The Lost Heir Trilogy

Thanks @StarcraftJunkie and @Dark_Stalker it work! Woot-woot!

So, I just moved this thread from Work In Progress to Hosted Games. Thatā€™s a good sign, right? :slight_smile:



A very good sign indeed!

Ummm. I need help in getting the cleric job. Where can I get it, is there any requirements?

You need one level in priest, cleric is a military branch of upgrade for priests.

Ahhh! Finally! Thank you! I can finally get the paladin job.

Oh, thatā€™s pity. About unused things, i mean. But, well, I guess we canā€™t have anything we possibly want :grin:

Hi lucid, the releases thread says its now pending release!! How long does it normally take till it hits the app store?

I believe they still have to edit it first. I can hardly wait to finish this story though!

Editing is done. All assets are in. I think itā€™s just down to timing the release now. :slight_smile:


Iā€™M SO EXCITED! I hate that 20 character minimum!

Is there a way to delete old saves?


If you donā€™t mind me asking, what do you find to be the best part about writing this trilogy?

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Hi everyone, Iā€™m reading te first two books again to prepare for the release of the third, and during one of my games, in the first book, I encountered the Kobolds in the pit; Iā€™m with Theo, I hit the leading Kobold with my dagger, and the narrator told me that since Theo took care of the other two, I can take back my dagger. Except after the scene, I do not have it anymoreā€¦ is this an issue some of you already experienced ? In the end it is not a big deal, Iā€™m rich af now, so i can buy it again, but thatā€™s a little annoyingā€¦ but anyways great games, looking foward for the third one !!

Yeah,itā€™s a glitch.

Probably doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s fixed,since the dagger is cheap as fuck.


The dagger glitch is in the new fix that will go through in the next couple of weeks. :slight_smile:

Probably the biggest difference in writing this trilogy was to be bound by my old code. Writing a game over the course of a few years meant that I had to use the existing coding and choices made from back then. I could fix it up on each game a little, but ultimately, there were a lot of strange things left in the game that I was forced to work with.

I look forward to starting my next project fresh. :slight_smile:


Until you see the amount of money you will receive from LH3. After that, you will start LH4 :stuck_out_tongue:.


Come onā€¦ I donā€™t want Lucidā€™s creativity to be confined into single setting/franchise. Let him try something new XD


@Lucid could go bioware mode and do a mass effect esque trilogy since LH fits like a dragon age esque settingā€¦ :smiley:

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In that case my only concern is that Lucid shouldnā€™t become too fascinated with particular types of colorsā€¦ Like red, blue or, i donā€™t know, greenā€¦