewis were so damn funny !!! I thought English people were that way with sarcastic metaphors and playing with similar words… well nobody does that is plain literal meaning


I’d like to think that I’ve made some decent attempts at playing with words at times, but I’m not arrogant enough to try and compare myself to Oscar Wilde or Mark Twain…

Then again, that’s a pretty high bar to try and clear. As an American, I can tell you we’re -by and large- simply too gosh darn lazy to make the attempt. I can’t make excuses for other English-speaking countries, though…


Wah, you’re so much more observant than I am, now I really feel like a completely and utterly worthless beta tester. :cry:

Yep, naked Flash is clearly best Flash, besides I get the feeling that wandering around naked is exactly what the original would have done if he/she/zhe would in fact have been there as an amnesiac.
I was kinda surprised naked Flash didn’t get the physical from Navi.

I don’t know “The Ratman cometh” certainly seems to have some promise in that department.

You can blame that on your Dutch heritage, your laziness and your willingness to make a quick and easy buck whenever and wherever you can, as when it comes down it we’re just a much lazier subspecies of Germans. :wink:


Darling, don’t even begin to think that way. Missing a few typos doesn’t make one worthless as a beta tester - writing is so much more than spelling and grammar, so even if you’re not quite as ‘observant’ as others on that front, you’re highly likely to notice other things.

You’re far from worthless, is what I’m saying here.

IIRC, they kind of did, but it’s not described in as much detail as the other physical scene. Because Engel.

Any and all hints of actual wit on my part are complete and utter flukes, I assure you.

Forgot to comment on this, but we do have these sorts of things in English. We call 'em “cheesy pickup lines.” One of my favorites is when you check the tag on the person’s shirt and say, “just as I thought… It says ‘made in Heaven.’”

I should probably mention that when I say “favorites,” I mean that I like the idea of it, but I’ve never used it. They’re fun in theory, not so much (I’d imagine) in practice.


Your pickup lines are LITERAL ours are metaphorical so metaphorical that i don’t know how translated them for you.

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These aren’t quite so literal: “are you tired? 'Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day” and the classic “did it hurt?” (what?) “When you fell from heaven.” Among others.

I just like the ‘made in heaven’ one because of the interactive bit.


Wait…heterochromatic…troglodyte…have I accidentally made my diary public domain again?

Yes, our shapes and edges are just that transcendant. Or there is no beauty mark where there was one before. Either way, tickled a peachy pink, here.

[quote]Navi extracts herself from Engel’s embrace to look zher in the eye.

“Hang on, forgot to get dressed?”[/quote]

“Maybe she/he/they didn’t forget. It’s Flash.” Perfect opening there, Navi.

La geek-ing on rp-ing: My Flashie is meek the first night, woefully timid, and then after a rejuvenating rest, almost as if all the Forgeous programming revved on the consummately chameleon android’s manner of decorum, MC Reverie reaches into that cornucopia of Miss Manners within and comes up with a fist full of sarky. Why? Put the comfort of others above yourself. Set strangers at ease. Adopt a personality appropriate to the setting/company. Lure, seduce, be useful. Even with wholly naive intentions it just feels nefarious.
Truly unnerving how Purple HawkeFlash is unintentionally leading them to believe it might be okay. And my lil’ Humpty Dumptydroid wants it to be. Desperately so. But the devastation to the rebels when it just so happens that this persona may be a fluke…
I truly cannot decide which is more wicked, providing that false glimmer that Flash is somewhere inside, no matter how deep, or have them bear a persona so strikingly different as to forever set the tone as “Not Flash”. Oh, the possibilities! I don’t know that you’ll ever be forgiven for making me feel feelings…on the other gloved hand, we’ve been given the gift of Radjack…(sends @Moreau a unicorn-flavored liqueur)

All the best people are named as such. (innocently avoids the inevitably suspicious gaze)

[quote=“poison_mara, post:1620, topic:15992, full:true”]
You’re so literal to everything. That’s why you have fame to be terrible in flirtation.[/quote]


Ah, those actually can be found printed in English on many a cocktail napkin…
My father came from a Spanish-speaking country and, though I don’t speak it myself, I am aware of just how striking and esoteric it can get. Though, I too did grow up on the likes of Shakespeare and Poe, I wouldn’t say that modern, spoken English is barren of its whimsical frills. One cannot be absolutely aware of the idiosyncrasies without intrinsic immersion. Look at the American south where it’s as common enough to debate the height of grasshopper’s knees and exclamations of sopping up sweet children with a biscuit will not cause some great, wide barrier as to meaning or intent. And yet I completely understand that those not native to the language wouldn’t be as aware of how surprisingly deep the weirdness can go. There are many who can get quite creative and artistic with phrasing, (waves at this very thread), it also can be trying at how a number of English-speakers with a different experience might think it sounds unnatural. Many English natives also seem to be far more obsessed with time and don’t like their words to mill about.

Shorter story: It’s not that painting with English as a medium is rare, for odd idioms and mixed metaphors do abound, only that the Romance languages, with the more insular cultures, have had the luxury of getting used to it…

Please don’t. I don’t mind being put through my paces.

I resemble that remark.


Ok this is not on topic but this is part of my culture and I have to defend my Latino flirting honour . This is basic common pickup lines this is METAPHORICAL.
Bendita sea la tuerca del tornillo de la llanta del camión que trajo el pavimento en el que estás parada… ¡MONUMENTO!
Blessing should be the nut from the screw from the truck tire witch transported here the road pavement in where you stay Wonderwall!
Si verte me da la muerte y no verte me da la vida, prefiero morir y verte a no verte y tener vida.
If seeing you dring me death and don’t see you give me the life I prefer dying and see you to don’t see you and being alive
Yo no quiero que me quieras, porque yo te quiera a ti, queriéndome o sin quererme…yo te quiero porque si.
I don’t want you that you love me because I love you. Even if you love me or not I just love you without reason

Puede que no sea el tipo más guapo del local, pero soy el único que te está hablando.
Maybe I am not the most handsome man in this place, but i am the only one talking to you
Realmente estoy luchando contra la necesidad de hacerte esta noche la mujer más feliz del mundo.
I am really fighting against the need of making you the happiest men women in the world.
Mátame si no te sirvo, pero pruébame primero.
and this are simply stuff easy to translate English can’t beat a Latino language in flirting.


‘Unintentional glimmer of hope’ is a higher tier of wickedness (and feels) than ‘no hope at all,’ I think. It’s a slower boil of wicked, the kind that lets the frog think everything’s okay until they find that they’re being boiled alive.

True… I’ve nothing to add on this point. I simply like it and agree with it.

I wouldn’t dream of making the attempt, truth told.

Let it be known that I find myself falling deeply in love with the following:


And in the interest of bringing this train of thought to the proper station… @Moreau, who is the best at pickup lines in this colorful cast of characters? Whose tongue is the silkiest, smoothest, and most skilled of the bunch? Who’s the most poetic? Is it dear Engel, proficient with all the arts, or does zher skill fall more on the visual side of things?