The Followers (Revived!) - Help testing chapter 3 (Updated 20/10/16)

I can become an owl spirit that helps a small village of people who meditate to gain enlightenment.

This game is marvelous.


I did change those conditions slightly from that point (due to the insanely small chance of getting it otherwise) the chances are now 3.62% of getting shadows if you just make random choices although if you plan your choices and take a specific path its easier.

I’m glad your all finding the different paths that you can take. Once i’ve finished the other half of chapter 3 i’d be interested to see which paths people go down against the Kevers.

Are there any problems or parts that you’d improve on?


My spirit started out as having its origins in the sea … but lost that as she evolved into the angel of the sun ancestor - I loved the red eyes all the way through but I kinda think the spirit should retain something in its description from where they originate, not lose it all.


I agree, I’ve been trying to do this as much as possible as you can see with the red eyes but with 5 different starting locations and 20 different spirit appearances (40 different at the end) it makes 100-200 different variations with the materials added in - an materials aren’t as interchangeable as colours (although black is giving me a tough time :frowning: ).

However chapter 3 isn’t complete yet, the story that’s told is your peoples creation/formation of the Gods story and give you a new appearance to choose from. These stories are heavily influenced by your starting location (50 different short stories/appearances planned)


This is a great game,btw.Keep it up. :slight_smile:

Also,I like to think about certain scenes where the gods that I created would meet up and have the battle of the century.

Spirit Of The Wilds vs. Sculptor Of Flames

Dear God,that would be badass.


One thing you can do with black is use it in the shadow of the spirit - as it grows in substance, its shadow grows darker and more “black” and use black in casting of different shapes of shadows.


you most likely thought of this.

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Since you revived this I have been trying your demo over and over. I hope you know that just your demo is already of great quality. I wont lie I’m having more fun just with your demo than I had playing some released titles.

I just love being a shadow god. I love how we can change trough the story too. My official god at the moment is a beneficient shadow dream and sea god. I plan on going full on cthulhu but rewarding to his followers instead of cruel to everyone. I’m also excited for the path where we fight the kevers. Roc came up with great weapons so with my help I hope we can defeat them more easily than if we try to negociate. Hopefully less people will die considering we will be on the offensive this time instead of cowering while the kever army stab each others.

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Thank you so much for the comment. Ive never written anything before outside of academic work and I know I cant compete with the majority of the people on this site but its great to hear that my story can compare, I may even submit it to the hosted games label one day (im not sure how the pricing works though and im not really interested in making any money from it).

Im in the process of writing the fight scenes at the moment. Its similar to the friendly branch with 2 options for how the fighting goes plus other branches so hopefully there will be a lot of different paths for people to try.

Once Ive managed to write it ill add it to the current demo for people to try although its going to take a little while :(.


The thing I like the most about your game is the way your scenes are so well described that I alway have a clear idea of what is happening. Everything is alway well described and it make for some truly epic scenes. My favorite ones in particular are those when we get inside a follower mind and directly speak to them.

Another thing I really like is how you show us what influence we had on the people. One scene in particular I really like was when you described the town plaza. The image of peoples meditating under the rain amongst fervent believers was a great scene. You gave enough informations to have me imagine the engraved black spires of the plaza sending shadows on the meditating peoples with guards on the edge watching the few who commited crimes. It gave a great feeling to the scene and really brought me back to see what else this particular scene could be.

I’m not a religious person but I could feel the awe and fear the peoples on the plaza could feel when forced to endure the cold of the rain and the shadows.

Another scene I really liked is the negotiation with the Kevers. Being a dream god made it epic as well. I could go on and on but I would probably end up describing pretty much everything that happenend in my playtrough.

I hope your game will finish on the market. You might not care about the money but I think its a great work that deserve to be read. Its the quality of games I wish I could have everytime I buy a game and if not for the money then consider what it would be for the IF community. Great titles are what inspire peoples and I wish peoples would do more games like yours.

I will keep following this thread for as long as you keep it open. I would lie if I said your WIP isnt my favorite one at the moment. The only other I could compare it to is choice of rebels. You might not have as much content at the moment but what you have is more interactive.


I played the demo like 10 times now :smiley: but I have a question: how do you get the human spirit ? I have gotten the shadow, animal, nature, demon, and the others but didn’t get the human one. (I manually selected it through the beta code tho)


I think you need high humanity with ruling with fear.

I’ve gotten human spirits through these choices:

-Great Congressions
-Must Earn Favour
-Promoting Peace
-My own existence is greater
-Humans exist to empower us with help
-Watch but do nothing
-Long for the power to do more
-Watch the spirit
-As long as i’m not forgotten
-Save the human
-If they weren’t going to believe…
-maintaining heart beat
Choose gender
-Influence mind
-show images of great power
-I have need of you
-I have chosen you because you are in need…

Now i’m not sure if you have to get exactly those things in order to get the human spirits, but that is what I did.


Sorry to bother with this kind of stuff again but what did we need to do for the different offerings? I could only get meditation with my shadow god otherwise its alway animal sacrifice. I also never got totems. I would guess it have to do with tolerance but I couldnt get meditation with natural forces despite having 62 in tolerance.

does anyone else get this error when they try to fight the kevers Our apologies; there was a 404 error while loading game data. Please refresh your browser now; if that doesn’t work, please email with details.

This part was not written yet I think

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thank you for the info

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does anyone else know if their are different offerings then human sacrifice and food if so can you tell me what they are and how to get them?

Does anyone know how you can get your followers to believe in shadows?

Ok I’ve done a quick test and it seems every offering is available to every spirit type although some are a lot more common than others.

Totems are the most difficult to get (like the shadows) with only a 1.17% chance to get. (The other 4 sacrifice options have a ~25% chance to get)

Because of there are 25 different combinations of offering and spirit it’s difficult to get some and because of the requirements for each (I wont tell you what those are at the moment as I’ve already spoiled Chapter 1’s requirements) some combinations are easier than others.

Obviously the most difficult to get is Shadows with the Totems which have a 0.08% chance so I’m assuming only 1 combination of choices throughout the whole game up to that point will work

There are 5 different offerings although I’ll leave it to you to see what you can find.

@Jeffrey_Foster @AAO
A brief guide how to get the spirits was written by me about 20 posts up in spoilers.

Ive updated the game again now and that 404 error should stop however there will not be much on the fighting option at the moment whilst I work through it.


First Fallen Hero now this?! Oh god this day is getting better. Woo time to play me some games where i am powerful as heck!