Sorcerer Combat: Atomica (WIP) (Update 4/9/2024)

hey idk if this was reported before but i got this bug “one line 315: Non existent variable 'ec_pronoun_possesive”



Those errors were reported and fixed some time ago…when did you get this?


It works now :100::pray:t4:

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I don’t know if I’m the only having these errors

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Fixed! Made sure to check all the way through again. But please say if it repeats.


News? :scream_cat:

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-Art reveal (fem J)

Hello! The latest update of Sorcerer Combat is out now on Patreon along with the introduction to monthly combat.

I do feel the need to explain very briefly a bit on what monthly combat is. The main game’s themes do revolve around wielding an absolute power. Monthly combat is more a chance to test that power’s limits against beloved characters more on your level.


Who is the “Chosen One” is it the fraud who recently got cut in half by the pink hair fraud?


Great overlord, blueberry, what the hell is this?!


My Mc ain’t no fraud like those Japanese frauds “eye fraud” and “Pink hair fraud” tho “eye fraud” got cooked so he ain’t no chosen one he got fraud checked :point_up:t5::point_up:t5:


loved it though i realized alot of cases where thats missing names for example its just (missing name)'s reaction ,says (empty or missing name), most of the time i cant even tell who is talking only exeption is the mc and vinnie who sometimes changes to vin and also changes gender


Yes thank you. I’ve had this reported before…I’ll take a look at the code.


Master class!!


Personally, I really enjoyed what you have going. I really like the story so far and am excited to see where this goes. Just a couple of fixes with some grammatical errors as well as maybe correcting some sentences to make them flow better and have a better delivery. At the end of the demo a scene did repeat so that is something you should check out. Keep up the good work!


Thank you for reading!

Right now improving how the game flows and grammatical errors are my largest priority next to looking over the code.

I’m aiming to have hashed these things out completely by end of march in time for the next public and private update. By far they’re the books biggest weaknesses.

Critiques are ever appreciated. Feel free to either comment or dm any more issues with the book so far.


Thank you! :grin:

Glad you enjoyed, more on the way!


I want to understand the craziness of people tryings Start I’m a gettin, is it inside of our character? This intense power ?

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Well yes. It’s something everyone has just in varying amounts, you just happen to be on the much higher percentile in terms of the amount, it’s like being born rich…which you also are. SCA MC might be the most entitled character in hosted actually …:thinking:

Spontanous Eposition Dump
Id like to recap other things that aren’t supposed to make sense thus far.

The main thing is you and Atomica. Sorcery is connected to the mind, body and soul of a person, something as small as being a happier person can make a sorcerer weaker. Sharing a hex technique is one thing, many people have had similar techniques to each other. But ‘sharing’ an amount of hexed energy and most of all a domain like you and Atomica is like having someone born with your name, face, likes dislikes, personality and exact childhood and memories by sheer chance. Having this be a controlled process that can even be inherited is downright impossible.

Another thing one of the main villains of the show actually ran around telling governements about sorcery, Where before they had no clue…including the US. So what’s with all these organizations with near limitless money that are supposedly a part of a government that doesn’t know about them?

And how is sorcery at all a secret in the USA with how blase American sorcerers are when they use it?

Just some fun stuff you might wanna keep in mind. Not necessary to know exactly but I feel it makes things interesting.

Patreon Note: A mix up happened with our account login…we’re waiting for our ‘non-creator’ account attached to the same email to be deleted before we can hopefully access it again. There’s 12 days remaining. After they’re done though the next update will be coming out alongside this month’s ‘monthly combat’.