The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart (WIP) (Ch 5: 10 Nov 2023)

Ummmmm. I didnt think of that :joy: switch vampire Moriarty for vampire Watson.


Will we get an outfit customization?


Ooooh …… that makes way more sense :sweat_smile:

Hahaha true :sweat_smile:


Will the game include high quality art as well? Would be disappointed if it doesn’t.


@jhin Yeess! :smiling_face::tophat::coat::dress::scarf::mans_shoe::high_heel::womans_hat::eyeglasses: outfit customisation will be in the next update when Sherlock arrives home :slight_smile:

There will be more black and white illustrations from the British Library, and I might make a few more item illustrations. I wasn’t currently planning on having character portraits or CGs in the game as I feel it might limit the player’s imagination. Or what sort of art were you referring to? :slight_smile:


This demo was enjoyable! :smiley:

Will we have the option to customize the MC’s type of clothes to wear? (Casual, Trendy, etc…) Or the option to customize The MC’s height? (Very Short to Very Tall)



Customise the clothes to detail: yes.

Choose MCs height: no.
Every instance of height or relative height difference would add complexity to the code and text, which would take a lot of time and energy to make right. While I do think height is an interesting customisation option, I chose to prioritise other things. While many people seem to want it, and I completely understand why, I still think I am doing the right thing (for the project and myself) by not including it. Hopefully, the rest of the character creation and immersion/Roleplaying won’t feel spoiled without it 🥲

Height details: the player will be of average to above-average height for their specifications, which means that ROs can be both taller or shorter depending on the combinations of character specifications and preferences.


Yeah, they have a lot of really nice old illustrations that are free to use :blush: :+1:

I would like to add some art here and there, but it’s not like a visual novel where art is a focus :slight_smile: Though I don’t think I’ve seen a CoG with a lot of art, do you have an example of one that has good and plentiful art? What level does it take to not be “unplayable”? :sweat_smile:


I’m quite confused about this as well? Choice of Games and Hosted Games aren’t known for including art or illustrations. It can happen sometimes, but it’s a bonus. In fact, in every CoG the catchphrase “without images, fuelled by the vast power of your imagination” is repeated. (Not the exact quote).

I don’t think anyone expects art (except the art of writing heh) in any of these games. And it surely doesn’t make one without it “unplayable”.


Maybe they mean the ‘cover’ art that gets displayed on Steam pages or in the opening posts of official threads here on the forum? Some of it is quite nice, and does help set the mood, but I wouldn’t expect someone publishing on their own dime - so to speak - to spend a bunch of money on custom art. The portraits of the characters in the opening post are already quite nice, and above and beyond anything I’d expect ( :heart_eyes: Dr. Watson :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:).


I remember a book series, “the great tournament” where there’s images in them. Not a lot, but still there’s pictures in them :thinking:

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Yes. I know there are books here that have illustrations. My point is that it’s not the norm or compulsory to publish a game in CoG nor in Hosted. If an author wants to add art, great, it’s a nice and optional addition. If they don’t, that’s great too and like 90% of the games here.

I didn’t mean to start a discussion about which games have what. But I got a bit worried about how the author might feel when someome tells her that if her game doesn’t include art it’ll be “unplayable”. Because I think we all can agree that we fell in love with this WIP for other reasons :hugs::orange_heart:


Oooooh…. That I agree with :blush:


I would love your opinion!

I was thinking I should make a Wattpad account so I could possibly post side stories and pov stuff :slight_smile:

I also had an idea of a sort of collaborative playthrough of the game (written and voted on at Wattpad) where you contribute/vote (or just read) a novel format version of the game. Meaning the story is adjusted slightly to be written in a novel format, where the choices are chosen by voters, and the final product would be written like a classical linear story, choice by choice. (This is in no way meant to affect the actual game, more like a fun little thing we do together (at a relatively slow pace) where I also can get a feel for what choices people like and how people play :blush:

(I chose Wattpad for this because you can comment on every line, which would make feedback and voting easier)

I made a poll to hear your thoughts on this! You could also just write your thoughts here (or on Tumblr) if you like. I’m really curious to hear what you think! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It sounds pretty awesome to me one of my favorite choice games is Wayhaven and a big part of that is cause it has the occasional chapter where the point of view is in the pov of a love interest and the villain sometimes so I am definitely down for that idea.:grin:


I love fragments from ROs and other characters’ point of view and the author of Wayhaven does a great job!

Anyway, I really like the idea :+1: @Doriana-Gray


I like it. You have the same format in The Wayhaven Chronicles and whenever i read them i like POV moments.


I like POV switches. Dual POV is a very common and popular feature in the romance genre. It can allow you to have your characters frustrate each other but not the reader. (We know why so and so is acting that way but the other lead doesn’t.)

My only concern with the novel format based on feedback is the potential effects on the IF. If it’s the same story, it may feel like certain choices or outcomes are canon vs. what you maybe would pick in the interactive version.


Oh, sorry if I was unclear. There won’t be any pow switches in the game. I meant as extra side stories if I ever get some idea in my head or I have a moment I think I should explore from a different viewpoint :slight_smile:

So, perhaps “novel” was a wrong choice of words. It’s going to be a very small thing, where you guys (everyone who comments on the Wattpad page) votes on the already existing story choices (I don’t decide what happens.) Perhaps we will do 2-3 choices a week until we get to the end of the first chapter. I’ll do a few word fixes here and there, but no real substantial changes, just enough so that it’s not too weird in the linear format.

Perhaps it still isn’t making sense… okay, this is as clear as I think I can be: first there will be a poll on what kind of character should be played, then we will have the prologue (with no changes), then the first part of chapter 1 up till the cope choice. Then everyone votes on that line with comments. Then once some time has passed, I add the subsequent text up until the next choice. We then repeat the process until the next choice and the next.

It’s more of a fun game together, like a not live let’s play where everyone decides. I just thought it could be fun + I get some insight into what choices people like to choose :blush:


Sounds like a great idea to engage the players in the story/universe even more! I don’t have a wattpad account though, and I understand the comment feature is apparently well-suited for this kind of format, but if it could be hosted somewhere more accessible I’d appreciate it. :blush:

On a sort of unrelated note, I’m almost done with uni and am not busy with a lot of things, so I’m available to beta-read if you’d have me! :partying_face: