Superstition Game

Yep there’s one other planned female RO that comes into the story, and the chapter I’m writing now contains the opportunity to have your first fling.


The story is engaging and i really enjoy reading my adventure route with Sydero, i haven’t finish but the romance route with Sydero has huge potential… :slight_smile:

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Does the mc usually wear long sleeves to cover up the scars or is that up to the player’s imagination?

Great story so far, looking forward to seeing more. Now, that being said, I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t nitpick just a little bit :wink: So, you know, spoilers:

Episode 1
Just some typos

Plot stuff


On the side note, I’d love to see what could you’ve come up with if we were not to join forces with Sydero at the end of ep.1. You know, choosing to try to stay low ;p

Episode 2

Edit: Also, not gonna lie, while mc was about to have their heart clawed out of their chest, I wondered if werewolfness is transmitted like that :wink:


It would be up to the player’s imagination.

@KJM thank you and everything was noted that you pointed out, I’ll take a second look before next update!

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Whenever you want to ramble, I’m here to do it with you.


Thank you, friend! :hugs:

Thus far, all the Sydero-loving people on this thread seem nice af. Wonder what Syd ever did to deserve us :face_with_raised_eyebrow:??? (Kidding ofcourse, since I don’t dispute her awesomeness). :heart:

Does anyone have any guesses as to who the individual the blue-eyed guy mentions that Sydero loves is? Iirc, he said ‘love her’ which implies she still cares about this person which is supported by her willingness to fight, even though she has stated love is a weakness twice now (telling the MC and later telling Chris).

Thankfully for our MCs-er…I mean, Syd also said she does not have someone special in her life ( yet :wink: ) in the latest update, so that leads me to think the love is not romantic in nature. So, maybe the individual is her family? It does not seem like she does friendships that often…

Just some thoughts.

I’m curious how that intense fight at the start will eventually tie into the plot. There is a lot of mystery surrounding Syd (something the MC remarks on) and I’m psyched to delve into it little by little because the anticipation and slow-burn pacing is amazing!

(Might have used spoilers and italics a little gratuitously, so apologies for that. :cat:)


I’m guessing it’s her sister or something like that.


I agree with @MichaelCrank I think it’s some kind of family member, sister or mother maybe?

I also love the anticipation. We get more information each chapter. Just enough to keep us still interested, but not enough to solve the case.

Does anyone have the feeling that she’s not a witch at all? I mean Toxic can apply any supernatural rules that she wants to, but so far she seems un-witch like to me. The ‘beast’ and faerie part, and that one part where (only if you romance Syd) she states that only two things can push her off the edge, it kinda stuck with me. But at the same time she has said numerous times that she doesn’t lie, she either doesn’t tell you or she does. So I’m kinda stumped.

Anyone romancing Chris? I’m curious about how he is, especially if MC is romancing him as a guy.

@ToxicDreams If we do the fling, will Sydero find out and will it hurt our chances with her at all? I’m curious about the fling but not that curious.



I also don’t get those witch-y vibes from Syd but she told us she doesn’t lie but she sometimes doesn’t tell us things. Maybe she lied when she told us that and she ends up being another super freaking cool supernatural. :eyes:


No, if you do the fling then Syd doesn’t find out at all. If you’re romancing or have ever flirted with Chris though, he will become upset.

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About Syd, if we have like a pretty high rivalry like say 75% with her but we got some romance points with her like 3 this far, would it still be possible to romance her despite the tense vibes between the MC and her?

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Yeah, I used spoilers for everything (just in case), so there’s a cat emoji as an icebreaker. I was very tempted to include a picture of my cat under a cut because he looks very similar to the header!

Yes! I also am curious about her alleged witch-ness. As you said, the author can apply whatever supernatural rules :slightly_smiling_face: , but Syd does not seem to fit the typical (pointy-hat-cat-toting-double-double-boil-and-trouble-i’m-stopping-now) witch-y mold. I still think she is (or was at some point) a witch, but maybe something has happened so she’s something more now?

I would be surprised if she outright lied to us about her witchness…but that’s a possibility. It kind of seemed like a point of pride (the MC learns this if a particular option is selected when in the abandoned house, iirc) to her.

Telekinesis (a la AHS: Coven or Sabrina the Teenage Witch :heart_eyes_cat: ) does seem like a typical witch power and is likely the one she was born with. The MC learned it’s usually one innate power per witch and the writing and reaction (for good reason) focused on Syd’s other ability which makes me suspicious of it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I’m not sure if there’s a succinct word for what she did, but the black vein, blood-in-the-eye-sockets take down reminded me of a wasting curse or poisoning that was sped up?? Basically, the compressed time period it occurred in and level of power makes me wonder what Syd dabbled in or gave up to be able to perform that ability.

Magic always comes with a price…:smirk_cat:

Well, usually that^ holds true. It’s a matter of when she pays (e.g. using the power takes a toll on her, so that’s also why the fairy ritual is needed) or perhaps paid (e.g. her shady past granted her extra abilities at a cost) it. Wait…maybe it’s a combo of both? Or possibly neither, lol. :thinking:

The fine grey mist that she uses is also interesting and unexpected! It reminds me more of an elemental or energy bender. We have seen the blue-eyed guy also use the mist (but his is white), so is he also a witch or someone who has undergone what ever extra thing Sydero went through? Maybe the mist is a witch thing…I’m not sure. Also, after taking the fairy potion, Syd’s eye color changed (I love that trope so much :eyes:) briefly along with the mist making its second appearance in the game. I don’t think the MC has seen the mist ability yet, which makes me think there’s a reason for that.

The pushing-her-over the-edge-thing interested me too! Hopefully, we learn a bit more what that means as the MC/Sydero dynamic deepens with time.

In conclusion, I love her. :cat:

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omg please do send us a pic of your cat,kitties rule!

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I asked Toxic once and she said that rivalry/friendship doesn’t factor into if you can romance someone so yes. Think Dragon Age 2 romance if you ever played it.

@lacunafiction Hmm your theory is great, especially since we learn while reading that witches sometimes result to making deals with demons. So maybe whatever she did got whoever she loves taken away from her for exchange for the powers. I now wish we saw more of Faye and how her powers worked so we could make a better judgement on witches, that and I just liked Faye.

I am so ready to learn more about her, ugh! I can feel my MC’s pain so much.

And yes, please include a picture!


Wasn’t Faye said her power was inherited or every witch got special power ? Hers is able to see the vision opf past and present of a person she touch :slight_smile:

I hope we have a chance to parley or negotiate with Queen Titania , since i am a hunter anyway, perhaps i could capture those werewolves or lesser demons and offer them to Titania as Sacrifice , in order to gain some favour or power that Sydora need …

Wow, you update really quickly

Ask and ye shall receive @Ritter and @TheBum . :cat:

Refined, dignified, regal pose

Less dignified,but still cute pose.

I just realized I could actually include a picture of him mirroring the pose in the header, but lack it on this computer. :crying_cat_face: Thank you all for being nice.


I didn’t ask but boy did I receive! He is gorgeous and I am so happy you shared him with us.


Thank you for your kind words! :smiley_cat:

I forgot to mention his name is Midnight. :sweat_smile: I also considered going with Salem (all the mentions of Sabrina the Teenage Witch on the thread reminded me of this) or Carmilla, but was unsure at the time as to his gender so went more neutral.