Shepherds of Haven (WIP) (DEMO UPDATE: 3 Aug 2021)

[distressed honking]


Oh shoot, the romance scenes:

“MC, why don’t I show you around my bed?”

#Fluff your feathers.
#[seductive honking]
#Chase the RO into the bedroom and get distract by seeds along the way.


Tallys turns to you and smiles. “Thank you for standing by me, MC,” she says softly. Then her eyes flick down to your lips beak…

#Peck her on the lips.
#Peck her anywhere.
#Bite her kneecap.

The health bar is no longer just “your health is very low!” or “you’re blooded and bruised!” It’s just

peck PeCk PECK peck peck pECk


Tallys laughs and brushes you off. “You’ll have to work harder if you think I’ll let you do that.”

#Peck her again.
#Huff and strut away in frustration.
#Notice Shery and chase her.

Just fyi. I want “[seductive honking]” to be on my gravestone. kthx


Wait… shery was gonna watch you two make out

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The MC is a goose and that’s what you’re gonna focus on?

But no, no, I’m sure Shery had something important to report—

@rinari What if the only character who notices you’re a goose is Shery but nobody believes her?


Geese and elfs have a scared relationship or did you not do your lore homework
But on topic now
Will we get to choose a Speciality or are we doomed to stay a boring plain mage

You can choose your specialty when you wake up after the attack at Prihine’s wedding.

The options are:

  • Battle-Mage
  • Enchanter
  • Sorcerer?

what does the sorcerer do?

asdfghjk; @Blank I believe the specialization has actually been taken out of the demo. Woops.


From the codex:

Sorcerer : a Mage who uses occult rituals to summon demons and force them to carry out their work. Sorcerers seek to control demonkind, but often wind up possessed and turned into Thralls, either involuntarily or through bargaining with the demon for more power. Sorcerers are loathed by Diminished and Norms alike, and often commit horrendous acts in their search for arcane mastery.


@Blank As I said, you’ll get to choose what specialization you leaned towards in your studies in the game (when you get to Capra and meet the Mage NPCs), but like I said, you won’t have a dozen different paths to play through even when you do (to limit crazy variability).

@rose-court Yup, it was lol! It was getting too hard for me to script the battle scenes with four different weapons and three different specializations, so I’d rather just let people pick from the schools of magic they’re strong in and have those influence stats and spell checks rather than all of the theoretical spells you could hypothetically use! (I think the original three specializations were Battle-Mage, Enchanter, and Elementalist.) I don’t think the Shepherds would have let you join if you were a Sorcerer LOL.


So in that case, a theoretical encounter would look something like:

#Charm them.
  *if ((specialization = "Enchanter") or (magic >= 80))
    lol u suck loser

Yes, exactly!

#Rain unholy terror upon them.
*if ((specialization = "Conjurer") or (magic >= 80))
       You summon a wrathful spirit to unleash havoc on your foes.
*if ((specialization = "Wild Mage") or (magic >= 80))
       You transform into a goose to wreak cosmic horror on your foes.

Sorry, we can stop with the geese now lol.


A swan is stronger than a goose


But there are few swans, and many swarms of geese.

Also, what is that one filler/omake episode that always happens in any series? The trip to the beach? The trip to the hot springs? The random flashback/recap episode?


Just for today, but tomorrow…tomorrow is a new goose-fearing day.

You get the hell out of here with that blasphemy.

shit gotta get back on topic

So @rinari will we ever get to boop Caine’s snoot or does he not appreciate being treated like the precious bean he is? Because this entire time I’ve just been imagining my MCs treating him like their literal son, but then I also remember that he appreciates his independence and freedom, and I want to know if my MC’s affections might just smother him? :sob:

Caine: [finishes his duties] I’m gonna go out and play with some of the kids!
MC: Wear a sweater!
Caine: Ah, I’ll be fine.
MC: Wear. A. Sweater.
Caine: Ok.
MC: [brightly] Alright! Be home before dark!

or more likely:

Caine: [arrives back at the compound after]
MC: I was so worried!!! [runs over and hugs Caine]
Caine: I was only gone for like an hour—
MC: [furiously kisses his cute little forehead]
Caine: [struggles to escape]
Blade: [walks in]
Caine: help me
Blade: [walks away]





I want to say the hot springs happens all the time, but if I’m being very honest, I think the Shepherds sitting around, cracking jokes about their past adventures might be more entertaining. It would feel a bit like the Citadel DLC, or all the downtine in Inquisition.

But then the beach, omg…

And all those hot spring shenanigans, omg


Oh boy, all my MCs have a soft spot for him and would definitely be like this

MC: Sees Caine

Edit: also felt like I had to post this


I think of Caine thinking of the MC more like a cool older sibling than a parental figure, but I think he would appreciate being taken care of more than you would expect–mostly because his own mother never did a good job taking care of him (being a sort of helpless, frazzled figure) and he was the one who had to assume a provider/parental role over her from a young age… So it’s nice (but foreign) to him if an MC is fussy and affectionate! Honestly though he has his tangential appearances if recruited, but he won’t have a big role with dayoff sequences–so the MC can’t ditch everyone to just hang out with him all day. :stuck_out_tongue: