SoS: The Mortal Coil (WIP)

If still ironically said angel still gets promoted to an archangel position I feel Michael would have an anneurysm

Angel (in front of the Council and the rest of the angels): Legati Michael, my thanks. Without you giving me the opportunities to prove myself I would not be here

Michael: (gritting his teeth) my pleasure


EDIT: *sigh, when your post doesnā€™t get posted until 1hr later*

Ahh, this is a rival I need to see Michael compete against :heart::heart::heart:

Now what if said new Archangel ones up Michael ā€“
Angel (after the ceremony, goes Gabriel): Legati Gabriel. I understand I am currently the least experienced Archangel at the moment. But I will work hard to meet expectations. Would you mind accompanying me and showing me the way around for a bit?

Michael: [Angelā€™s name]!! Why donā€™t I show you around? Legati Gabriel must be very busy doing their paperwork

Gabriel: Eh? I just finished a pile thoughā€¦?

Michael: I saw an angel bought new paperwork onto your desk. Go do them ((mutters under his breath: And Iā€™ll ā€œtake careā€ of our new Archangel here)) ļ¼ˆā•¬ą² ē›Šą² )

I made a document indexing/categorising most of the Tumblr asks (with the exception of fan-stuff). I shared it on the Discord, but I just made it into a Google Doc for synced updates now.

Happy to share the link to the Google Doc here, since not everyone might be interested in joining Discord, but Iā€™m not sure if people want it posted here? Since it contains significant amount of spoilers? Or uh, links to spoilers.

Otherwise, I can PM you the link avery (just tell me if you want it :P)


Best part: said angel is completely oblivious to Michaelā€™s jealousy and treats Michael with a lot of respect and kindness that Israfael is amused that Michael is at a loss of how to deal with the new guy

Ugh. I feel the need to give the angel a name at the rate weā€™re going


Mid tour, Gabriel shows back up. There never was any paperwork, and now theyā€™re pissed off and ready to pick a fight with Michael. The other archangels pull the new one to the side and whisper that this is just another day on the job. Then they start placing bets on when the fight will devolve into slapping and someone will have to go get Iz to break it up.


I can continue playing by clicking ok and then return to game and in previous versions I have been able to access the glossary but not this timeā€¦

Amazingly. Said Angel begins to suspect itā€™s Michael who has a crush on them

Cue Angel trying to let Michael down easily and Michael not getting a word in and being flabbergasted by the whole incident. Iz is enjoying himself though


This has probably been asked already, but who do you all picture as Lucifer?

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Ohhh boy, then in that case, Gabriel would be on the side supporting their nlossoming relationship

Gabriel: Michael, Iā€™m glad you found someone you like. I was getting a bit worried cause of your personality. But [Angel] is a great match for you. Itā€™ll be a bit lonely, but Iā€™m glad youā€™re happy :slight_smile:

Michael: splutters indeligently

Israfel probably on the side finding this whole thing hilarious with his straight af poker face.


Angel: Legati Gabriel this is a misunderstanding! I only have feelings forā€“

Michael: Me! They have feelings for me!

(Michael inwardly: the angel canā€™t confess if they arenā€™t dating Gabriel)

(Cue everyone else: congrats you played yourself)


I love this game so much and I am a heathenšŸ˜³
I think itā€™s amazing and unimaginable the amount of research you must have put into this! I absolutely love this. Canā€™t wait for more!!!
Uā€™ve made me fall in love with ani!!!

Oh yeah, I think someone ask this question already. The Lucifer I picture is the Lucifer from Danteā€™s Inferno.

The funny part about this (this being this amazingly cute thing with the angel who has a crush on Gabriel scenario) is that originally there was going to be a character similar to this (infatuated with Gabriel) named Ezor/Ezora. They were going to function as an apprentice to Gabriel, but they were cut due to scope and feeling too much like a distraction. And yes, Michael wasnā€™t going to like them, but they were going to be completely oblivious to why.

Those gifs sum it all up perfectly.

:sweat_smile: I just have to keep in mind that anything I say can and will be used against me (Jk, but you all remember details like a band of hawks.)

Exactly. Humans like the shiny gold, Lucifer is all about tonal quality.

Oof, thatā€™s a good one. Going on the list.

I love the level of detail you included (and I can really see wands as the AU version of Angel Blades so clearly now!)

That should be fixed now. Someone might have been doing rolling updates and forgot to add the glossary to the compile list.

Ooh, I hope you donā€™t mean Laniwynn. If so, heartbreak ahoy. Though thatā€™s not really that different from normal, I suppose :thinking:


@squarelyblue we got a name!!

Weā€™re like hungry, baby birds eatring up everything you give us. Feed us~~ Ahhhhh


Is this the part where the Heaven is going to have shipping wars? Haha

Random Angel A: I ship Ezor x Michael!
Angel Friend B: you nab! We all know the left and right hand of god belongs together! Micheal x Gabriel!!


The implication it doesnā€™t already have one is surprising. We all know though that Gabby is the launcher of a thousand ships

And you would think their popularity would shrink once their dadā€™s identity happens but it only grows once the tragic backstory is revealed :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be funny though if Michael trying to stop Ezor(a) from dating Gabby results in him developing feelings for them and once again his YA obsession becomes life imitating art


Help me
I canā€™t say I didnā€™t see it coming thoughā€¦

With a last wink, the fae retreats from her tent, the flap falling into place as she exits. You hasten to pull on your robes, struggling to tie the knot of fabric behind your head after Laniwynn made the ends lopsided with her preference for ripping clothes off. I chose the chad option with Laniwynn. Shouldnā€™t it said that I ripped it? @Dae-kalina

ā€œThe Chad optionā€ Iā€™m so done


Did the last choice of experience was already up and the author announced it or did I stumbled upon it?

The aauthorā€™s rolling out some updates these few day(?)~ but no official announcements for the moment until sheā€™s done. Iā€™ll leave the details of the patch notes to her cause she she might just want to announce the current updates herself once sheā€™s done (although they are on discord :slight_smile:)


I actually just played Laniwynns experienced playthrough