Spellbound: A Ghost Story (WIP) [Updated November 23, 2023]

I’m not sure why CS works like this, but I’ve found it sometimes behaves unexpectedly when faced with two-line conditional choice options and series of ifs checking the same variable. (Your example has both!)

Changing either of these things produces working code:

Original (Buggy)
*title Original (Buggy)

*create implicit_control_flow true
*create mundane 66
*create light 50

  *if mundane >= 65
    #Despite my wariness of magic, this does seem rather useful. 
      *set mundane %-10
  *if mundane <=65
    #This is incredible. I can't wait to figure out what else I can do. 
      *set mundane %-10
      *set light %+10

Example 1
*title Example 1

*create implicit_control_flow true
*create mundane 66
*create light 50

  *if (mundane >= 65) #Despite my wariness of magic, this does seem rather useful.
    *set mundane %-10
  *if (mundane <= 65) #This is incredible. I can't wait to figure out what else I can do.
    *set mundane %-10
    *set light %+10

Example 2
*title Example 2

*create implicit_control_flow true
*create mundane 66
*create light 66

  *if mundane >= 65
    #Despite my wariness of magic, this does seem rather useful. 
      *set mundane %-10
  *if light <=65
    #This is incredible. I can't wait to figure out what else I can do. 
      *set mundane %-10
      *set light %+10
