Sins of the Crown WIP Extensions and fixes (1/25/2025)

Sins of the Crown: A sister's descent (WIP)

Hello everyone, hope you are doing well.

It’s been a while. I’ve been working on the story quite a bit and these are the results. The “new” visual will only be around for the week the update is up and then after we will go back to the old one.

You’ve done everything to avoid this outcome, yet here you are, embarking on a bloody campaign of your own. This one promises to surpass all others in the history books though. But what else can you expect when you’re unearthing secrets that laid the foundation of the very world?

Sins of the Crown: A sisters descent is a Fantasy/Sci-fi story by Pariah where your choices control the story.

  • Play as male, female non-binary; gay, straight, bisexual or asexual
  • Explore 8 romances with characters possessing their own ideals, morals, and hidden agendas
  • Unravel the mysteries of your spacefaring ancestors, where every revelation could reshape the world.
  • Harness elemental powers and wield formidable weapons to carve a path through your enemies. Or, opt for a more subtle approach slipping in and out of the shadows.
  • Customize your gear and appearance to reflect your unique style and choices.
  • And amidst the chaos remember to question everything.

STORY LINK (1/25/2025) Extensions and Fixes

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

The patches notes for the extensions and fixes will be too long and most if not all of them will be evident. The only thing I might need to point to are the achievements, and there are only 3 of them so far. They are meant to act as a test and to encourage others to try different paths.

Character/Romance Tease

A piece of dialogue from each character and a few details about them. Minor to heavy spoilers incoming.

Liira “Does it ever get easier, telling them they aren’t coming home?”
Name: Liira
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5’7

Rauk “We both understand what needs to be done. And we both know what’s waiting for me at the end.”
Name: Rauk
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5’10

Echo (Male) “I will drag you to glory, whether you like it or not.”
Name: Echo
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5’6

Echo (Female) “Do not mistake this for kindness. I will keep my promise whatever it takes.”
Name: Echo
Race: Half-orc
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6’8

Isona “I still want to be rescued. Is it so wrong for me to wish for that?”
Name: Isona
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi/Straight
Height: 5’8

Killian “I want to lie and say I’m fighting for something”
Name: Killian
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi/Straight
Height: 6’2

Safie “I would give anything to know less.”
Name: Safie
Race: Dwarf
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 4’11

Ermes “We are playing with forces far beyond our comprehension but that is what makes it fun.”
Name: Ermes
Race: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 6’1

Please note the following are all AI generated. They are missing a lot of features and some didn’t even come close to the vision like the Echo’s, so please take them with a huge grain of salt. I plan on commissioning artist once I am able but these were fun to generate and the pictures will spruce up the place.

Dev Update Log

4/10/2024 Update (Minor)

  • Fixed a bug where regardless of power choice player ended up with Ice magic.
  • Implemented relationship stats.
  • Minor stat tweaks across the board.
  • Closed off player progress at Path split for now.

4/25/2024 Progress Update

  • Path 1 Complete
  • Not implemented yet

8/2/2024 Progress Update

  • Path 2 Complete
  • Path 3 Complete
    *All 3 paths implemented
    *Stats not implemented

12/24/2024 Update Log

  • Stats for Path 1,2 and 3 implemented
  • Character height created
  • Non-binary story gender path created
  • Additional scenes for Rauk’s path written
  • Chapter 1 near completion
  • Chapter 1 stats not implemented
  • Added 4 stories each for Folklore, History and Research.
  • Updated Generals Tab

*Seems I didn’t add this until (12/30/2024) On your first day when you chose who of your companions to help out Liira’s option is a dead end. This is intentionally as I am considering a rewrite for the whole interaction.

Dev Rant

4/10/2024 Rant
Its sad that I can’t update the story for the month, but I think this decision will be worth it in the long run. These 3 paths are vastly different from each other and for each I was hoping to explore a different aspect of the world and characters.

But talk is cheap, and I don’t expect anyone to believe me until I deliver.

PS. Sorry the first part of the Prologue is so short by the way, but I’m also glad the initial test story was that short. I couldn’t imagine having to rewrite and rework everything I’ve done till now.

End of rant.

5/25/2024 Rant
This was never the initial plan, releasing the paths one by one, but plans need to change especially if life gets in the way. I’m hoping to get back to my normal schedule in June though.

This update completes the prologue for one of the paths though and there should be 2 others coming before I start work on Chapter 1. And I understand that what I’m doing isn’t advised but there are plans to condense things after the prologue and along the lines condense things even further. This means the story will be less unique after this split but will have more options in each choice.

Path 1 is a little iffy so far in my opinion but that could be because I’ve read in more than two dozen times and the people helping me also started having the same opinion after a couple of playthroughs. On one hand the quick pacing, being flung from one thing to the next works but on the other hand there are a lot of openings to slow things down and build things out. There is a plan to fix things if they don’t land properly but that will come after the other paths are finished. No sense running in the same spot. Although one change I am definitely making is Sabers dialogue along the lines.

Well that it for now. Hope you enjoy and until the next update peace.

8/2/2024 Rant
This dev rant might be shorter than expected. I mostly know what this prologue is missing like the cut scenes from Rauk’s path and the lack of stats. Hopefully, I will address all of that in the next weeks, but don’t be afraid to voice your opinion even with the things I’ve just stated.

All in all, I enjoyed this and I can’t wait to dive into the next part.

8/13/2024 Vote Discussion
Hi everyone, I hope you are well.

Firstly thank you to those who voted, it really helped me out. The results were interesting, especially with how split the forums and Tumblr were about which took second and last place.

Since Path 1 took first I’ve decided to forgo the changes I had in mind for it. I’d still be happy to hear about any problems you have with it though.

Despite being “incomplete” Path 3 took second place here. I honestly thought it wouldn’t get any of the votes. Even if it performed decently I am still going to be adding a few of the cut scenes back. Hopefully, this will elevate it even more.

And Path 2 ended up coming in last. I would be concerned if the votes on Tumblr were also the same but I understand this path might not be for everyone. There were never any planned changes for this Path so I’m glad I can keep it as is.

Again thank you for the help, it made a few things clear. Hopefully, I can give a deadline for when a story update is to be expected on my next post.

End of Rant


The game is undergoing some changes. Every other link, except the hosted games version, has been tweaked to mention this and progression passed the intro has been locked. The hosted games version will also be receiving the same treatment in a few days.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reading.

End of Rant

A lot of general updates and discussions have been happening on Tumblr, especially during the hiatus here, so if you enjoy the story and want to keep up with it, without any financial string, please drop by.

If you are interested in early game files, sneak peaks at unedited work and would like to support the game you can head here.


@PariahLight found this:

intro line 82: increasing indent not allowed, expected 7 was 8

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you’ve made a promising start with your writing, but it feels like it could use more depth and clarity. while reading, I found it a bit challenging to discern the genre, and it seemed like the story was attempting to encompass too many elements simultaneously. providing some additional context could help anchor the reader within the narrative, but I understand that this is just a proof of concept so far.

your writing style is undeniably beautiful, yet there are some grammar mistakes and a scarcity of punctuation that could be addressed. despite this, the central mystery surrounding the rebellion and the royal family is intriguing, and I’d love to see where that goes.

the pacing… there were moments where it felt a bit off, and the dialogue could benefit from more personalization rather than solely serving as a vessel for conveying information. although the characters and storyline captured my interest, I did find certain aspects confusing and rushed.

I see significant potential in this, perhaps more stuffing before it’s a delicious baked bread! :croissant:


Hello I’m really really sorry about that. It seems that slipped under my radar but I went ahead and quickly fixed it.


Thank you for the insight. Some of the issues you bought mirrored a few of the things I thought would be a concern especially the pacing.

In terms of the world I was thinking of making a separate page in stats for history, legends and anything else to clarify a few things.

Again thanks for the feedback


Very short, but pretty interesting.


@PariahLight my curiosity is peaked looking forward to seeing more.

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I feel like I’m being incredibly dumb right now cause I don’t know how to edit my original post. Help would be appreciated but I’ll keep searching for the answer so in the meantime here is an “update”.

Please also ignore the fact it’s in the wrong blog.


Not dumb at all! It’s because of your trust level on the forum - once you post in more threads over time it will allow you to edit your posts. I’ve made your first post into a wiki in the meantime so you should be able to edit it now.


Thank you very much. I appreciate the help and information.


Hi, I still have yet to reach the appropriate trust level, and I’ve finally gotten the game out of the prototype stage and want to change the name of the post so could someone please help. I’d just like to change it to “Sins of the Crown WIP” if possible.

Thanks in advance if I am not around to see it.




A sneak peek at some of the work. Still a lot to do and I’m not a 100% satisfied but there is progress.

A much later scene in Path 1

The start of Path 3


I finally got the feel I wanted for the folklore section. I still need to complete it but so far I like it.

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So our big sister wants to kill us here? and my MC became a traitor :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds about right :grinning:

Is a save system coming soon to this game?

Honestly I have no plans for a save system right now. The story is still quite short in my opinion but I will came back and reevaluate this once it has gotten longer.

Enjoyed the update and I look forward to seeing where this goes!


I enjoyed what I read. Nice!

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