The Fernweh Saga: Book One (Discussion) [šŸ’š Game Update, Post 1214 | TFS: 2 Teaser, Post 1186 ]

Yes, that is indeed the ask that left me guessing as to what could be worse than death. I feel like Fernweh might take that up a level. I am always left curious by those final pages of chapter 11. At first, I wondered if W could be the one Ms. Verner is speaking to in her office? Since it seems like someone is just outside of the door; however, I now reconsider this after what @ZealousImagination said. The trend with Mrs. Dorran. Could W be working with all the Fernweh mothers?

That would be very funny, if you think about it.

Ms. Verner seems more like a lone wolf from what you quoted from the novel. She is not trusting.

I am in a similar boat that now has me watching Mrs. Dorran more. Is she perhaps too kind?

After seeing your reasoning about her soft encouragement, I do think you are right.

Unless she knows something and would rather the MC be with W than S. It isnā€™t like the MC or their family has a great track record with this spooky town; could she want to spare her child from the danger magnet? I think back on her behaviorā€“chiefly how she encourages S even after that candle scenes at the start, so maybe not. This sounds more like a Ms. Verner motivation unless her dislike of the MC is more based on class/social echelon rather than the history with the families. Hmm.

So much momma drama.

You and me both! The nightlight post with W also softened my heart some about their creepiness; if they need the light, maybe they are unused to lurking in the shadows all the time?


You and me both. W was the first one I suspected, but Iā€™m not sure, thereā€™s not enough information to confirm or deny my suspicions.

On another note, recently I watched this

Thereā€™s an interesting similarity with Fernweh in it - the main character and few others are remembering the future just like our grandpa. One of them tried to change things and break the loop. Yes, thereā€™s a loop there also.

Itā€™s an interesting watch and I recommend it if youā€™re into things like that. But if youā€™re in this thread, I suppose you areā€¦ :laughing:


Happy Birthday Mrs. Dorran! :paintbrush:

In honor of Mrs. Dorranā€™s birthday today, I collected/revamped some writings about her to share with you. She is one of the first characters we meet in Book One; her kindness leaves an impression. :pleading_face::art:

Question/Prompt: ā€œIf I had the chance I would die for Mrs. Dorranā€

I passed this^ along to Mrs. Dorran. Letā€™s see how she took it:

_ _ _

Mrs. Dorran stops washing out the bristles of a paint brush, eyebrows drawing together in a way that forms the slightest of furrows along her forehead that makes her age a bit more apparent.


Maybe you shouldnā€™t have said that out loud, even if thereā€™s some truth to your words given how kind she has been to you. ā€œI meant it positively,ā€ you reassure her, raising your voice a touch to be heard over the running water thatā€™s being wasted as it travels down the drain of the sink. ā€œLike a joke, kind of?ā€

Mrs. Dorran sets the brush aside without a word, no longer focused onā€¦

To continue reading this writing along with a fun Fernweh Gang short, go here. This is a public post on TFS Patreon :evergreen_tree: .

I hope you enjoy these writings about Mrs. Dorran! :smiley:

I noticed that thereā€™s been some conversation about her on the thread; specifically, what she may know and her allegiances. I must say the timing of it is oddly perfect with her special day being today. For the most part, it seems readers view her as a kindly maternal figure, if not the best mother-in-law contender.

(Believe it or not, you all can work on Ms. Verner to earn a mutual, hard-fought respect. Iā€™m not sure if there are any thoughts/theories about Jā€™s and Aā€™s mother yet. You will get to meet her later on.)

Iā€™ve been working hard on Book Two. :writing_hand:I recently wrapped up some bestie scenes with B where they can remark some on who the MC is spending time with. (Rā€™s section wasā€¦ interesting.)

@artless I remember you from the other thread as well. Itā€™s lovely to see you again. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you so much for the congratulations along with your kind words about TFSā€™s characters! I love how youā€™re torn between B and R. The two of them have such different vibes, but I have seen a few readers enjoying going from one to the other for a change of pace.

