The Lost Heir Guides and Assorted Help

This guide is for the lost heir 2 for @EmperorHeartless squire/ranger guide. This guide was made by @EmperorHeartless

Continuing off of the Squire/Ranger guide which is the second guide on the first post.

Note: I am playing this with the starting area being the Norgan Mountains, and not dating anyone, so Results may vary.

1)Create a Magical Dome +3 magic
2) Follow your religious convictions and became a priest Blades +5 Religion +20 History +10 Arcana +10 Magic +20 Gold +60 Gain holy symbol
3)Wait to hear what Theo says
4)Shout Encouragement to Theo +3 Charm
5) Let him live if you’re good, die if you’re playing an evil route. (Although at 70 good, if you have Theo kill him, you can always build back up the good. Plus I just don’t like Dorgan.)

Note: EVERY time you get a chance to visit the shops, do it and visit the temple. You can pray to your God or Goddess to gain a point in good or evil, and a point in religion.

6)When entering the bar, it doesn’t really matter. No stat changes I’m aware of.
7) Say what’s with all the demon summoning? Perception +2
8) Personally I agree with Bill. No stat change though.
9) Stop him for good. Say nothing for bad.
10) Convince him to cut the wood himself Charm +2
11)Go to Opal Cave
12)Ask to borrow money. (I’m not broke… Just cheap. No negative effects either and it saves you money!)
13)If you don’t have a bow, buy one now.
14)Rely on your Mounts skill (You need the poorly trained tourney horse.)
15) Attempt to fight both at once good +5, also you win the tournament, become a Knight, +3 blades, archery, strength, agility, endurance, and +300 gold
16)It depends on who is speaking. Karl(a) Either had no choice or breath of Auriel, Peter/Petra let them pray as long as they need, Theo “I’m sure you’ll get a chance to break some bones” Jace/Jess “I need their skills”
17) Learn who the guards are, and befriend them
18) Learn what you can about Bunta
19) Ask the man to send one of you +2 charm, and then give up on the idea (Only doing this for the charm boosts)
20) Wait for night and sneak in
21) Look at a loose brick +2 perception
22) Summon Flames +2 Magic
23) Swing your sword
24) Draw your dagger +2 blades
25)Take the Child
26) You can choose whatever gender.
27)Consider how other countries +2 Geography +2 bran/brinn rel
28)Visit the shops and pray to your God before visiting the Nobility
29) Spend a day preparing the child (I named him Jackson, so I’ll use that for reference sake in this guide) a room. +5 good
30) Speak to Lord Vale, agree with his assessment
31) Discuss spending, promise to increase Vale rel +20
32) Ask what you can do to get his vote, inspect the soldiers for an auto +3 strength and Vale rel +5 (Note: only works when you have a certain amount of blades skill)
33)Just put in 0, so you change your mind about watching the troops.
34) Try to find out which nobles won’t vote for you
35) Spend up to 5 days to find out who won’t (don’t worry with high perception this becomes 3 days instead) +2 perception
36) Hire Thugs -40 gold, +10 Evil and Citizen Fear
37) Travel to the Academy (With your Well trianed tourney horse it should only take 2 days to get there.)
38) Ask what you can do to get his vote
39) DECLINE to sign the document (Silly Cumari.)
40)Is there anything else I can do?
41) Just tell me what it is
42) Call upon Auriel (Or whatever God or Goddess) to dispel the enchantment. +5 Religion +20 Cumari Relationship
43) Return to Bright Water
44) Speak to Tovor

(Note: Do NOT discuss war spending with him.)

  1. Ask if he can teach you any magic. +1 Nature, +2 Tovor rel
    46)Ask what you can do to get his vote, study the books for five days. Also an auto arcana and Tovor boost from having a decent amount of arcana (His relationship should be 72 now)
    (You should have only 1 day left and enough relationship (70) with each of the three to gain their vote.)

  2. Spend the last day speaking to the lords and ladies of the East.
    48)Selinda murdered your rightful King and Queen! +2 Perception
    Note: If done right, you should have a +2 boost to Cumari, Tovor, and General Vale. Also a +3 charm AND the fourth faction of voters which is all the other Lords and Ladies.
    Note:If you did everything right so far, CONGRATULATIONS! You won the vote with a UNANIMOUS decision! Hooray! All it took was beating up some Nobles and dispelling a necromatic curse and junk like that!

  3. Speak to Bran/Brinn, Let them go. Citizen Rep +5

  4. Speak to Vale, We shall take the fight to them. If you got his vote you get automatic boosts.

  5. Give a Speech. With our current charm, Citizen Reputation +15.
    52)Tell them you plan to serve them faithfully +3 charm +10 Citizen Reputation
    53)Speak to Lord Tovor, Increase taxes. Citizen Reputation -20, Army food +10, +5 Army Size, Morale, and Power

  6. Speak to Cumari, You refer to the Demi-Human?, Their aid would be most beneficial

  7. Go ahead and take all that other gear you don’t have. Yay free goodies. Then continue Onwards
    56)Ask Vale and Bran/Brinn about any spy rings, Pick Brightwater as your biggest concern. +2 Bran/Brinn relationship

Note: Since At this point I already have a high relationship with all other NPCs, I ALWAYS take Bran/Brinn with me to up hir relationship. This is especially helpful if you are NOT romancing them, since you will lack the relationship boosts from the romance.

  1. I am here to speak to your king, Next choice doesn’t matter, Perhaps there is something I can do to help?
    58)Boldy walk to the giant, Try to convince the giant to leave +2 charm
  2. Say Kratog this is the Dwarves Mountain, Perhaps if you take the sheep with you, Let the giant gather the sheep
    60)Say the giant is gone, it was worth it. +2 charm and no negative effects with the dwarves
  3. Work in the Mines. +2 strength and Endurance, Increased Dwarf Help - Army Power +7 Army Size +10
    62)Make Jackson a Royal Page, Give Samuel a small gift, Good +3 Charm +2
    63)Go to the Halfings

Note: Theoretically when it comes to visiting the different races it doesn’t matter what orer you do EXCEPT you must ALWAYS visit the Halfings before you visit the ELVES so you can gain a relationship bonus.

  1. Seek an Alliance, As a follower of (insert God name here) I will try to help you.

Auto +2 history and Arcana if you have enough (I think Arcana. Either that or Religion)

65)Ask who home this is, inspect the house Nature +2 and Perception +2
66) Call upon your God +2 Religion and Magic
67) Enter the Home, I know you aren’t a ghost.
68) Strike the source of the voice with your sword +2 Agility

Note: This is where I tend to have a lot of variation. You could listen to lomi, or you could kill it. Normally… I just kill Lomi. I get much more bonuses at the cost of +15 evil. I can always just gain that good back up by being nice to other people. Heartless I know but ahem Neo Heartless

69:Kill the creature. +15 Evil, +225 Gold, Gain Teardrop Necklace
Army size and power +7 from solving the haunting for the Halfings.
70:You wish to know Alexander Zusak’s plans +10 Geography
71)Go ahead and handle the situation when it comes to marrying your own way. My only advice is if you’re dating someone, stand firm with them. Also make sure they get positive reactions. At the minimum your advisor’s relationships and the morale and citizen rep should go up by +2.
Saying you will date Bran/Brinn or you will think about it gives +5 to your advisors relationships and Army Morale, and +10 citizen reputation.
72)Go to the Elves
73)Examine the moss +3 nature
74) Step aside and slash at the worm +2 blades -50 worm health
Most companions will finish off the Worm. I believe Karl(a) is the only one who doesn’t.
If the worm dies, +267 coins
75) I am Prince(cess), follower of Godname, and I come to seek an alliance. (This option may only be available if you’re a follower of a real “Good” God), I wish to seek an alliance.
76)Ask is there anything I can help with?, What happened next?
77) I have found Auriel’s Grief +3 Good
78)SPend your time listening to the Elders +3 Charm, +5 History and Geography

Note: This next part is only for Knights. Also you can choose whichever Squire you want. Personally I just prefer either Remus or Raquel. I don’t know what variation the other two provide. I just don’t like Marla’s personality or Gordon haha.

