Superstition Game

So there choice pick Chris or Morgan to die well played good sir or ma’am well played :face_with_monocle:

Sydore is the weirdest character once you start diving into her personality truly.

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I loved the way you humanized the MC. But, in the future, we gonna be able to do some kind of “evolution” ( The mc got “accostumed” and killing monsters is no more big deal for him) in some moment of the book ?

I’m personally loving the “love-hate” sort of relationship my MC is having with her. :joy::joy: Now I gotta make sure Chris keeps his mouth shut about my fling with Morgan.

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YEAAAAH, i love the hit/kiss thing

Syd is like A Horny name for a goat’s offspring .

She does whatever she wants whenever she wants kills whoever she wants and feels no guilt or remorse and she doesn’t understand what’s wrong with that. Like if you choose to take the lead in the maintenance ruse she’s honestly confused what she’s doing wrong. It’s like you’re half older ( in some ways, younger in others) sibling half potential fuckbuddy


I personally sent Chris away. I had no interest in the man. But I do love the interactions between the MC and Syd. They’re pretty great, even with the Love / Hate stuff.

My Character Internally : Why are you such a fuckin’ asshole? And why do I love you?



She makes me so mad but holy shit the urge to make out with her right on the spot is real.


My character internally : Yes drooling on your butt was an “accident”

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My character internally: Why are you such a fucking asshole?


My character: because why not? Lol

So I think we can all agree Syd is a Dom


@Pedro_Ferreira Yea, I’m actually going to revisit some of the demo chapters and allow the evolution to go then. Maybe add an emotion/unemotional stat or nerve stat.


Okay but does anyone watch American Horror Story, mainly Apocalypse? Because I can’t stop thinking about what would happen if Michael Langdon and Sydero met.

That’d be fascinating to become numb to the horrors. Raum is in your face telling you all about the horrors he’s going to do to your body and soul. And you just shrug.

When we meet Raum again if we sleep with Syd.

“Don’t lie to me I can her taint on you”

Option: I wasn’t aware you could smell my breath from there

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Can I be a beta tester?

Added, added you as well. @Aleksa100

@TheBum how dare you give me such wholesome thoughts! Good gosh!


Would it be too much to ask of you could include me as well into beta test?

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Hey same here pls🙏

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Adding you as well.

I have enough beta testers at the moment, if you would still like me to add you on a list for if anyone else drops out or doesn’t really provide me with any helpful feedback.

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