Having a weird bug where occasionally the game seems to get stuck on the stats screen, and reloading the game doesnât fix it. Restarting and THEN reloading does, however.
Thanks for letting me know, I canât seem to be able to replicate the bug, Iâm not sure if itâs on the Dashingdon end or my end. Is it only happening in a particular scene/page?
Thatâs not a problem with the game specifically, thereâs nothing you can do about it
Possibly related (the description makes it kind of hard to tell) but avoid saving your game freshly after you visit/leave Stats screen. Only do it after arriving to a next page.
I really hope there will be a drawn map sooner or later!
I plan on making one eventually, Iâd just like to get to a certain point in the story before switching gears to create a map.
Total Word Count: 253,671 (216,172 w/o code)
Average Playthrough Length: 73,763
By a funny coincidence, today is the three month anniversary of the first update, so happy birthday Shattered Eagle! I never thought I would have written over two hundred thousand words in three months when I first started, but here we are. Iâve seen plenty of excellent feedback, insightful questions, vigorous conversations, and interesting theorizing here and on Tumblr in the past month, so thank you all once again for your commentary! There will be much more to come.
Chapters I-III Changelog:
I have only made minor grammatical corrections and variable adjustments for the first three chapters.
Chapter IV Changelog:
It exists now! You might note that despite being longer than any one chapter I have posted before, the average playthrough is significantly lower. Thatâs due to the larger amount of branching in this update, so depending on your choices this may be a chapter of mystery, murder and betrayal, or a much steadier and more stable episode of the Prefectâs story. This is the penultimate chapter of Act I, so expect the next chapter to deliver an explosive conclusion to the first third of this book.
As always, please point out any errors, typos, odd spacing, bits that donât work, bits you especially liked, that sort of thing. Thank you!
Congrats! Thatâs a great achievement.
YES!!! I check this every day for an update. Absolutely love this story. Cannot WAIT to play this! Thank you so much for writing this absolutely incredible story and letting us experience it!
Yep, called it, we would be the ones to personally do the dark deed during the coup. Did not expect to use the thing this early, though, was actually hoping to handle Titus personally as the spymaster. @Azan Is it safe to assume that by the end of the next act we would end up a regent in full capacity regardless of how we choose by the end of this act?
Well, I canât speak to what happens in future chapters or acts until theyâre posted. All I can say is stay tuned.
Upon retreading, I found the option concerning handling Titus personally. Still when I choose to tell Julia of his threat of exposing Augusta, I was more expecting an option of approval to handle it myself, especially as her spymaster.
The reason why is because she wants to handle it, not just hand it off to the MC like any other loose end to be tied up. At this point, in Juliaâs view, having to put up with Titus for a decade and half and then him threatening her daughter or threatening her lover, she just wants to kill him herself and be rid of the charade.
A minor inconsistency during Ch.2 council:
*if commander_brought = true
#"Commander." I nod to her. "I'd like you to explain to the council the situation in the city."
*goto command_expl_here
*if ceto_deal = true
#"Tribune." I nod to her. "Would you care to explain to us the situation in the city?"
*set ceto_opinion +2
*goto ceto_explain_here
#"Allow me to explain the situation in the city." I clear my throat and prepare to relay the information I've learned. From there, I will be able to command the agenda.
*goto you_explain
"What were you talking about?" Augusta continues after she's made her entrance.
*if commander_brought = true
"Your Highness." The Commander speaks. "We had just begun to discuss how to crush the disorder in Kyro's streets."
*if ceto_deal = true
Ceto speaks up. "The riot, your Highness. I was just explaining how we can make it all go away."
You clear your throat once more. "The riot we passed by this morning after services, your Highness. This council was called to discuss how we might prevent further outbreaks in the city."
Because the player can choose between either MC or Ceto/Commander to deliver the explanation, it can lead to a situation where Ceto/Commander will act as if theyâre explaining things, when itâs in fact MC who was doing that.
Thanks for pointing that out, Iâll just set up a temp to check for who is leading the explanation.
Looking forward to playing this update! Trying not to read the comments to avoid spoilers for now, so sorry for the lack of witty repartee. As always, I hope we get to see some more Iudian political drama, and I have been disappointed yet.
One error I have found at the end of Chapter III:
Juliaâs line âI do not wish rule over a hollow Empire.â should probably be I do not wish to rule over a hollow Empire."
My new favourite WIP