The Hero Project: Open Season — Can you win America’s #1 reality show for heroes?

I don’t exactly remember how you get it, but it’s an ending where you end up in the hospital, so maybe you need to really screw up in the big fight? (And be at the fight, so don’t drop out of the show).

I remember, it’s where the MC blows up during the fight instead of Crush, so they end up in hospital and watch the finale on tv… it’s the bad end.

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Checking the code of HR3 to see if that gets acknowledged.

EDIT: Mhnn… well, if it is tied to the pills, the question remains:

Why was there no ‘backup’ plan if you 1. don’t take them and 2. don’t show up at the finale.
Cause structure wise this now seems like this:

A or B takes the pills, goes haywire, the other is at the finale and goes haywire there.

So the room for a third path (as above) is theoretically still there.

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You have to take the pills Rebellion gives you.

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It wouldn’t be since you can’t carry on from there - it’s the bad ending.

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Which brings us round to the ‘PG saving your arse’ from above.
I don’t have the exact wording, but if you are ‘just’ in a hospital while the Crush didn’t cause worse damage than you…
Wouldn’t that still allow for her busting your arse out if the bad guys come for you and thus drag you into the events of HR3?

EDIT: Checked the code for HR3, and it does acknowledge if you took the pills. So how hard do you have to mess up to not be able to load the game into HR3?
(which is it’s whole own problem: HR has you work harder (as player) to fail than to win)

Ok, I checked the code. You actually die in that bad ending, as Rexford sends Scoundrel to kill you (I’d forgotten that, now I’m more mad about Scoundrel getting away with it). But that could have been a good place to have Prodigal come to the rescue. And if MC dropped out or didn’t take the pills… have then attacked at home maybe?


That’s what I meant.
There’s a number of spots to start the whole process earlier and, well, give a clearer agenda to Prodigal. YMMV but it really make more sense to have her help you if she ‘needs’ you (and actually wants to turn a new leaf), than to have her break into your safehouse AND get the police there to force you to work with her. /shrug

EDIT: It’s, I think, one of the main issues people have named as negatives for the games:
That the games turn you more and more into a spectator than the player.
In HR3 for example, you have PG go ‘don’t overestimate the leverage you have, I don’t need you’ upon the player demanding she spills the beans about what’s really up. This is RIGHT after the mindspider thing (which was meant to convince us to help her), after she waited till we can’t just rearrange her organs and general a long line of things that all SHOW she needs us, while we don’t actually need her.
Yet the text has us give in because ‘she’s right’.
And afterwards it got only more and more passive, culminating in OS, which can be played by spamming the ‘next’ button.

EDIT 2: Just out of curiosity: Who wrote the description based on what? The staff based on what info sergi gave them or sergi?


Yes. Yes it does. (20 characters looooong)

(Drunk rating) Hero Rise was the game that got me hooked in CoG, but Hero Project is the most disappointment I have ever experienced in CoG games. I knew it wasn’t possible for Open Season to fix everything wrong with Redemption Season, but Open Season is so bad that make me dear door the future of the Versus series.
Why Zachary did this? Why he alienated his fan base? He is a great writer, but he doesn’t want to write to guys fan base, he want to write door his own ego :expressionless:.

And why CoG allowed him to do it? Didn’t the company learned v anything with the critiques? Why they didn’t guide Zachary to the right path?
The BS with Miss Boss show how only the people who followed the “right path” are allowed the happy ending in this game. And yet CoG didn’t do anything to prevent it.

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Im pretty sure the game still sold very well. CoG is a business at the end of the day so I don’t think they would risk losing him unless sales went WAY down. Maybe not even then. They seem pretty cool about letting people write their stories how they want too (within reason). I also don’t know how much control CoG actually has on the creative process. I think they kind of just publish the games. But I could also be completely wrong so take my comment with a grain of salt.

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I think compared to other titles it’s not doing this well.
Also: apparently there’s a patch looming ahead overhauling a lot of wording etc which had to be delayed because apple.

HR was usually a title getting quite a bit of feedback very quickly.
But this time? Steam for example had 8 reviews, and only one is positive. And saud positive one is the opposite of helpful as it’s so obviously fanboyish gushing (and single sentence) that it comes across as spam.

The others agree with the criticism brought up here.

And Urban, once you sobered up, I say it would not have been inpossible to fix the stuff that made RS bad.
But for that it’d have needed a writer who even wanted to do so. And looking at what happens in the game… I feel as if Sergi simply wanted to get to the bonus epilogue to try and get people hyped for versus.


Well I don’t have the numbers but I’m assuming the fact that it was a part of the Heroes series alone would make it sell better than some of the newer and lesser known titles. But I could be wrong and I apologize if I am. I do understand it was badly reviewed but I do feel like a lot of people bought it to get closure or something for the series. Or maybe they were naive like me and thought they would improve their writing and would have taken the fans feedback to heart. These sales alone would, at least I think, put them ahead of some of the other titles that came out recently. Maybe not for the long term but potentially for the short term.

I dont have the numbers either, but looking at the playstore for example

Open Season: 5k downloads marker, 4.0 rating 156 ratings.
Silverword: 1k marker, 4.5 rating 110 ratings

While Undercover Agent and Fielder’s fared worse, look at some of the HG titles that came out shortly before:

Wayhaven got the 10k marker, 4.9 rating 1616 ratings.
Fallen Hero: 10k marker, 4.8 rating, 864 ratings

Sure, these two got their hype before, but one would thing that hype is nothing compared to the big name title.

The easiest explanation might be that even hr fans got wary after rs and wanted to wait… and they did and either decided against it, or bought and didnt like it.

EDIT: Also: Should we get all jokes about Versus3/HR6: The Quickening out of the way now or wait?

EDIT2: I find it really worrisome how Sergi apparently does not inform the winners of his contests what kind of characters they get to name/will be named after them.


I finaly finished Open Season after replaying through whole Heroes series and i must say it is quite good. Not even a quarter as bad as some comments here try to paint it :stuck_out_tongue:
It escalated the conflict from previous games to keep it entertaining. The tie-in to Versus universe was an interesting idea to continue atleast part of the story even when done with HR (even when i do wished for happy ever after for my characters :slight_smile: )
The game put our character in a place when we are forced to cooperate with criminals who share common goal of saving the planet and it makes for interesting circumstances. Yeah i did wated my character to expres more disdain to Loa Shift or some members of high council or how i thought of Loli and Scoudnrel as jailers, but it still was enough in allowing me to roleplay it to certain way.
Shifting perspectives to get back to our original trilogy mc were fun and nostalgic. Prodigal plot was a creative way to get back to that character.
Some things i read skimming through OS topics are quite strange compared to what i got in my playthrough, and i disagre with some of it compared to my own experience with the game (to reactions like "how did you get/interpreted this scene in THAT way??) :slight_smile:
But i don’t feel like engaging with sparring match with people criticizing this game :stuck_out_tongue: .
I just wanted to say that, while it isn’t as good as Heroes Rise or definately Versus, it’s still a decent game that let me delve into that universe again and still enjoy it. It have flaws and sometimes doesn’t allow my character express feelings i would like her to express, or some storylines seems shafted like the game was rushed too much (Miss Boss definately) but i’m willing to overlook it and i was perfectly able to enjoy it anyway.


Personally I felt OS corrected a lot of what was wrong with RS while allowing Sergi to tell his story. There was considerably less heavy handed narration to it. My issue was that he tried cramming too much into one game making it feel rushed to a degree. It’s a shame really

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Still fascinating to see how there’s little to no in-between with this game especially.
Is there really ‘too much’ in OS? because after all, no decision matters (sure, there’s a few utter-minor ones that might cause something to be greyed out, but it doesn’t matter). Plotthreads getting handwaved or are left hanging, bad guys getting pardoned cause why-exactly and the player is pushed into a spectator role to the point I’d like to dig up the ‘is HR interactive fiction’ thread.
Because, cross your heart, OS has nothing anymore that qualified the other games as IF.

EDIT: Pushing this back up to open the discussion on a final judgement, in light of the main points of criticism that ex- and persist since the first game:

  1. Lackluster world- and characterbuilding
  2. Lack of continuity
  3. Lack of consistency (two different things)
  4. Railroading
  5. Preachiness
  6. Turning the Player into a Spectator (one could argue that this is part of the railroading, though)
  7. The tone towards the player should they ‘stray’ from the ‘golden path’

Since the first game the games have, to many, felt as if at least half the game was missing, and there’s little to no improvement over the course of 5 games, 7 if you include versus.
Game after game you’ll be face with choices that sound as if there’s a different path behind them, only for the game to mock/scold you for picking this path, telling you you are wrong and railroading you back unto a path you did not perceive as right for your characters.

And it all culminates in OS:
It’s utterly irrelevant what you do, the story will always go the exact same. Sure, tine bits of flavortext are different, but they lack impact.
And that is not something that should happen.
Not when these points of criticism existed ever since the first game in the series.

So… what went wrong?


Gently pushing this up, to ask people something:

If you bought the WarningSystem in RS (and I mean bought. Not the free one) did it carry over?

I didn’t buy in this but I think it’s the same as the Versus, it does carry over.
The variable for the warning system is set true in the first game and, I think, he uses the same variable so it should carry over.

No it doesn’t, that’s why I asked.
In fact, checking the code now revealed that even if you got the variable set to ‘true’ in a loaded game, the game sets it to false. WTH happened there?

Code below (second line)
You send a mental thanks to MeChip Prodigal, knowing that 
*set warningsysnine false
*check_purchase warningsysnine
*if choice_purchased_warningsysnine
    these warnings will keep coming because of the Warning System you already purchased.
    *goto cmaroun
    she has been trying to talk you into one of the most valuable MeChip upgrades, the MeChip Warning System 9.0, which enables her to continue warning you the way she just did. If enabled, MeChip Prodigal will be empowered to inform you of strategic advantages, help you make efficient and consistent decisions, and warn you if you're about to make a decision with a high level of risk.

    Do you want to keep warnings like this coming, with the Warning System 9.0?

    *if choice_purchase_supported
        *purchase warningsysnine $0.99 cmaroun
        *page_break No, Thanks
        *goto cmaroun
        [Purchases are not possible on this platform]
        *page_break No, Thanks
        *goto cmaroun

*label cmaroun
*check_purchase warningsysnine
*if choice_purchased_warningsysnine
    *set warningsysnine true
    *achieve achievethewarn

I counterchecked with HR3 and this doesn’t appear to be a necessity for the purchase to work. So… wth happened that that *set is there?!

EDIT: I know the code gets changed from the beta (obviously) so I wonder:
Mistake (and this was meant to end up an *if) or purpose?

Do you think it was a mistake or was it done on purpose?