The Lost Heir Trilogy

Self defense doesn’t justify everything. If necromancy is considered desecrating the body (which seems to be the tact that Lucid’s world goes with), it’s hard to justify even in self defense. In a fantasy world where good and evil are almost real tangible forces with concrete consequences (mostly evinced and effected via good and evil gods, but in other ways, too), it isn’t hard to imagine that there are actions one could take that are evil even if they are the only way to save one’s own life. There’s some philosophical arguments to be made against that (most of the ones I can think of offhand are based on rather flimsy premises, IMO), but it’s ultimately subjective. Lucid’s made it pretty clear that everyone considers necromancy evil in this trilogy’s setting and that this stance is mostly correct - many acts of necromancy garner evil points for your character.


I literally don’t encounter him at all in some playthroughs, which are oddly enough always the ones in which I try to become a necromancer

oopswait nevermind it was the wrong point of the game lmao

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I’m 23.9% done. Proofreading takes a long time, but it’s absolutely essential. I’m finding many errors, and now that the story is finished, I can greatly improve the writing to get better flow.

On a side note, the word count has now climbed to 226k. Beta testing will add much more, but it’s neat to see it continuing to grow.


Can’t wait to to ask to beta test.:grin:


Does this fabled guide have both LH1 and LH2 covered? 'Cause if so I’d definitely like to sign up for that! Err… I mean: Oh great lord NeoHeartless! Bestow upon me your humble servant, the dark and eldritch knowledge you have amassed in the void beyond!

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@Reider invited, also yes it has a TLH 2 guide, although it only continues off of my Squire/Ranger guide and is subjective because of the 4 starting areas having some differences in state gains.

Finally got dragon Rider class so that makes so that makes 4 prestige classes I’ve gotten.

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All five in the top 10 and 4 of the top 4! Today is Lucid Day! Woo Hoo!! :slight_smile:


<3 congrats Lucid! You earned it!

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You know,we’ve done some crazy shit in this game so far.Rode a dragon,got a giant in the army,took down one of the best fortified region in the land and so on.But there was one little event that I thought would be nice.

What if,on our travels,we ran into a secret coven of Soulburners?

This is mostly for the reaction of Jace/Jess.For them to finally be in contact with their own kind…that’s got to be overwhelming,even for the most stoic of characters.

Knowing my MC,he’d probably try to sleep with them all.Cuz who wouldn’t want to get frisky with a mage who shoots beams from their eyes?


Use demon stones every chance you get. Even if you can’t really do any new ones, you will still get points for trying

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Lately I’ve been thinking… on the much disputed topic of whether TLH is a sequel or prequel to LoaW… what if the relationship is actually determinant - based on which of the 4 main endings you get - you literally create your own chronological history of Daria within the Lucidverse.

Maybe, its just rough speculation on my part, but interesting to ponder over given how the time span between the two is intentionally ambiguous.


So, what’s new? The tread has gone unusually quiet recently?

Working very hard. I think I’m about 80% done. The proofreading is going well, but wow, it’s a lot of work. It’s still growing, somewhere around 235k words now. :slight_smile:


Here we go!

Ready to start testing! The total word count at this point is a whomping 243,800 words. Phew!


Hmm, pity, I wanted to help playtest it.

Maybe I’ll catch it in the next wave.

Well good luck hunting down any problems, folks.


hey @Lucid, excited for the next game… quick question though because i know you’re busy, will you do a pre LH3 launch update for LH2?..

Probably not. I don’t think I have that many errors in LH2 and I’d rather keep the ratings. Then again, a link to LH3 might be needed. So, I guess I’m not sure. :slight_smile:

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You can always do an “advertising update” … something all the AAA titles do now to advertise their new titles in their old… :wink:

Just saying. :smile: