The Magician's Task (WIP) [Chapters 1-3, 74k words] (CLOSED FOR NEW THREAD)

@Samuel_H_Young How powerful, exactly, will we be able to become?

It’s not set in stone yet, but I’m thinking that when you’re training with Melithar, you could choose to focus mainly on magic instead of your physical skills and knowledge. So your Mana would end up increasing to 2, and you would have the ability to do either two minor spells per day or one more powerful spell per day.

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@Samuel_H_Young Is there a reason our MC is so limited in power?

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Basically, most people who get powers or magic are vampires, witches, and sorcerers. They all get their powers by making deals with demons, which generally gives them much stronger abilities, and the capability to increase their powers.

Magicians, on the other hand, get their powers randomly as babies when magical discharge from the Netherworld fuses with their bodies. This is somewhat rare (about 1/100 are magicians) and they almost always have weak magic that can’t really be increased.

With training from a wizard, though, they can increase their magical strength, but only by a relatively small amount.

Wizards are basically people with such genius that they have discovered for themselves how to harness magical discharge from the Netherworld and bend it to their will. They are incredibly powerful and can use magic to the level that Dumbledore can, for example. Currently, there are only two wizards, one of which will be a main character in TMT.


1/100 people who have powers/use magic, or 1/100 people in the general population?

Do wizards have to start out as a magic user/person with powers, or can they be anybody? Could a sufficiently smart/tenacious magician develop their powers into that of a wizard’s?

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1/100 of the general population.

It helps to already have powers, because then you’re already familiar with magic, but potentially anyone can become a wizard, though it is exceedingly difficult and rare. Your powers wouldn’t really build up to that point, though. It would be more like something would just click and then you finally fully understand magic and how to manipulate it at such a high level. Though I don’t plan on making that a possibility for the MC.


Chapter Two is chugging along at a slow but steady pace. So far I have a little over 5 of about 30k. Here’s another little snippet:

Killian glances at the Archer and sneers, saying, “Well, if it isn’t the tree rat.”

Keano doesn’t miss a beat, and retorts with a ready smile, “Ah, look who it is: my favorite trio. Hey, Killian, I’ve been wanting to practice my aim but I’ve been missing an apple and a big head to put it on. Would you like to volunteer?” He winks and says, “I promise I’m a good aim.”

Petre raises an eyebrow and says, “You want to shoot his fruit with your arrow? Pervert.”

Verim laughs cruelly and adds, “I think this guy’s spent too many hot days out in the sun, to be talking to you that way, boss.”

Killian advances on Keano and puffs out his chest, rumbling, “You’d better wipe that smug smile off your face, or I’ll wipe it for you.”

The Archer raises his hands placatingly and backs up a little, saying, “Hey, calm down. It sounds like you need a sip of whiskey.” He pauses and then adds, “On second thought, I doubt it’d be a good idea to give an angry manchild his first drink of alcohol when he’s all riled up.”

The hulking bully growls and takes a swipe at Keano, but he laughs and dives out of the way, skirting around the stack of firewood.



Wow, the first person to choose Petre as one of their favorite characters so far! Pervert…

(Just in case that flew over anyone’s head, it was a joke. “pervert” is Petre’s catchphrase, haha.)


Honestly, I’m wondering why it’s his catchphrase… :sweat_smile:

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Because he’s a pervert.


So far I’m at 9 of about 30k for chapter two. I’m off work today, so I’m gonna try to write 2k more by tonight. Here’s another little snippet. Which one would you choose!?

With Keano out of his reach, the idiot turns his attention towards you. With his customary big dumb grin, he lumbers his way over towards you, cracking his knuckles as he does so. You just stand there, swallowing as adrenaline soars through your body. The bully gets in your face and slaps the cup of water out of your hand, sending it skittering into the dirt. He raises his eyebrows and widens his eyes, saying mockingly, “Oops.”

#Glaring up at him, you spit, "If you don't leave instantly, I'm going to chop all of your heads off with this axe, hollow your skulls out, and then use them as spittoons."
	*set compassionate -1 
	*set intimidation +1 
	(+1 Callous, +1 Intimidation)

#You crack a mocking grin of your own and retort, "I'd appreciate it if you left post-haste, RoadKillian. You smell like a rotten skunk and it's distracting me from my work."
	*set charisma +1 
	*set keano +1 
	(+1 Charisma, +1 Keano)

#You just say calmly, "You shouldn't be here, Killian. Farmer Mathers will hear you, and I don't think he'll like you intruding on his farm."
	*set diplomacy +1 
	(+1 Diplomacy)

(note: there’s more text that comes after each choice, of course. This is just to illustrate some of the content)


I’m going to start calling him RoadKillian now.

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Hahaha, it already stuck!

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So short, but so good. You always have such a solid grasp of tone, and I absolutely love the tone of this one. It’s lots of fun to read. Can’t wait for more! <3


Thanks so much! The next chapter will add about 30k to the demo and I’ll hopefully be posting it in the next few weeks.


According to the poll, I write pretty good female characters. :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s too soon for me to know who I like in a romantic way. Right now I just know who I dislike and who I like as a friend…


So I got home a couple hours ago after working a ten hour shift on just a few hours of sleep. My insomnia refused to let me go to sleep, though, so I decided to try to get some writing done. Surprisingly, the words just flew out my fingertips and I managed to write 1k of your BOSS BATTLE against Killian. Granted, I skipped ahead for this, since it’s in chapter 3, but I think it’s some of the best narrative yet and progress is certainly being made.

In the meantime, I have 15k for chapter 2, so it’s about 50% done so far.


leads to:

… should we assume a bad day at work? :wink:

Sometimes a good will result from a day like that. Glad you advanced your story.



Yeah, pretty shitty day at work, which kept me up because I was pissed, which made me think about how I wanted to kick Killian’s ass, so I decided to go write it, haha.

And here goes a snippet to end all snippets:

 #"Lend me your powers, Zaleth!" you cry to him, your voice thick with emotion. You want to [b]crush[/b] Killian with ease and make him regret ever tormenting you.
	*set mabelin -2 
	*set demonic +1 
	*set compassionate -5 
	*set zaleth +5 
	(+5 Callous, +5 Zaleth, -2 Mabelin)
	"Finally, you shall taste true power!" the demon shrieks, his cruel voice high in excitement. 
	For a moment, the world seems to fall away. You feel like your body is made of lead, falling down an endless abyss as your vision narrows and a blood red creeps around your peripherals. Then, with a sudden jolt, you are back, an incredible power pulsing through your fingertips. You feel so positively full of energy that you're afraid you're going to explode, and as you clench your fist in anger, you feel as though you could crush Killian's bones beneath your grip.
	"What the hell?" he shouts in confusion, laughing nervously as he looks down at you. "Are you having a seizure on me, freak?"
	He doesn't wait for a response, and instead, cocks his fist back and sends it flying through the air towards your face. "Kill him, kill him!" Zaleth roars.
	With a smirk, you catch Killian's fist in your hand, gripping it so hard that your fingernails make him bleed. He yelps in surprise but before he can react, you yank him towards you with impossible speed, slamming your fist into his jaw. He grunts and jerks backward, spit and blood flying from his mouth, and you grab his wrist with both of your arms, pulling it with all your might. His shoulder dislocates from his socket with a tremendous pop, and he howls in pain as he staggers back, clutching at his shoulder in horror.
	You laugh with glee and lunge towards him, slamming your boot into his stomach. He bends over with a grunt, almost looking like he's going to vomit, and you slam your elbow into his throat, knocking him to the dirt. He gives a strangled, high pitched shriek and writhes on the ground, clutching at his shoulder and throat as he splutters for air, his eyes bulging from their sockets and veins appearing all across his forehead.
	Before he can even attempt to get up, you leap onto his chest, latching onto his throat with lightning speed. You squeeze as hard as you can, and Killian's face starts to turn a violent shade of blue as he grunts and shrieks unnatural noises. You raise your other fist and bring it down repeatedly onto his face, first splitting his lip, then breaking his nose, then blackening his eye, until he is just a quivering mess of blood beneath you.
	"Yes, yes, yes! Split his skull, gouge out his eyes, wrip out his throat!" Zaleth wails in euphoria.
	You raise your fist to strike Killian again as he whimpers and flinches beneath you, but you are vaguely aware of someone grabbing your arm from behind. You turn to see that the hand belongs to Mabelin, and she desperately pulls at you, her expression furious and terrified at the same time. "Holy shit, ${name}, what are you doing?!" she screams. "Get off him before you kill him!"
	And in that moment, all of your immense power begins to fade. You lilt back, suddenly feeling as weightless and weak as a leaf. The vice-captain hauls you off of Killian and barks out a command to a pair guards as they rush over. "Get that man to Rigel, immediately!"

Wow, just reading that scene was satisfying.


Woohoo. There’s more text that will come after that choice, as well, plus some latent effects, too. And then there are five other choices that are equally as big, so this little scene will have an insane amount of replay ability and agency, I hope.


Can’t wait to try it

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