  1. Choose Raquel, buy new gear (do this for any of your squires), train your squire -200 Gold. (Your Squire will do well in the war now.)
    80)Go to the Gnomes, Turn around and speak to the man, Examine the Security +2 Perception
    81)Tornassa is so large… +2 Geography.

Note: The History option for this requires 65 History. I believe its the second highest, if not the highest History check in the game. At least from what I encountered.
Note: Do NOT choose the first option. If you do you won’t be able to get their full support. One of the other options, even if you have to beg, is better. This way they give you the quest with the Repus family.

  1. Take a look at the building site
  2. Set the scaffolding on fire with a spell +2 magic

Note: Whenever you reach the point where you only have one Demi-Human group left, the after effects of your tax policy shows. With increased Taxes its +5 Army power and Food +10 Army Morale and Size and -20 Citizen Reputation

  1. Go to the Half-Orcs.

If you pass a History check, then you get +2 history and the option to put your hands to your side and refuse to let them bind you.

  1. Refuse to let them bind you, I seek an alliance, As long as your people follow my laws…

  2. Ask the prisoners their side, Talk Gurstwin into letting the prisoners go free. +3 Charm and Citizen Reputation

  3. Boys will be boys (or girls if you’re playing female) Jackson rep +5
    Note: This next part often changes. Personally, I got the Karl(a) variation.

  4. Have Karl(a) help out. +10 Theo(a) relationship. No negative effects for Karl(a)
    89)Give Naistalan the necklace

Personally… I suggest he gives you money. You can graciously ask for nothing for +10 good IIRC. The first option is just learning about past events.

  1. Suggest he gives you a reward +120 gold

If you complete Theo(a)'s quest, you get an additional +7 Army Power and Size as s(he) brings back some Norgan Warriors.

  1. Suggest to Cumari that WIzards should join the army too. (If you signed that document you won’t get anything. So that document in any playthrough is a last ditch thing.) Army Size +7 army power +12
  2. Give pep Talks. As a Knight you gain +10 Morale, Size, and Citizen Reputation
  3. Lover stuff. Go about that as you wish.
  4. Order your soldiers to get buckets and put out the flames. (Our food! Damn you! Also, this is where keeping spies in Brightwater pays off. I checked the other options except for sendin them to the Consortium, and I liked this one the most.)
    95)Cast a spell of suffocation +3 magic
  5. Take Jackson with you
    97)Begin the March. The people should love you, and if you follow a Good God(dess), then hir should shine light on you. Morale +7
  6. Teach your soldiers how to take the maximum amount of deadwood. +3 Nature, +5 Morale
  7. Ask both the Dwarf and Orc what happened and try to explain the cultural differences to them. +2 Charm, +5 Army Morale
  8. Consider how much a halfing should eat +2 History
  9. Inspect the Gnome Camp, and Tell the Gnomes to show the rest of the army what they have been doing. +3 Magic and +5 Army Morale.
  10. Tell the General to NOT take any food without paying for it. Tovor relationship +5
    (This is where keeping spies in Brightwater pays off as well. If you send them elsewhere you lose more food and will have to take food or risk your troops starving and General Vale being angered)
    103)Speak to the Weapon Masters, Pay the 300 gold to hire them. Army power +10, Army Size +3

Note: If you lack enough religion you can not understand what the beggar is doing and lack several options to interact with him. Most notably the Necromancy path if you’re going for that (Which personally I’m not in this guide.)

