SoS: The Mortal Coil (WIP)

Yeah I saw a mention of it on the tumblr, but how do you get that option?

EDIT: Nevermind I just checked back at the tumblr and it says how to do it there. :slight_smile:


Yes, the ā€œLeaveā€ option was my agonizing favorite for a reason. I love you, but Iā€™m done with you. Alas, my Gabriel refuses to leave Ramiel. Even if heā€™s damned her along with him.

The connection that I feel to this story differs from many, many others as all that @Dae-kalina writes, I read. No flight plans set in stone, my character has no fear to be out of character as I find it imperative to traverse all options while the ley lines she lays down for us each gift a unique experience.

As in one specific path, to a specific path wherein Gabby becomes privy to Leoch sketching their beautiful back. Or how a bitter, hurt Gabriel reacts to the faeā€™s realization that they are in love as opposed to the way an easygoing Gabriel reacts. The quality and detail within is sublimely divine.


I did! I better start searching for that post!

Whatā€™s funny is that I picked that option on my first play through but after reading the second paragraph I restarted the game because I didnā€™t like that option IF ONLY I READ FURTHER ;_;

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I couldnā€™t contain myself anymore lol
A SOS: The Mortal Coil fancast (more like ā€œSOS PLEASE, THERE ARE HOT PEOPLE IN MY DOORSTEPā€ UP TOP :raised_hand:)

















Daniel (grown up)


Josie (grown up)



I had already constructed an appearance for some characters before the official descriptions came out so Iā€™m kinda cheating, maybe? I Dunno lol Leo, Ramiel, (why is it always the ROs I want?!) Daniel and Tedea were so fucking hard to find I almost gave up pff


Thereā€™s a master post on @Dae-kalinaā€™s Tumblr with all of the ROā€™s physical appearances, so that may help with potential fancasts:

That being saidā€¦

Thereā€™s only really one choice for my baby here:



Your Stephanie fan cast is beautiful! Who is she? :open_mouth:


Love your choice for Ramiel!

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Sheā€™s zhang zilin :kissing:

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@cookiemonsta OH MY GOSH, SEAN Oā€™ PRY! i love that man. :heart_eyes: god, he is so dreamyyy. i cant believe u cast him as ramiel! now im gonna imagine its him regardless of what his actual description is. :joy:
ryder is supposed to have norse features tho, he has long blonde hair and pale eyes as i recall.

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About Ryder, I know he has fabulous long blonde hair but like I said I already imagined how some characters look like before the official descriptions came out and he kinda stuck to me as having short black hair I donā€™t know why lol

oK!!! more gabe/peeps from this story ahh!! i waited so long to post this sorry.

(itā€™s lip stick)

story is fueled by gabrielā€™s tears

gabe again
gabe and michael

prefall ramiel

lawyer ramiel

thatā€™s everything!
(1) Lucifer 2) Gabe 3) long post of everyting else)
(link to all SOS art)


So Iā€™m sure this was addressed in an earlier conversation, but I couldnā€™t find it. So I looked through the male RO options and Michael wasnā€™t on there. I just really got an RO vibe from Michaelā€™s actions in the play through and Iā€™m just curious as to why Michaelā€™s not a RO

He is a RO he just wasnā€™t initially. You can find out more about him on the tumblr.

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I played through the new fae scene and I quite enjoyed the encounter with Leochlan, even tho I unfortunately wonā€™t experience it in my canon playthrough (as I donā€™t trust Ramiel enough, especially after having a spear aimed at my neck). If this is a taste of what future romances scenes will be like tho, I imagine they be quite fun as well. ^.^

So Iā€™ve been undecided about ROs, but reading the recent asks on the tumblr Iā€™m really starting to take a liking to Ryder. He seems really sweet and fun, he might end up stealing my Gabrielā€™s heart. :3

On another topic, anyone else finding their alleged Archangel of God committing a surprising number of cardinal sins on a regular basis? So far Iā€™ve got Wrath, Pride, Lust, Envy and arguably Sloth. :stuck_out_tongue:


I just replayed since the new demo, and Iā€™m loving it. I read through the tumblr and I think I have a better idea of who my Gabriel will be.

I picture her being pretty stunned by the AROF designation. Sheā€™s starting to question her place in Heaven now, and her view of her new assignment has gone from ā€œinconvenient, but whateverā€ to ā€œI need a century away from these feather brained jerks.ā€

Leaving Heaven behind wonā€™t cross her mind for a while, but it will eventually. Sheā€™s been losing her nesties one by one - Rami falls, Michael did a pivot and seems like he canā€™t stand her anymore (except for being briefly affectionate in the GAO before running away), so sheā€™s a little clingy with Izzy because heā€™s all she has left. But eventually sheā€™ll adopt Daniel as real family, not just ā€œI have to watch him because God said so.ā€ Then sheā€™ll start adding her friends to her found family, maybe even Lucifer if he can try to behave as much as possible for the King of Hell. Michael will probably pop a gasket.

On tumblr, @Dae-kalina mentioned binging Disney movies with Daniel, and Lilo and Stitch will ruin my Gabby. Gonna be her first ugly cry.

Meeting Ramiel will be Gabbyā€™s second ugly cry. :grin:


My Gabby isnā€™t particularly thrilled by the assignment so, following the tutelage of the great Ron Swanson, will there ever be an option to call Daniel by the wrong name so he knows weā€™re not that close?


I totally want that as well :+1:

Gabriel: Go to bed Dean!
Daniel: Its Danielā€¦
Gabriel: Yeah whatever Denise.



who wouldnā€™t want to follow the greatest man alive?


Snuck in a little update (20+k words for Laniwynnā€™s route through the fae village. Only one of the options for your sexual experience is currently available; the other two will be coming soon, along with the dancing with both option, followed by the skipping the fae village route, which will be noticeable shorted, and then finally the trial route.)

More like Iain, Karyn, and Ryder. Iro will sleep with any Gabriel, but will only have a relationship (of sorts) with dark Gabriel.

Itā€™s no longer available.

Michael was always in love with Gabriel, but originally the mc wasnā€™t going to get the option to romance Michael because Michaelā€™s behavior isnā€™t really healthy.

It is such a delight to write the awkward fumblings of those two.

There will be much feels when we get there. Itā€™s getting closer. About 1.5 scenes away before we return to the present day.

Lucifer wouldnā€™t ever ask that of Gabriel. And yes, it was God. Gabriel isnā€™t that gullible.

I have read Strays, but I have zero recollection of that character at all. Itā€™s also been a while since Iā€™ve read it, so if itā€™s not Feral or Meela, Iā€™m going to draw a complete blank. For me, Leo is more like an overeager puppy with some moments of mature confidenceā€“if he survives.

But to Lucifer, they arenā€™t family. They arenā€™t even the same species. His human-hybrid offspring are just distractions, pawns at best, rabid dogs at worst. Heā€™s not rejecting them because that would mean that they have to first register as something of meaning to him. Itā€™s not a conscious deliberate decision; to Lucifer, it just is. If he wasnā€™t allowed to be a parent to the one child he considered his, why would he even think that being a father to the hybrids is a thing? And he would never hate Gabriel, never fear.

Sort of. From a selection.


I wonder if I have tipped my hand too soon. There are certain truths in your wonderings, though I will not confirm which are valid and which are just rumor.

It will certainly be an interesting balancing act, and at times Gabriel may feel stretched too thin by the pair.

More salt will be available for pouring on Ramielā€™s emotional wounds before he Falls.

Ah, this comment soothes my anxious muse. Iā€™m so glad that all the variations I write out feel worth-wile (since forward progress is often delayed by writing out parallel paths).

I do like to throw in surprises on occasion. I am, of course, biased, but I recommend reading through selected options. No one dies as a result of your choicesā€¦ yet.

And yay! @cookiemonsta Love the fancast (though I cannot see Joe Manganiello as anything other than Alcide Herveaux, and my vision of Ryder does not quite align with yours :smile:) Your Gabby is absolutely adorable.

That fancast is uncannily good.

Ahhhh! Theyā€™re all so lovely! Thanks for sharing them :heart:

Sweet and fun arenā€™t the first words I would use to describe Ryderā€¦ but if you like guys who want to serve up the world to you on a platter, heā€™s your man warlock.

And really, itā€™s the degree of the sin that would have the Council marking it as a Cardinal sin. No one expects the angels to be perfectly squeaky clean, as long as Heavenā€™s dirty laundry is kept behind closed doors.

Hmmm, weā€™ll see. My intention was more for them to keep calling Daniel as ā€˜hey youā€™ or ā€˜childā€™ā€“not even bothering with a name.