Super Average Man (WIP)

Thanks man!

Also, my examinations went awesome!

BTW, Chapter 2 is NOW ON!


What I found



Is this supposed to be deal?



That aside, this a bit remind me of One Punch Man, so this is interesting. Although I must say right now this kinda lacking of choice, I can’t help but feel forced sometimes. :sweat_smile:

And I have​ been wondering, I noticed there many that like this

Why not just use *page_break if it just “Next”?

Ah yeah!

I changed that on chapter 2.

If I *page_break-ed the past choices, I’ll take a while.

“Although I must say right now this kinda lacking of choice, I can’t help but feel forced sometimes. :sweat_smile:

I’m really trying to incorporate choices, at least shallow, yet impacting ones. I’ll try to kick it up a notch on the future 3-4-5 chapters!

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Ah yeah!

I changed that on chapter 2.
If I *page_break-ed the past choices, I’ll take a while.

“Although I must say right now this kinda lacking of choice, I can’t help but feel forced sometimes. :sweat_smile:

I’m really trying to incorporate choices, at least shallow, yet impacting ones. I’ll try to kick it up a notch on the future 3-4-5 chapters!

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