Song of the Fallen WIP: New Battle Mechanics tester (25 October 2024)

I don’t really mind about Cyn perspective because what Reader see here is incomplete story I am sure author have converging point planned later in the story where everything click together, so I am not too worried.


@Left4Bed enjoyed what new stuff ive seen thus far but annoyed it restarted it self mid playthrough just now lol. Makes me wish to have a working save feature or easy way to jump ahead to new stuff where dont half to play through entire game again.

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Oooh…it might hurt you to know that WoT is a biiig inspiration for me, coupled with Name of the Wind. I do have intentions for more POV switches, as a way to create dramatic irony and worldbuilding, but I’ll be trying my best to make them work and ensure they give more than they take away. Always open to feedback and reworking my approach if it seems I got it wrong though!


Lovely!! Converge it will, stay tuned :sparkling_heart:

I’ve been struggling to get the save function to work on dashingdon (my dms are open if anyone has advice or help to offer on that!) I don’t want to remove the dashingdon link cause I still hold hope that I can get it work in subsequent updates. I did find a solve by hosting the game on COGDemo, so I’ll be maintaining both links until further notice! It’s link at the veeery first post, but here’s the link as well. Only downside that I don’t quite like is that you need to sign into COGdemo with an email to activate the ability to save.


Is there a tumblr or page or n e thing?


Ay! No there isn’t, but perhaps i should set one up… :star_struck:

Quietly working on an update in the background, to drop next month. I’ve taken in feedback based on the reception of Chapter 5, and I’ve decided to rework my whole approach to that chapter and undo the POV switch. It would be better served later and used in a different way. For those who did love Cyn though, have no fear she will be near! :sparkling_heart:


Tbh you could just add a choice for the pov switch. Especially if it influences the way they behave.


Next update will be 15 September 2024!

Plans for the update

  • Completely rework Chapter 5
  • Flesh out the personality system more
  • Introduce battle mechanics

Progress is going well on the new update, still on track to drop 15th September! It’s a lovely big chunk of words already, not sure how many by the time it’s ready but my typing fingers are looking buff and well used, they may have dropped a dress size. :scream:

As I finish the final parts of the update, I’m curious to know:

  • What’s something (an event, conversation, interaction ect.) that you’d love to see, or something you were hoping to see in the previous update that wasn’t there.

Depending on what it is, and if there seems to be consensus around it, I miiiight just be able to add it in with the new words. :sparkling_heart:


I’m really hoping to see the use of our characters powers as well as some combat using said powers. Also cheat menus are great :+1:t2:


Training and chance to improve this new power, to explore and get to know what this is all about.

Get to know what’s going on, maybe fighting some trash mob to test stuff.

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Our mc’s have a demon in them. Not what mine would call a power or at least not a power that is, in any meaningful sense of the word, his. My mc suspects every use of the demon powers would require making a deal with the demon, followed by the rather unpleasant experience of ceding to it control of his body while my mc wants to be rid of the demon not start on the road towards becoming its puppet. But I suppose he could use a few lessons on how to fight from his new traveling companion, as unlike his friend Ehren he never had the spare time or the interest to care much about learning the ways of the warrior…until now, I suppose. :sweat_smile:

Wonder if we could learn the bow or another ranged weapon as the dagger requires getting uncomfortably close to your enemies.

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When such good guy slaughter mc mom with cold blood like that I doubt demon is really that evil


Personally I’m very interested to finally try out the actual mechanics of the game and see concrete uses of our powers so I can better imagine their versatility and actual function.


Ay! The update is flowing but still needs some tweaking, I’ve added a lot of words and branches and some of the bugs are driving me mad :scream:. I’m definitely dropping this week though, will just have to plug certain branches and flesh them out on the next update. Please don’t hate me, and do stay tuned! :sparkling_heart:


Stay tuned, update dropping in a bit…150 000 new words. :sparkling_heart:


Update!! Fresh out of the oven -

With saves enabled:

