Supra Humanum (WIP - Minor update 4/2/18 - Starting Chapter 2)

Well, the smart saw would have to be on a network, which is possible. The trick is what is controlled via the network? Not enough to cause saw blades to go flying, imo.

Uh so will we ever be able to Defect to villians and/or betray our team?

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Who are the villains?

Why would you want to? Go.

Our creator/s who are hunting us?

Well there can be a highly manipulative pseudo RO on Villians side who will persuade MC and make them believe that they have changed over time and that their team are bad guys (which won’t be surprising since they are mercs) and MC would turn on them but still die as the Organization just wanted to serve their needs, would make a good-ish path right?

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The over charge of electricity could cause it shoot like a rail gun, or the capacitor they used has a very volatile reaction to heat causing enough combustion to launch the blade. So the capacitor is hooked up to the network for cooling purposes and when you sever the connection it gets so hot it explodes launching the blade.

It’d have to be random like…3/5 chance

Imagine your Character accidentally saying this to themselves with the comm open after a sniping

Edit or worse this…

BTW how do you link videos?

Good, you are at the start of the right track. Any info beyond that has not been revealed.

It is a good idea but there are two things that would keep it from this title. I have already made the overall arc and know how the villain will launch their plan for this book.

In fact… You will not come face to face with the main villain in this book at all.

I am debating just how far up the “food chain” you will go in the villain’s hierarchy. If I want the bad “RO” to come into being (s)he will have to be the equal to you.

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Copy paste for most
or select the upload button 7 from the left

I spent too much time in my HS computer lab playing that with classmates. I couldn’t help that I was too quick in completeing my tasks. Also played MUDs while I was in there. If anyone of you know what a MUD is (without Googling it), you are free to join the old folks club.

Ah okay… so you are planning on a series! I’d suggest you add bad RO’s role to the game but not to be romance-able just a few flirts and add her to be romaced when/after we meet villian

Oh thanks :relaxed:

What was your favorite mud mine is dragonrealms.

:smirk:This is sounding like my WIP (minus the RO)…

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NCMUD (Northern Crossroads) was my favorite, by far.

Just hit me up if you need help with hacking environmental kills. I got plenty. (Partially why I am saying this is because I am bored, also am I allowed to swear here.)

A future scene (rough draft, could be revised)

Details of... the FUTURE!

“Cover your sister and get out, now! We will meet at the rendevous point at the appointed time.”

An explosion rocked the hallway and caused the pictures on the glass desk to shake. Typing quickly, the man was trying to remove data from the server but was having issues with the backups.

“Dr. Bryson, I cannot leave you here unprotected!” A feminine voice said from behind him.

“Please, Sophie. Humanity’s future must be preserved and your sister needs a chance to live her life.” He sighed as his makeshift worm began to finish off the data on site, he would need to try to crack the offsite farm once more. “I must stay.”

“Very well, sir.” was the only reply as the voice faded away. Soon Dr. Bryson was the only one in the office and the only sounds that he could hear were more explosions and screams. He needed to finish and leave this place…

A different alarm started to sound “Warning! Containment breach in generator 4. Meltdown imminent.”

“Dear God, I may not have enough time…”


Ah so she are what you talking about that have same name as Sophia? And by the way,

Typo there @IronRaptor

It’s should be rendezvous

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I said I would have characters named after fans/friends. This is a tease of hers. :slight_smile:

I am not seeing the typo unless you are saying I need italics.