Steam and Shadow [WIP] [24k Words] [2023-06-11 Dev diary added!]

Dev Diary - 2023/06/04

Another week down, another minor amount of progress.

This week has been spent on conversations. This is the first time the player gets to sit down and have the standard RPG style conversation with a few of the characters, without any external pressure, so it’s important to me that I get this section right.

Establishing voices for the newly appearing characters is proving to be more difficult than I imagined, so a good chunk of writing for Beck & Watkins (the newly introduced characters) was written and then immediately deleted when it wasn’t up to snuff.

I had originally planned for the MC to pick one character here to talk to, but I’ve scrapped that plan in favour of allowed them to talk to as many people as they like, with no limits on the number of conversation options they can choose. Not every character will answer your questions, but there’s not going to be any “And suddenly it’s time to leave” sort of situation.