The Lost Heir Trilogy

So, can someone help me sum up the childhood dream in part 3, specifically those of the guardians?

The ones I know of:
Karl/a help you when you’re lost
Bran/Brinn standing up for you
Peter/Petra magic backfires
Gale/Gill taking the blame for you
The Norgan delegation
Jace/Jess with their dad
Sir Grady beating up a knight.

What are the other 3 I’m missing?


Amos pretends to be drunk and steals you dads money
Sister Geri is with your nanny
Lady Emaline you meet with ‘red paint’ on her hands


The Norgan delegation dream sounds interesting.

The Theo dream I got was him stealing a pie from the chef.
Must be different if you didn’t do their side-story.

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That’s the dream. She’s at your parents’ castle with her parents who are part of a Norgan delegation.

Ah, must’ve missed that part.

What are the effects of each dream. I know the thea/o dream gives +5 strength. And the peter/ Petra dream gives +5 magic but I can’t recall the rest

I think Brinn dreams gives you geography.
Jess, Karla and Amos doesn’t give you anything.

That’s unfair Amos could give charm. I can’t think of any for the others though

I was in a Biology class today and we were discussing nitrogen fixation and the Haber-Bosch process that made nitrogen fixation workable at the industrial level, helping to feed the world to this day. The discussion soon turned sour when someone said that Fritz Haber didn’t deserve his Nobel prize for this, as he later went use the process to make chemical weapons during WWI.
While the topic is quite an interesting one, all I could think about was Poppy and Jess storming away from the campfire and later discussing which of their crafts/talents/magic was more evil. I raised the point that technology isn’t inherently evil and it all depends on its applications. I didn’t get a chance to cite Lucid in class, so I thought I would do it here.


The dreams give 7 to different stats (some give none) I remember Theo gives strength, Bran gives geography, Gale gives charm, Emaline gives endurance.


Maybe I should start quoting Lucid too. My friends read his stuff and would probably get the references.

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Does the MC have to be a Seer to get those dreams?

I think not. I’m pretty sure they just happen automatically when you get poisoned by the demons during the academy sequence at the beginning of LH3.

No, but I’m not sure if Seers get to choose which one they see.

They do
[20 characters]

I’m almost completely certain you don’t have to be a Seer.

I didn’t even touch any characters with levels in Seer till my ~8th playthrough of the game. Got the dreams each time.

I ment that they got to choose what dream. Everyone gets a dream.

Usually don’t ask questions like this here because I prefer to figure this stuff out on my own, but can anybody give me a hint on what I should be doing to become a warmaster. I thought it would be somewhere down the guard pathway but I’m not having any luck. The vaguer the hint the better, I’m just not sure where to start.

I think you need a buch of levels in guard, blade skill and General Vale relationship.
Either that or guard, strength, and blade one of the two.