"The Magician's Workshop" -- Uncover magical secrets of the Renaissance!

I just made a patch this morning to a romance-related choice in Ch 7 – I’m not sure whether that was causing the issue in your case, but it’s a possibility. Good luck with Piero and I’m sorry for the frustration!


I also tried to romance piero his score with me was 69 and nothing really came of it in the game.

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I have a question, a common thing of the game is when someone has soothsaying abilities is that other soothsayers can’t read them… So why is it with the MC with high stat in soothsaying characters can read them no problem. That irks me a bit.

Also why is whether it not you forgive someone dependant of stat checks?

This was a thoroughly enjoyable game. I underestimated the unputdownability and found myself up at 3 a.m.

Several of the characters were quite intriguing, and one of the main things I would’ve liked to have seen explored further was Henrique’s story and the ways art, philosophy, society etc. differ between Florence and Kongo.

Really appreciated the portrayal of humanism as an interest in what it means to be human rather than as a mere alternative to religion as I sometimes see it reduced to. The descriptions of the city made it come alive without being heavy-handed. It was also stimulating and informative without being didactic, and made me want to dig up that book on the Medici family that I’d given up on a while ago… By the way, could anyone enlighten me as to what theory the “three orders of a functioning society” in the first chapter refers to? I’m only aware of the pray-fight-work orders of the pre-Renaissance period.

Personally, the stat-heaviness detracted somewhat from the enjoyability, but the explanations of applicable stats were very helpful and since it seems that the thresholds aren’t that high, future playthroughs can be spent more on the words than the numbers.

All in all, my favourite game of this year.


hi playing my first run. gotta say this is super enjoyable so far. was wondering if i can romance both piero and fiametta bc i chose to take fiametta to that medici dinner and it soured my relations with piero i think : -((

So glad you enjoyed it! The three orders are a callback to Platonic ideas about the soul and the republic: https://www.sparknotes.com/philosophy/republic/section4/page/3/


I feel like this is one of the most underrated and underdiscussed choice of games from last year. The amount of historical content is incredible, especially given this is an alternate history/fantasy. It was an educational game: I loved the description of the currencies and the real-life characters (all of the major personages except Dangereuse were real; I was a little surprised to find out that Henrique was a real person which was really cool; I didn’t know there was that much interaction between Kongo and Europe in that era).

I did remember having trouble with some of the choices, especially towards the end of the game. I think that picking one wrong choice near the end ruined my chances of getting the workshop (I think it was unclear what stat was being tested then, but I’m not sure). I should try playing this again.