Spices of the Heart (You're a Chef!)

Did I extend the end of Chapter 2 to add smut scenes? Yes… yes, I did.


Cogdemo is buggy as hell, save takes a minute to process, load takes another minute. Then you exit and load your game only to start at the beginning again.

OK! This is probably something to let EvilChani know on this thread so she’s aware:


Wasn’t sure if it’d like it cuz I’m not all that interested in cooking, but it ended up being more enjoyable and immersive than I expected. Good stuff :saluting_face:


C.C…here you go again, wrapping me up in another one of your gorgeous worlds.

By the time I met Julien I was shaking my head and going, “You know what? Hell yeah.”

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Is this a update to the public demo? bc just played again and there wasn’t anything new to chapter 2


Glad you enjoyed it. I think it’s the fact that it’s not just the cooking, there’s the characters, the drama, MC’s past, and it all melds together.

Haha. Grumpy characters are my fav to write so, you’re going to have fun interacting with our grumpy sous chef. :two_hearts:

Oh, this is just me posting my writing progress. I’, still trying to finish Chapters 3 and 4, and was not happy that the first smut scene was at the end of Chapter 3 so I went back and added some stuff in Chapter 2. Once I have everything done, I will submit it to my editor, and once they approve. All 4 chapters will be posted on the thread. :two_hearts:

Chapter 3 is already over 55k words.


TFW you’ve kissed your best friend and now they are asking “What are we?” :sob::sweat_smile:

The whole dream thing for both M and Alexis with all the paths and code is over 14,000 words. :muscle:t4:

@JBento What is this and why is it funny? :sweat_smile:


It’s a literal label maker. :stuck_out_tongue:


Always love your works CC. I’m very excited for this one. J’s story hit me in the feels so much and we’re only in the first two chapters. Super excited for this!