This might be because of what Iā€™ve been writing; however, I would suggest maybe trying to have one as your bestie while romancing the other if you miss one? For instance, B has some well-intentioned reservations about R, while R can be very supportive of the friends to lovers trope with B unless they think B is distancing themself from the MC. (R is keen on taking the MCā€™s side.) I canā€™t say too much due to spoilers, lol. Iā€™ve enjoyed acknowledging your MCā€™s RO(s) while writing the friendship scenes/events.

I imagine some readers have preferred bestie and RO combinations? :eyes: I always keep a watch out for them. Another one I have often seen is a romanced S with a bestie R.

Wishing you all a lovely rest of your weekend! Thank you for your support. :green_heart:


:flushed::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_peeking_eye: :heart_hands:

Oh absolutely Iā€™ve done a run each now with that exact setup hehe :v:

itā€™s hilarious how R would ship the heck out of my MC and B, meanwhile B is protective and cautious about R LOOL :rofl::rofl:

But wow glad to hear part 2 writing is going well, and hope you have a great weekend too! :star_struck:


I canā€™t do anything but love Mrs. Dorran when she looks like Viola Davis!

I think itā€™s interesting to try and build a good relationship with her. Itā€™s easy to hate her, but I wonder what she will be like with the person she respects (because it seems like she doesnā€™t even respect R). Oh! Will MC become her new favourite ā€œchildā€? You better watch out, R! :rofl:

Is bestie thing is official, like bff gets special unique scenes with the MC and such? Does book one have scenes like that already (I donā€™t remember, but maybe I missed it)?


Of course, everything about R is interesting! I canā€™t wait to reconnect with R and all the others in Book 2 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I canā€™t wait for Book 2. Honestly, I absolutely purchased the first game just because Iā€™m down for any game that lets you smooch a monster, and likeā€¦ yeah Iā€™d hold hands (and/or die) for uncanny possibly-eldritch-horror customer service worker. I donā€™t know why theyā€™re evil, but Iā€™d be evil if I worked in any retail job.

I also love all of the main cast. I love the dynamic between J and R, though if I had to pick one, I do like J slightly more because Iā€™m biased towards anyone wearing a big fancy peacoat. I like S and B as well. Bā€™s super cute, and S is justā€¦ reliable and steady. S gives off the vibe that if left on a park bench, they would inexplicably attract a ton of stray cats. In game, Iā€™ve only gone down the J route, J&R, and then I pretty much go for W every playthrough.

After looking at the tumblr, I went back and played to check out of the changes in the Stat Menu during the dream sequences, and honestly. Love that stuff. The dream sequences are probably my favorite parts of the game, though Iā€™m curious if thereā€™s a way to use the bottle of alcohol in the housefire dream.
Funnily enough, I got the ā€œbest endingā€ in regards to injuries in my last playthrough when I was attempting to be as merciless as possible (I did still steer away from a lot of openly cruel dialogue choices, but uh. rest in peace Bambi) so clearly, going into situations knife first is a 10/10 strategy (Iā€™m going to guess Bambiā€™s mom kills you in book 2 a la Until Dawn ā€œYou disturbed the balance of natureā€ style.)

Iā€™m also delighted by how the story very obviously goes ā€œHey, have you considered you have questionable taste?ā€ whenever Wā€™s around.
Narrator: Wow, they dress and act like 50 red flags in leather.
Me, a buffoon: Wow, thatā€™s my favorite color!!

Iā€™ll be overjoyed if future books have a scene where they have a dramatic, edgy monologue revealing theyā€™re the big bad(?) and the MC can go, ā€œYeah, no shit??? Can we hold hands now??ā€
Sorry Grandpa, I know you suffered, but I have an incurable case of idiot disease and refuse to make good longterm decisions.





Yay, Iā€™m glad that you did that, and I agree with your blurred text too, haha. The 180 degree flip between them is so much fun; Iā€™m eager for readers to see more of it in Book Twoā€“how R goes from captain of the ship to acting more as the MCā€™s first mate, while B might (maybe, possibly, hmmmm?) be re-evaluating R depending on how things go. Thank you for the well wishes! :green_heart:

Yeah, Ms. Verner can be a hard character to love, let alone find some redeeming qualities; however, a few MCs either do see that those qualities are there or may be trying for Rā€™s benefit. :ring: We will learn more about her which might further help to shape opinions on why sheā€™s like that, possibly fostering some understanding. (Or you could dislike her more, I suppose. XD)

Great question! :grinning:

During Book One, the scenes for the most part are choice-dependent since Iā€™m trying to gauge whoā€™s your MCā€™s bff based on whom they tend to gravitate towards in addition to how they handle certain personal conversations along with issues within the book. There are many chances to gain affinity points. Typically, the friend-coded choices give a hint like who sits next to the MC in the Fernweh Diner after their RO(s) takes their spot; this then allows for a scene about that. So, yes, there are special unique scenes in Book One that show the friendship developing!. :smile: They are mostly triggered by choice to let me track your interactions; however, there is varied text throughout based on friendship stats-checks, especially within Chapter 11/12. For instance, the brunch section with a MC who was cruel/harsh to the characters will feel different than one where youā€™re on good terms with all of them. More tension, some ignoring, etc.

Regardless, the coding in Book Two will allow all of you to confirm (by checking the carried over variable) or set your bestie, so thereā€™s no need to worry about this aspect! That certainty paired with how the two of you grew closer in Book One allows for even more special bestie scenes; Iā€™ve already written quite a few. :people_hugging:

R would be very much like :wink:, agreeing quite strongly with what you said.

Hi @stairswell ! Thank you so much for your kind words about TFS, and Iā€™m glad that you love everyone in the main cast. What you typed about S in particular had me nodding along; they do seem like the type strays would gravitate to since they project a cetain calm. B would blush over being called super cute, lol. :revolving_hearts: Oh, you like peacoats while also playing the JR route? R relates to you; maybe that specially purchased ebony one will come up again looks off in the distance in the future. :eyes:

I had so much fun working on the atmosphere in the dream sequences; Iā€™m happy that they were one of your favorite aspects of the book. As for the bottle of alcohol, itā€™s meant more as a taunt than as a useful item in this instance. Thereā€™s also a very subtle plot reason. Youā€™ll notice that MCs who unlocked the TFS grandfather call scene could actually use/interact with the (creepy) cellphone that suddenly appeared in Chapter 8, while the items in Chapter 3 felt more passive and like a scare tactic. Could there be a reason for this?

Oh, I do love this reference. I wonā€™t say for certain, but I do track how the MC interacts with pretty much everything. :eye: :eye: (Which means oodles of variables/coding, but itā€™s best I know what youā€™re doing and why.)

I believe intent is key. Iā€™m sure there are some Bambi killers on this thread who may feel remorse over it? (@Lambkin and I know of a few from Tumblr who kind of jumped the gun or went knives out. To be fair, the plant pod was weird af.)

Okay, I wonā€™t quote everything, but I did smile to myself about that exchange. XD There are quite a few red flag chasers in the community; the W was none to pleased about their ā€˜screen timeā€™ in Book one (which was very intentional on my part to tempt). Itā€™s good that youā€™re willing to pursue them since the Wā€™s scenes are going to again require some effort on the readerā€™s part. They do appear within the first few chapters of Book Two, so I hope thatā€™s something youā€™re looking forward to in addition to re-uniting with the Fernweh Gang. :evergreen_tree:

Thank you again for taking the time to share what you enjoyed about the game! That means a lot. :heart_eyes:


Okay, @lacunafiction ā€” I finally got enough time to actually complete and really enjoy your game. Well done in presenting a lot going on without letting it escape your story. :revolving_hearts:

I started out thinking I would romance B, the best friend. Yet R genuinely caught my interest and then was able to keep it all the way through the story. Well done.

W/M is a really attractive alternate so far.

I really enjoy S and B as my wingmen ā€¦ I will find it hard to run additional sessions for them as ro.

Thanks for the great read, and I wait for the book two demo. :slight_smile:


Hi @Eiwynn ,

Itā€™s lovely to hear from you! Iā€™m glad that you had a chance to venture into Fernweh, and Iā€™m so happy you enjoyed it. :smiley:

Trying to strike the right balance in presenting whatā€™s afoot was very important to me. I sincerely appreciate that you sensed the care in that; many of those plot seedlings and threads are carefully laid in Book One to begin maturing in Book Two, if not crop up later in the series. I canā€™t wait for readers to experience more!

Oh, I love how R swooped in and stole the show by piquing your interest and then being able to maintain it. A bestie B with them can make for a good time, while S can also provide some unique insight on the Verner heir. I must admit I did grin a bit at your mention of the W. Iā€™d strongly recommend giving them a try. They will be featuring quite heavily within the first chapters of Book Two, so that might give you a better feel for their character (or possibly add to their mystery.)

Thank you for your encouragement! Iā€™m still finding it a bit surreal to know youā€™ve read something of mine given my old lurking days on the Forum. It just kind of cements things, in a sense? Iā€™m grateful that you enjoyed TFS. :green_heart:


Swooping is bad! Unless itā€™s R, of course! :grin: (I just had to make this joke)


The fine swooping Verner ass.


Swooping in the lil red sports car ā€¦ up the elevator face to face ā€¦ and standing before mom, hip-to-hip ā€¦ oh my. :revolving_hearts:
. :wink:


Here are my long overdue thoughts of my run with my final visitor in Fernweh - Victoria ā€œVickyā€ Delgado. Sheā€™s my MC for Jamesā€™ route.

Vicky turned out to be a lot similar to James. Sheā€™s stoic, logical and she likes to analyze everything. I find out that I tend to pair the LI with a similar MC when Iā€™m not playing my main MC Joy. The only exception is Lily/Silas ā€“ they are nothing alike.

Now, I want to delve again into the thing James said here:


The silence persists with James continuing to avoid looking directly at you.

His eyes jump up and then down when a rafter or a light fixture falls in the background. The occasional crash or bang has become common as the heat loosens things within the house. He cautiously presents the lit candle to you, as if introducing the concept of fire to a child, before touching the flame to the edge of the window, helping it spread and devour your home.

ā€œAt least this time you will stay gone, nothing is re-opened, and there will be no more festering. Itā€™s for the best, Victoria.ā€

You balk at how James could possibly think this is the best outcome, but he doesnā€™t see your expression, since he turns away and pushes past the others to leave.

What is re-opened? A gate, a portal, a rabbit hole? Something broke the loop? Again we know MC is the anomaly which disturbed ???ā€™s game. I hope weā€™ll get some clarity and answers in Book 2.

Also James is so adorable in his denial and his trying to be ahm, ā€˜professionalā€™ and not showing his crush. I have a feeling he just canā€™t believe that MC will choose him. Have a little more self esteem, James, please.


Iā€™ll go with James," you decide.

James stops surveying the empty, dirt path for any approaching cars as soon as he hears you say his name, nearly pulling something in his neck from snapping it around to make eye contact with you. ā€œMeā€¦?ā€ He just said that way too softly, which is why James clears his throat to speak again before Reese makes a wisecrack or Silas tries to help. ā€œIā€™ll be glad to pair up with youā€”for the search effort,ā€ he quickly tacks on the last part, trying to maintain a professional tone.

Silas shoots a silent look of warning at Reese who seems poised to say something, but he relents with an eye roll. ā€œThe groups are all settled then. See you both later.ā€

You watch the other group depart and head into the dense tree line; they seem to disappear within seconds, except for the occasional snatches of light you strain your eyes to notice.

ā€œWe should probably head in there,ā€ you suggest, raising your flashlight to help point the way. Only now does James unroot himself from his spot directly across from you. He walks over and nearly walks past you, until he pauses by your side and does not move a single muscle since his rigid bearing is back in place.

"We should stay close togetherā€”for safety reasons," James awkwardly adds.

He doesnā€™t take the lead, allowing you to set the pace, so you can walk side by side.

I really like how supportive is Beckett in this route


Beckett glances away from untangling some headphones, popping in both of the earpieces and offering a thumbs up. ā€œIā€™m not in a rush. Take your time with Detective Corvin,ā€ he encourages you, reaching for a book to increase the illusion of privacy. ā€œI think he seems nice, especially to youā€¦ā€

Some funny moments from this run:


James remains absolutely silent as he continues to observe you.

You peel away some of the bark on the stick to make the grip not as coarse and scratchy against your palm. This branch has a decent amount of reach to it relative to your height; it could be used to whack or smack something a distance away. The sensation of being watched motivates you to glance up to see that James has an unreadable expression on his face. ā€œWhat?ā€

ā€œI have a gunā€¦?ā€

He phrases the statement more like a question that is laden with confusion. His eyes arenā€™t really focused on you, but they are trained on the stick itself, which seems to be the reason why James is starting to frown, though itā€™s somewhat sulky. He has always had a protective streak ever since childhood. ā€œBut I donā€™t have a gun,ā€ you counter, hefting the stick higher in the air. ā€œThis is a backup so Iā€™m not completely defenseless.ā€

ā€œRightā€¦ā€ James stretches out the word, no longer sizing up the branch that will do minimal damage against whatever shredded a wild boar to death. ā€œNo contact with the predator that did this is the best outcome. We need to warn the others with the walkie talkie.ā€

ā€œGood idea,ā€ you agree, turning to leave with your stick raised at the ready.


ā€œDelgado, are you bored of the Detectiveā€™s silence?ā€

Reeseā€™s voice emits from the speaker, though it is a little crackly, you can hear the conversational lilt to his question. ā€œNo, thatā€™s not why Iā€™m calling,ā€ you reply, releasing the button once you are done talking.

ā€œSo, youā€™re just bored of him in generalā€¦? I would recommend giving him time.ā€

James heaves a low sigh, quickly unhooking his walkie talkie from his belt with a little more force than needed so the plastic clip produces a sharp, snapping noise. ā€œReese.ā€ He says the name more like a terse warning than an actual greeting. ā€œThe forest isnā€™t safe. You and the others need to head back to the road now. Over.ā€


He isnā€™t taking you seriously, which is why you decide to act.

Knocking the flask out of his other hand is easy; you aim for the base of it, practically launching it at James because it slips between his fingers from the upwards force. He doesnā€™t move or rear back; instead, he remains eerily still as some water douses him and the metal container falls noisily to the ground. Rivulets dampen his shirt, but you stare as the fabric grows stiff within seconds, fine ridges forming in the cotton material as if the liquid became flash frozen on contact.

That is definitely not normalā€¦

ā€œYouā€™re not James,ā€ you fiercely assert.

ā€œAnd you should be grateful for it,ā€ he warns. ā€œShow some gratitude.ā€

You glare at this thing that canā€™t be James, wishing you had thrown the flask at his head.

And Vicky's ending stats


The best games have multiple rounds; do not become cocky over a single, trifling win that required help. What is one to many? Itā€™s insignificant at best when you will inevitably fail.

There is certainty in that failure; is that why you hesitated to immediately walk awayā€¦?

None of those later steps were thoughtless or automatic; you knew better, but persisted.

Consistently defying the rules accrues more and more mistakes that you will buckle under; there will be no bending, not when your actions express blatant disregard. This level of defiance is rare. We have time to remedy that undesirable trait and break you into your role.

Your first kill was a performance meant for an audience of one. You satisfied a dark need, not unlike the creature being taught to drain things rather than get nutrients from the soil.

Life or death situations can test your limits, though being at home in a known, comfortable environment can induce an honesty that is even more telling. Yours was exactingly recreated. The paint colors, types of furniture, treasured photographs, and every other painstaking detail werenā€™t good enough for you, were they? It felt wrong, but appeared familiar because itā€™s yours.

The cloche delivery was designed with you in mind, or at least who your mind wanders to.

Somehow being able to sense that wrongness is why you refused contact; you will yield.

In the end, your mother was angry too; perhaps, you inherited some of her fire.

Oh, was that too soonā€¦? Wordplay is something you appreciate, though this context may burn you up inside rather than tickle out a smile or a laugh; she certainly wasnā€™t smiling.

Your ending is near; we both know this, but how exactly it will play out is where the fun lies.

Until we meet againā€¦

So, now when I have finished all of the paths my final rating of the romances so far is:

1. R 
2. JR
3. B 
4. W
5. J
6. S

I have to confess that B and W were equally good for me. So they can be both in third place. :slight_smile:

I loved the dynamics between Amber and Beckett. They were so good for each other. I put A in the mix and made him have a crush on Beckett and a bad relationship with Amber. It sure will be fun. It was a pleasant surprise I actually enjoyed the friends to lovers trope here. It had never worked for me before.

Evie and W on the other hand, are like a disaster waiting to happen. Iā€™m so curious how this one will develop in the next book.

So, now I can officially announce I broke my record for MCs for a game (it was 4). They are 6 for every path, itā€™s nothing I have ever done for any other game. I usually stick to one/two LI and one MC. But thanks to @lacunafiction now I have 6 girls ready and eager to continue the adventure in the town and woods of Ferweh :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :houses: :evergreen_tree:


:sparkles: Update: Relationship, Friendship, and Stat Guides are now included in the TFS Achievement Guide Doc! :sparkles:

You can see how exactly to befriend all of the characters, what choices help you further shape your MC, romance pathways, and much more. Another massive thank you to Tiffany who did all of this while also editing Book Two! The guide has now doubled in length, so I recommend checking it out. :green_heart:

My grandmother is getting fiber-optic internet cable (I wish I had this kind of speedy internet) sometime today. Iā€™ll be over there helping her with the installation and then setting stuff up, not sure how long that will take, so this is just a quick message.

However, @lo6otia thank you for sharing more about Victoria; she now has her own file with your other lovely TFS ladies. :evergreen_tree: I have more to mention about her and your ranking later on. I also did want to ask if youā€™ve watched Midnight Mass? I heard it has some eerie vibes like Fernweh; plus, I think it has that perfectly splendid :wink: actress from Bly Manor? Not sure. I would mainly watch it for her and the mystery/creepy aspect, but wanted your take.

(Or if anyone else recommends it? gestures at The Fernweh Saga I like slow-build, creepy/mysterious stories.)

I hope everyone is doing well! Iā€™ve been writing up a storm; this trip to my grandmotherā€™s is actually an unexpected break. stares longingly at a WiP scene about J walking with the MC around the town square Thatā€™s okay though. :smiling_face: Wishing you all the best!


Nice to hear from you, @lacunafiction :slight_smile:

Victoria canā€™t wait to hear your thoughts.

Of course Iā€™ve watched it. Truth is Iā€™ve watched everything from Mike Flanagan. Heā€™s great.
And I liked Midnight Mass a lot, I think itā€™s what youā€™re looking for - mysterious and slow-build. Not so creepy for me, but Iā€™m a veteran horror fan and there are not many things that can creep me out.
The Haunting of Hill House DID creep me out, though. Itā€™s his best show in my opinion.

Iā€™m happy youā€™re giving the MC a walk around Ferweh with J, but itā€™s nice to have a break sometimes. Have a nice time with your grandmother :slight_smile:


My grandmother officially has fiber-optic internet, so yay! :smiley: But she now wants a smart tv to watch the local news (for the weather) and Wheel of Fortune?? :thinking: (No, I donā€™t think there is any dissuading her, but at least she is excited about it since sheā€™s never had one before. I get to set that up soon-ish.)

Thank you, @lo6otia , for the recommendation along with your thoughts on each show. I have yet to watch Hill House, although I was going to watch it for the lake lady actress since I think she has a more prominent role (a character with gloves, iirc), and I know I like Victoria. (She is so great at being subtle with her mannerisms to convey meaning/characterization.) I heard itā€™s a lot scarier than Bly Manor, so I may warm up with Midnight Mass before trying it. XD

Oh, this means so much to me! <3 Iā€™m honored to have so many of your MCs lost within Fernweh, not to mention how distinct they are with their personalities and dynamics. I canā€™t wait to see how they all fare within Book Two. :eyes: The writing for it has been going well; I spend time within Fernweh each day. :evergreen_tree:

Thoughts on Victoria

Victoria! <3 First, I love her nickname as well; itā€™s punchy, and I can see B easily calling out to her with it, while Jā€™s ā€˜Victoriaā€™ seems more formal?? Idk, I like the contrast and name meanings. Iā€™m glad that Bā€™s support of this route shined through. I just recently wrapped up a friendship-dependent section where you can choose to see more of their support (and curiosity) about the townā€™s detective. (Yes, B does think Jā€™s role is a little cool.) More importantly, Iā€™m imagining how it will feel for someone to see Bā€™s support on Jā€™s route for this section versus how they handle Rā€™s section, lol. XD It comes from a place of concern; B cares for the MC. :people_hugging:

That is an interesting line you drew attention to within Jā€™s Chapter 3 nightmare scene about old wounds. I wonā€™t say too much about it; however, I think thatā€™s a good catch that can provide insight on how the MCā€™s absence deeply affected J. The ROs do behave very differently in nightmares; itā€™s hard to say how much is true or false, though there is often some glimmers of insight.

I smiled when I saw you caught some of Jā€™s slip-ups while trying to be professional! I think thatā€™s a testament to the MCā€™s influence since the Detective side of themself takes a backseat. (They are also kind of adorably awkward when trying to recover from them, although R and S might know whatā€™s up. Iā€™m sure R had something they wanted to sayā€¦ They almost always do. >.>) Jā€™s guard is raised after all thatā€™s happened. The MC has the best chance of slipping under it again.

Also, thank you for Vickyā€™s stats and for letting me meet her. :smiley:

Iā€™m off to either decide whose section I want to take on next or to work on some edits/coding things. Possibly both, depending on how much time I have.

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead! :green_heart:


Fun fact - sheā€™s the last one of my MCs, but the first one who got the nickname scene with Silas. But then, only Kassi and her got ones.
And yes, the contrast between B and Jā€™s behavior towards her is obvious. They both care for the MC but show it so differently. Or more like B is showing it and J is trying to hide it. Especially when heā€™s in love :grin:

Yeah, I didnā€™t quote all of Rā€™s quips, because Iā€™m afraid all of you would think Iā€™m obsessed with him. OK, Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m a little bit obsessed :rofl: But youā€™re to blame for creating such a good RO for my tastes.

Toss a coin or more like throw a dice? Have you written the revenge scene for the ā€œhand-shaky bye byeā€? I canā€™t wait to tease R for it.
And now I want to replay with Joy againā€¦


You start another Joy run and Iā€™ll start another Naia run. Now that sheā€™s becoming more solid in my head, itā€™ll be even more fun to play. Plus, I just need some more Reese in my life right nowā€¦

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