*Selectable_If and *If when Two conditions are true

I’m having trouble with selectable_if and if

I am trying to have either option if Two conditions are true

Specifically, the the player has been to crossroads2 and crossroads3

I can write the code for crossroads2 as follows

*if (crossroads2 = true)
	The vines blocking the path South are gone!
	*selectable_if (crossroads2 = true) #South
		Percy is cradling Jane in his arms. She is as gray as a statue now and her breathing is extremely faint. 
		*goto ladyjanepoison

What would be ideal is something like

*if (crossroads2 = true and crossroads3 = true)
	The vines blocking the path South are gone!
	*selectable_if (crossroads2 = true and crossroads3 = true) #South
		Percy is cradling Jane in his arms. She is as gray as a statue now and her breathing is extremely faint. 
		*goto ladyjanepoison

The code should look like this:

*if ((crossroads2 = true) and (crossroads3 = true))
  The vines blocking the path South are gone!
  *selectable_if ((crossroads2 = true) and (crossroads3 = true)) #South
    Percy is cradling Jane in his arms. She is as grey as a statue now and her breathing is extremely faint.
    *goto ladyjanepoison
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I’m not sure I understand, can you clarify?

The choice would either appear at all (by passing the *if) and thus passing the *selectable_if requirement (as both have the same condition), so what exactly are you trying to achieve?

Because if it’s to just enable the choice to appear only if both conditions are true, you only need to use the *if on the choice itself.

	*if (crossroads2 = true and crossroads3 = true) #South
		Percy is cradling Jane in his arms. She is as gray as a statue now and her breathing is extremely faint. 
		*goto ladyjanepoison

Since both checks are of the same condition, the *selectable_if wouldn’t matter.

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Thanks both! Appreciated!

Even simpler would be
*if ((crossroads2) and (crossroads3))

You don’t need the “= true” part.


While we’re at it, you also do not need double brackets for only two conditions:

*if (var) and (var2)
*if (var) and not (var2)

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