  1. Tell your soldiers to give the man a place to rest. Citizen Rep +3
  2. Summon your soldiers and have the man arrested. +10 Good, Cumari relationship and Religion +5
  3. Study the Maps for a Closer crossing. +3 Geography (IIRC this should be the highest geography check in the entire series so far.)
    107)Ask the refugees what happened, ask about Sherman, Tell him to keep his food. Citizen reputation +20, good +10

Note: You can get some extra troops but you will lose food. 10 size for -10 food. Personally I recruit them.

108)Recruit anyone who will join.
If you’re dating Bran/Brinn which I am in this guide, then y’know. Lover stuff.
109) Lover stuff
110) Have the Army go on without you to meet the Arcane Tattooist, Cast a Divine spell to locate your friends lifeforce. +1 Army delays, +3 Magic

Note: At this point all your combat skills except unarmed are 90+ After this you can basically do any stat check when it comes to combat.
111)Unfortunately with our current Arcana we can not become a magical tattooist. Not in this variation of the guide. et a tattoo for yourself that will promote insight. It’s the blue one. +7 Perception.
Note: Alright time for battle!

  1. Send a Raid, Charge to the front, Do whatever. Personally I did Cast a wall of force for +3 magic. -10 Ludd army
  2. Allow your Halfing outriders to punch a hole. +3 Morale, -10 Ludd Army.
  3. Attack only the enemy soldiers +5 Good and Future Citizen Reputation, and morale. -5 Army Size and power. -10 Ludd army size
    115)Offer flags of Parley, offer the same terms in reverse.
  4. The rest of the options are dialogue options. What you need to do is “You need to surrender Ludd to me.”
    117)Even if you are right I can take Ludd before Selina can stop me. +3 Charm.

Note: You can agree to Duke Eddan’s terms and allow him to leave alive and get Ludd without the final battle. Personall I do this to prevent lowering my army numbers anymore. (although at this point we should still be at 100% ChoiceScript allows us to go over 100% but doesn’t show it.)

You can fight for Ludd though. Honestly this is up to you. If you fight, you should be able to win easily, but for the sake of the guide we’ll let that pansy Duke Eddan survive.

Automatic +3 Army Morale with your Squire doing well in battle (if they have new equipment and are properly trained.)
Also the cheers of your army, knowing they don’t have to kill their friends and family in Ludd.

118)Deal wit the surviving army, Banish them. +5 Vale relationship +7 Citizen Reputation
119)Discuss Strategy with Lord Vale. This option normally brings about the Warmaster class, unfortunately you need 2 Guards level at this point which we sorely lack. (Last time I played Warmaster I felt like it was underpowered. Hopefully it will get a boost in TLH 3)
120) Decide what your army should do. No stealing or raping, but give them the night off. +5 Good and Citizen Reputation. +10 Army Morale
121) Gather the food found in Ludd, +10 food
122) Consider recruiting people from Ludd. At this point our army stats are still over 100 in all fields except food. Still I recruit anyone who is fit for +10 Army Size and Power.
123) Consult Lord Tovor, Personally I do foraging the surrounding area. I remember at a previous update there was a nature check I think, but it doesn’t matter as even if there is we still pass it. (although I don’t think there is one anymore or I just imagined it)

Note: At this point, you gain the option to get the Dragon. @AyazM and everyone else who wants that Dragon. If you follow everything to this point, specifically the options to boost geography, Arcana, and History you can the dragon. (Heck I think you can do it with just the +10 Arcana boost from being a Priest(ess).)

  1. Go ahead and choose whatever profession you want. You should be able to pass any stat checks for the Prestige classes available. Personally, I went with Finding the Dragon, Accept the Connection, And get rid of my poor tourney horse. (Least I get… what!? Only 50 Gold?? THIS IS A TOURNEY HORSE THAT WON THE KNIGHT TOURNAMENT! Damn you cheap merchants… Off with your heads!) +50 Gold, +15 Strength, Agility, and Endurance. +150 Gold (So a total of 200 gold.) Name your Dragon what you want. Also when you return to Ludd, +10 Army Morale, and CItizen Fear
  2. Pay 250 Gold for the Horses, use them to build up your cavalry. -250 Gold, +15 Army Power
    126)Lover Stuff. If someone is pregnant… Citizen Reputation +5 an Army Morale +5
    127)Oh, hey Elmvale.
  3. Elmvale stuff. If Karl(a) went Red you can confess to the parents. Or if Karl(a) is alive or you’re dating hir go meet them. Be polite for a relationship boost.
  4. Visit Sir Grady’s Farm. Or what was his farm. *achievement unlocked
  5. Shake the mans hand.
  6. Buy the Sheep. -200 Gold +15 food
    132)Tell your Soldiers to stand down, Tell Kratog I’ll get you food but I need you to fight for me. -10 Food +10 Power, A freaking Giant in your army.
  7. Companion stuff. You should be able to handle this easily. Personally, I got the Karl(a) one and choose to Speak to the Cooks for +2 charm and +3 Karl(a) relationship
  8. Yada yada, talky talky with the different leaders. Just listen to them and then tell everyone what you will be doing.

Note: See now this choice I always have a hard time with. I’m unsure if this will have repercussions in TLH 3. I imagine it will.

  1. Go under the walls by diggin a great tunnel
    136)Build siege towers, Build defenses, (Causes delays but helps in inflicting more damage to the Tornassa army, and prevents some extra soldiers deaths. Normally this would be bad but with the current stats you can afford it.)
  2. Join the raider, Join those on foot. If you’re a Dragon-Rider you automatically deal damage without doing a choice. If you’re not, then you will go to the walls, Just use magic to scale up the walls and use any attack except for martial arts.
    138)If you chose to build both the towers and defenses then you won’t have enough food to prevent desertion. If you buy food you lose 300 gold. Luckily you only get -4 army power and size. Which should still show 100% for you on the stat screen (because we went over 100 a long time ago…)
  3. Be the first one through the tunnel, Cast a spell +2 magic.
  4. Seriously just do any combat or charm option and you’ll make it. +2 to whatever skill you used -5 Army size, -3 to Tornassa army.

At this point Tornassa army is at 47 and my army size is still over 100, alongside morale and power.

Jeez, this is a pretty one sided battle…

  1. Continue catiously. +2 perception, -5 army size and power
  2. NEVER I will never surrender Selina!

Oh wow. Never actualyl read the Tornassa casualties at this point before, but with all the Demi-Humans, Theo(a)'s warriors, and the academy wizards… -40 Tornassa Army which brings their count to… 7. In return we get -15 army size, putting us at 91% army surpluss size.

Now THIS is a one sided fight.

143)Fighting with Red __, personally I immediately attack.
144) I tried prayer but that failed. -20 health. Use one of the other options.
145) Use the distraction to attack Selina.
146) Cast a spell to shoot a spike at Selina. +2 Magic, also SCREW YOU SELINA
147) Use the distraction to spray fire. -35 Red
148)Honoruably Fight +10 good and Citizen Rep
Personally I am fighting Jace/Jess so my fighting options will be with hir.
149) Study Jess and attempt to dodge. +2 Arcana and Perception.

Ok, at this point assuming you have close to killing Red ____ you can choose to kill hir, or let hir live, in which case hir will poison you and you will lose the Siege of Tornassa.

  1. Screw losing, I’m a sore loser! Shoot her with an arrow.

If Red ___ doesn’t die at this point hir will poison you. (Normally hir would, but I messed up earlier when I tried to heal her affliction. with Priest 2 that would have done -35 health.) If you choose to lose then you will obtain an alternate beginning confirmed by Lucid.

TLH 3 will start with two distinct ending. One where you won and reunited the Kingdom, the other where you lost and have been a prisoner for who knows how long.

  1. If you didn’t kill Red yet, and hir poisons you. Try to Endure it. +2 Endurance.
  2. Raise your blade. Die Red ___

You have won! Hooray!