Shepherds of Haven (WIP) (DEMO UPDATE: 3 Aug 2021)

I know, I’m so jealous. If it was just between the one gender…I mean, I’d still be screwed because Shery and Tallys are both amazing in their own way, but at least it’s only two playthroughs.

But noooooo, I have to be bi.


You make me glad I am painfully aware of what I like and dislike. Aha.


Yeah i’m kinda bi I think I am mostly into women but I have had crushes on a couple guys

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link me to the meme please I need it for science


It took me forever, but I found it.


I love it also do you know what our magic background affects

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Why yes, I do.

Spoilers, sorta

Being self taught increases your cunning, magic, and independence.
Being apprenticed increases your intelligence, charisma, and magic.
Being in a Circle increases your magic, courage and intelligence.

The boost to magic is higher in the Circle background but the other boost are small, while the Apprentice background gives you the smallest magic boost, but the biggest personality boosts. The Self-Taught background is pretty evenly split.

In addition to that, being from the Circle also means that you either knew Red or knew of him since you both learned there.
You have the option of being old friends, or even old flames (he could even be your first kiss), this is all optional, of course. Though I don’t know if you’ll have the option of being enemies with him or anything, I only know the positive benefits of knowing Red.

I don’t think the other backgrounds will have old acquaintances coming up, as your Mentor in the Apprentice background is dead, and there’s so much that could be done with the Self-Taught background that it’s best to leave it up for the player’s imaginations to fill in the blanks, but you could ask rinari for more details.


how often does rinari show up or do they keep to themselves

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Oh, she’s here very often, she just hasn’t been here today, is all. She might even show up in a couple of hours because she NEVER SLEEPS.

In the meantime, you should check out the tumblr that rinari runs for the game. I’ve sent in so many dumb asks, it’s great. My favorite one is the goose ask, the lime water one is a close second.


I think she is awake right now she did a young justice thing an hour ago my text blob probably scared her away :joy:


I told you

I told you rinari never sleeps


Hi @Queen-Irene!! I actually LOVED your detailed post and I want to write back in detail!! Unfortunately I’m out of town for the weekend and I’m only on mobile—and I hate writing back on mobile—so I was going to wait until I got back so I could respond to you in depth :joy: Your post seriously made my day, my mind is racing with answers for you! It’ll just have to wait til Sunday if that’s okay! :slight_smile:

@rose-court Out of curiosity, which are the 4 ROs you’ve narrowed it down to again? :wink:

(Also quickly, the Apprenticed Mage route gives extra dialogue with Ayla, who apprenticed under the same person as you, and I think it also should raise charisma if I’m remembering it correctly. @rose-court is my able wingwoman on these matters! :laughing:)


Ah, it does! I just forgot to add that, whoops. It’s boosts your intelligence and charisma by eight so of course I choose it, I am a charismatic bastard.


I’ve decided to go with Ayla. Tallys is just too smart to mess with she will always turn my teasing agianst me and Trouble won’t even notice which now that I’m thinking about it might be fun in it’s own way… Then there’s Chase who would be fun to be with while we mess with other people but Lavinet might be the most fun to mess with as royalty. Well fuck me I guess I’m not as decided as I thought.


I brought some more memes





I still see sasuke every time I see blade.


Okay, I’m back! :grin:

Like I said, thanks so much for your detailed feedback, @Queen-Irene! I sincerely really appreciate it! :slight_smile: And it definitely gives me the motivation to work on ShoH soon! To answer some of the questions you posed:

About fascism: I agree, fighting the Endarkened and only the Endarkened would kind of suck! That’s why the game is about building up the Order and deciding what you’re going to do with the power: only fight demons, or also try and make the world a better place? :slight_smile: I have been trying to keep most of that aspect under wraps, though, so we’ll just see how the story plays out. :wink:

Your read on the characters so far is pretty spot-on, particularly Blade: he is very internally intense and hardcore about everything he engages with, sometimes to a fault! And Shery is gay, so good news all around!

Thank you again for your feedback on the writing style, I strive to write fantasy that isn’t plodding and overladen with description, so I’m glad that the pacing and everything worked for you!

I am in the process of revamping the weapons system: in the old way, the PC could train their weapons skill with other characters, which is why they start off as quite weak in whatever they chose. This will change (since I realized it created ‘favoritism’ with certain characters) but the demo as it is now still reflects the old way. :slight_smile: And yes, as @rose-court said, you’re only adopted by the Hunters, not a biological Hunter, so you don’t share any of their physical characteristics.

Religion will definitely be addressed as a big plot point later in the story: particularly how the Autarchy has shaped the New Church, how the Autarch as a religious figure controls the populace, and how it all conflicts with the ideas of the Old Faith/old gods. In terms of the player character’s beliefs, it will affect the story in some ways, but I can’t at the moment divulge how. I will say that how much the MC believes in a thing matters more than what the MC believes: in other words, their level of faith vs. skepticism is checked more than what they do or don’t worship, though the latter can be a talking point with NPCs to whom religion matter!

Also: I’m not the only one who never sleeps, @rose-court never sleeps too! #petty

@GuardsmanTheMad YESSSS EXCELLENT. Do I have your permission to share these, too? They’re as hilarious as usual! :joy::joy::joy: I’m dying at Blade’s pillow talk oh my god…


I’ve noticed that all the girls keep asking if sherry is gay. But none of them bothers asking if tallys is. Poor elf.

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Go ahead. And you don’t need to ask for my permission to share them

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@GuardsmanTheMad Thank you! :grin:

@UmbraLamia It’s probably because they already know, since Tallys hits on everybody if they’re not being an absolute dick LOL.