The Chaos State

Don’t see what? Please elaborate? :slightly_smiling:

Good reason. I meant that i dont see Just why that thing would be important.
Golden eyes i dont think you can pull great twist just from eye color.
Unless she is the dragon.

I was referring to why @SheaMcD expected her to be angrier :laughing: she’s not a dragon. Her eye colour relates to her mage abilities since her type is quite rare.

For some reason I imagined her to look like Zelda from Loz…but more awesome…
…no just me?..:sweat_smile:

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The game seemed really cool , I actually got sad when the preview ended , hoping you’ll finish it !

Also I am a Shadowrun fan myself and it was amazing playing it as a gamebook , it’s something I always wanted <3

Ahem, how 'bout a sledgehammer? Barbed?

Huh… First time seeing Shadowrun text game. Very glad to get this. Fun playing, and atmosphere is good.