Shepherds of Haven (WIP) (DEMO UPDATE: 3 Aug 2021)

Hey, me too! :grin:

I’ve been imagining them as more 19th-century revolvers and pistols with some magical/steampunky elements. Well, let me clarify: very early guns in this world were basically rods that fired tiny glass orbs that held spells in them. So an elemental orb–an object enchanted to hold a prepared fire spell or a lightning spell, and which would release the spell upon shattering–would be propelled out of the “gun” at high velocity and would collide with the target, unleashing the destructive effect of the spell upon breaking. How did these guns fire the orbs in the first place? They were loaded with more orbs, usually containing Wind Sprites: pulling the trigger would crush the orb containing the Wind Sprite, freeing it and causing it to shoot out of the barrel at explosive speeds (and blowing the ammo out with it).

This, of course, was crazy-expensive as well as fairly ineffective: Wind Sprites were difficult to catch, and misfirings and accidents were common. The whole scheme was also totally dependent on magic–the opposite of what the Norms wanted. The invention of the true “gun” that won the Castigation followed the discovery of black powder, but it was still a single-shot gun that had to be manually-reloaded. Still, it was enough to take the Gifted races by surprise: only the Ket were fast enough to put up a really close fight.

Revolvers have made their appearance only very recently (say the last 10-20 years) and multi-shot handheld guns that don’t require reloading are still considered fairly “new.” Most poor commoners you’d encounter would only have a single-shot gun, if one at all, and the Autarchy has only distributed the shiny new revolvers to the upper ranks of its army. You can still purchase them off the street, of course: but yeah, single-shot pistols (especially of the dueling variety) are still pretty popular too.

Is there such a thing as enchanted bullets or guns? Yes, but it’s a closely-guarded government secret, only doled out to the Autarch’s most trusted Sun Courtiers (and executed by her personal Court Mages). Whether they’ll become more of a thing in the future remains to be seen.